Category: Work

  • 20 Entrepreneurs Who Learned from Failure and Bounced Back

    20 Entrepreneurs Who Learned from Failure and Bounced Back

    When you think of successful entrepreneurs, you don’t always know their stories. Many of them learned from failure and persevered. Their stories not only remind you that failure isn’t the end, but it’s also a reminder that massive success is possible. Coming back from failure is more than possible, and you can find more success…

  • Counselors Explain How to Deal With Difficult Co-workers

    Counselors Explain How to Deal With Difficult Co-workers

    We all encounter difficult people and co-workers daily, which can sometimes feel frustrating. It’s tempting to fly off the handle at toxic people since they often don’t realize how their energy impacts others. However, getting angry or passive-aggressive at narcissists is like pouring gasoline on a fire and expecting it to die down. You only…

  • 8 Ways To Escape The Hustle (and Why You Should)

    8 Ways To Escape The Hustle (and Why You Should)

    We live in a distracting world unlike anything any other point in history has experienced. Learning and consuming is easy, and so many opportunities await you. You can access almost all of it with a swipe of a finger. There’s a lot of temptation to do exactly that; to step into the hustle and grind…

  • New Data Reveals Steep Increase In Freelance Workers

    New Data Reveals Steep Increase In Freelance Workers

    Freelance workers have become increasingly common in today’s economy. For decades, most people worked full-time jobs and remained loyal to one company throughout their careers. However, the optimistic notions of job stability and security are long gone. Many employers don’t offer pensions or other retirement plans anymore. Not to mention, fierce competition makes it more…

  • 7 Reasons to Lose the 40-Hour Work Week

    7 Reasons to Lose the 40-Hour Work Week

    A 40-hour work week is typical, involving five days of eight-hour shifts. While this schedule is an expectation for many people, it might not be an ideal work situation. Furthermore, a 40-hour week isn’t always flexible and can seem tedious. It might seem like you spend much of your life working, with little time for…

  • 8 Signs Someone Is Quiet Quitting

    8 Signs Someone Is Quiet Quitting

    How can you tell if your coworker is quiet quitting? They may not even mention resigning, but they checked out long ago. Could it be that they have burnout and are searching for another job or way to fulfill them in life? Very few people get a job when they’re young and stay there until…