
Celery Juice: Is It Really Healthy?

If you have spent any amount of time on Instagram, you have undoubtedly seen your fair share feeds extolling the benefit of celery juicing.

The movement was started by Anthony William, a New York Times best-selling author of Thyroid Healing, Medical Medium, Liver Rescue, and Life-Changing Foods. The celery juicing movement has since taken on a life of its own as wellness. This stems from influencers and even mainstream celebrities who have seemingly jumped on the proverbial bandwagon.

According to William, starting your morning with 16 ounces of cold-pressed celery can provide a host of health benefits. Some impacts include clear skin and improved gut health. William also states that consuming the cold-pressed veggie every morning can help you maintain a healthy weight and also flush out viruses and other toxins from the body.

Of course, the obvious question becomes whether there is any merit to these claims or if it’s all hype. In this article, we will take a closer look at celery juice and whether or not you will find it worth your time.


So, some of the health benefits being attributed to juiced celery may be up for debate. However, there is no denying that celery is chock-full of vitamins. According to UnityPoint Health Registered Dietitian, Emma Rueth, MS, RDN, LDN, celery contains vitamin K, folate, and potassium and makes for a great multivitamin drink when consumed as a juice.

Similar to other vegetables, drinking celery juice provides more vitamins and minerals than eating stalks of celery due to the reduction in fiber, which is caused by the juicing process. It is also easier to drink celery juice than it is to consume whole stalks of celery.

To help put this into context, one would have to consume two bunches of celery to receive the same level of vitamins that 16 ounces of celery juice will provide. This is why William and some social media influencers recommend drinking this amount each morning for improved health.

celery juice


The primary difference between celery juice and whole celery is this: the act of juicing strips away fiber from the vegetable, which the body needs to maintain good health. On a side note, fiber also aids in flushing out bacteria and other toxins in your intestines while keeping you regular and reducing your risk for colon cancer.

While on the topic, there are two types of fiber, soluble and insoluble. To reap the benefits of maintaining a healthy weight and stable blood sugar levels, choose whole celery over celery juice. Furthermore, studies show that foods rich in insoluble fiber can lower your risk of diabetes.

Of course, this is not to suggest that there is no value in consuming celery in juice form. After all, celery juice still contains a variety of vitamins and minerals that can benefit your health. According to the National Institute of Health, one of the world’s foremost medical research centers, the nitrates in juiced celery reduces high blood pressure.

Additional celery juice benefits include:

Reduces inflammation: Because of its antioxidant properties, consuming juiced celery relieves inflammation.

Lower cholesterol: Studies show that consuming juice from celery can help combat hyperlipidemia, a condition delineated by an excess of fatty molecules circulating in the blood. Although this condition may not cause any symptoms initially, it can increase your risk of heart disease and stroke.


Having detailed many of the health benefits associated with celery, let’s take a moment to go over some of the more common misconceptions. Many of the claims made about celery as a health drink are not backed by science.

For example, while the fiber in celery can improve one’s digestive health, no evidence suggests that consuming it will prevent digestive disorders like gastroesophageal reflux disease, for example. Another common myth associated with consuming celery as a health drink is that doing so can help you lose weight.

The fiber content in whole celery can help you maintain a healthy weight; however, no scientific data available shows that consuming it will lead to weight loss. Also, consuming celery does not lead to healthy, clear skin.

Whole celery is 95 percent water and helps to keep the body hydrated. Still, no evidence shows that consuming it will resolve blemishes or otherwise improve skin appearance.


Generally speaking, celery as a health drink is safe to consume. It also and contains less sugar than other fruit or vegetable juices. However, individuals taking blood pressure, statins, or anxiety medication should avoid drinking celery-based juice.

Similar to grapefruit and other citrus juices, celery-based juice contains furanocoumarins. This class of organic chemical compounds can prevent these medications from getting absorbed by the body properly. Furthermore, furanocoumarins can cause these medications to remain in the bloodstream longer, which, in turn, increases the number of toxins in the body.

All in all, if you’re taking any of these medications, speak with your doctor before starting any juicing regimen.


While celery juice has gained a lot of attention, other juicing options exist for the health-conscious.

Studies show that carrots, cucumbers, kale, spinach, and beets offer many of the same health benefits as celery-based juice. Fruits like lemons, oranges, apples, and limes, for example, also provide viable options. This benefits those who may prefer juiced fruit instead.

Surely, you have plenty of choices in juicing options. However, you will deprive your body of the fiber that you would have otherwise received if you opt for whole fruits or vegetables instead. As such, you should also consume foods like whole-wheat bread, barley, and oatmeal, and other foods rich in fiber. This will help to make up the difference.

Now we have established the fact that you have more options when it comes to juicing than celery alone.

Next, let’s take a closer look at the health benefits associated with other popular fruits and vegetables:

Cucumbers – Similar to celery, cucumbers contain 95 percent water. They can help keep the body hydrated while also improving kidney function.

Spinach – One of the benefits of spinach is that it has a mild taste. This means you can reap the health benefits even if you don’t really like this leafy green vegetable. Also, adding spinach to your diet, either as a whole vegetable or as an ingredient in your favorite smoothie, can reduce your risk of certain cancers.

Kale – This leafy green vegetable is low in calories. Additionally, its antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties can help combat arthritis and autoimmune diseases.

Beets – This delicious and nutritious vegetable contains properties shown to lower blood pressure. It also helps with inflammation.

beetroot - celery juice
Beetroot is a flavorful root vegetable. Learn more about it.

Carrots – While carrots are a great source of beta-carotene, they also contain potassium, fiber, and vitamin K. They can lower cholesterol and also improve eye health.

Now we know what options are available when it comes to vegetables.

Next, let’s take a closer look at some options for those who may prefer juicing with fresh fruits instead:

Apples – This delicious fruit is 84 percent water and can help keep the body hydrated; also, apples contain nutrients that help fight inflammation and improve heart health.

Oranges – Whether you choose to juice your own oranges or buy a carton of orange juice from your local supermarket, there is no denying the health benefits associated with this fruit. Oranges have low-calorie content and also provide a great source of vitamin C, which can help boost the immune system.

Lemons – Similar to oranges, lemons contain vitamin C and can strengthen the immune system; however, studies have shown that lemons also promote hydration, improves skin appearance, freshens breath, prevent kidney stones, and helps with digestion.

Easy to Make Celery Juice Recipes

Celery juice is a great health boost to add to your diet. It aids your digestive system working as a natural laxative. It also helps relax your nervous system, so you’re less prone to illnesses. Full of fiber, celery is the go-to for great juice recipes. Here are some for you to try to enjoy it.

celery juice

  1. Plain but delicious celery juice

There’s really nothing plain about it. Celery juice is super healthy, high in antioxidants and fiber. Here’s a plain celery juice recipe that is delicious and easy. Drink this simple celery juice every morning for good digestive health all day long.


  • One bunch of organic celery washed and chopped
  • ½ cup of water


  • Juice the celery according to your juicer’s instructions.
  • That’s it. Your celery juice is ready to drink.
  1. Celery juice blended juice for weight loss

Celery juice is great for weight loss. Drinking celery juice makes you feel full and satisfied, so you’re less apt to overeat.  Try this weight loss blended juice for an afternoon snack or a lunch alternative once in a while.


  • Two organic celery sticks
  • One organic apple
  • ¼ teaspoon ginger
  • ¼ lemon


  • Wash celery and apple
  • Peel your apple and cut it into a piece. Peel ginger and chop into pieces.
  • Juice the apple and ginger.
  • Discard the pulp.
  • Add the lemon juice into the juiced apple and ginger.
  • Enjoy!
  1. Celery juice detox

Celery detox because it speeds up your metabolism. You can shed your unwanted belly fat.  Drink your detox celery juice, then don’t eat for at least 30 minutes. The celery juice revs your metabolism so you’ll burn fat quicker. You can also drink the celery detox for lunch every day for one week. You’ll see the results right away.


  • One bunch of organic celery washed and chopped
  • One organic apple washed and cored, then chopped into pieces
  • An organic cucumber washed and chopped (you can use Persian if you prefer. Just add 2 or 3 instead of 1)
  • 1 small piece of ginger, peeled


  • Wash the celery thoroughly
  • Juice the celery
  • Now juice the cucumber, apple, and ginger.
  • Mix the celery juice and the other juice mixture. Stir.
  • Enjoy the fresh juice right away to get the most nutrition. You can also keep this in the fridge for up to two days.
  1. Lime celery blend juice

Zesty and sweet, this lime celery blended juice is a great alternative quick energizer for the afternoon slump instead your typical cup of coffee. No caffeine, but all the energy you need.


  • Two bunches organic celery, washed, dried, and chopped into pieces. You may use whole stalks depending upon your juicer.
  • One organic lime-remove the skin


  • Wash each celery stalk and chop
  • Rinse off lime and peel
  • Juice both celery stalk pieces and lime according to your juicer instructions.
  • Throw away pulp or save for other recipes. See the notes below.
  • Drink immediately to get the best health benefits. You can refrigerate it in a capped container in the fridge for a couple of days.
  1. Pineapple Celery juice

Do you love pineapple and celery? Why not blend the two yummy foods together for a healthy juice drink? Celery juice pairs well with all kinds of fruit. It complements pineapple because it offsets the sweetness of the pineapple while adding flavor at the same time.


  • One bunch of organic celery stalks washed and dried.
  • One organic pineapple peeled and chopped into pieces.


  • Juice both the celery stalks and pineapple chunks according to the directions of your juicer.
  • Throw out pulp or save it for later recipes.
  • Drink right away. Enjoy this refreshing pineapple celery juice for breakfast in the mornings.
  1. Green goodness celery juice

Green goodness is one simple juice with tons of health benefits. The leafy greens in this drink provide lots of folic acids, vitamin K, and selenium for good brain health. If you want, mix up the greens with any you prefer. It is fun to experiment with the flavors you like best.


  • ½ cup of organic of washed and sliced Persian cucumbers
  • Four stalks of organic celery washed
  • A half-pound of organic spinach washed and chopped
  • ½ pound organic kale, washed and chopped
  • Half cup of organic pineapple, chopped
  • 1 cup of organic apples, washed and chopped
  • Two bunches of organic mint washed and chopped
  • Juice from one lemon


  • Put the Persian cucumber, celery, spinach, kale, pineapple, apples, and mint into your juice. Juice according to the directions on your juicer.
  • Add the lemon juice and stir.
  • Drink and store any leftover juice in the fridge. You may want to chill the beverage before drinking, but you get the best benefits if you drink it right away.
  1. Chilled and green celery juice

Celery juice mixes well with so many greens. Try adding these leafy greens to make a green celery juice or mix it up and add your own leafy green ideas according to the flavors you like. Green celery is so yummy!


  • 1 cup of organic kale washed and chopped
  • One cup of organic leaf lettuce washed and chopped
  • 1 cup of organic swiss chard, washed and chopped
  • 2-3 organic Persian cucumber, washed and chopped
  • 1 or 2 stalks of organic celery, washed
  • One organic pear or apple, cored and seeds removed, washed and chopped
  • One orange with rind removed
  • 1 cup of coconut water if preferred


  • Put the kale, leaf lettuce, swiss chard, Persian cucumber, celery, pear, and orange into the juicer.
  • Juice, according to your juicer’s instructions.
  • Remove pulp and save for later. Add the coconut water.
  • Enjoy the green goodness juice immediately or chill, then drink. Yummy!
  1. Celery juicy blend

Can you say versatile? Celery is the epitome of versatile when it comes to juicing. You can get as creative as you want to add various leafy greens, citrus fruits, or other fruits. Here’s a simple seven ingredient juice blend for you to try today.


  • Three organic Persian cucumbers washed and chopped
  • Two stalks organic celery, washed
  • One organic apple washed and cored
  • Juice from one organic orange
  • A bit of fresh ginger, peeled and chopped
  • 1 cup of coconut water or plain water


  • Put the Persian cucumbers, celery, apple, orange, ginger into the juicer.
  • Juice, according to your juicer’s instructions.
  • Remove pulp and use later. Add the water or coconut water to the mixture and stir. Enjoy! Whatever is left, be sure to store in the fridge for just a couple of days.
  1. Simply delicious celery juice

There are so many ways to enjoy delicious flavors when it comes to celery juices. Keep it real and keep it healthy with organic-only fruits and veggies. That’s the only rule here. Here’s a super simple celery juice that’s great after your workout.


  • 2 cups of organic kale, washed and chopped
  • A small bit of organic ginger, peeled and chopped
  • One organic apple washed and cored
  • Four stalks of organic celery washed and chopped
  • One small bunch of curly organic parsley washed well


  • Add all your ingredients into your juicer.
  • Juice according to your juicer’s directions.
  • Remove the pulp to save for later.
  • Enjoy! Save any leftover juice in the fridge for a couple of days.
  1. Zesty celery ginger cinnamon juice

Celery can be the life of the party when you add some ginger and cinnamon to the juice. Here’s a zesty celery juice you’ll love in the afternoons for a quick pick me up or after your morning workout. Get ready for the punch!


  • 1/4 tsp of ground organic ginger
  • ¼ teaspoon powdered organic cinnamon
  • 2 cups of organic spinach (be sure it is washed and chopped)
  • Organic pineapple peeled and chopped
  • 2-3 stalks of organic celery, washed and chopped
  • One organic honey crisp apple, washed and cored


  • Add the spinach, celery, pineapple, and honey crisp apple to your juicer.
  • Add the ginger and cinnamon and juice.
  • Juice, according to your juicer’s instructions.
  • Chill and drink up for a zesty, pick me up.

What can I do with the leftover pulp from my celery juices?

Leftover celery juice pulp is valuable to keep. Store it in the fridge only a few days, then be sure to use it, or it can go bad. What can you do with the leftover extracted pulp? So many things, but here are just a few ideas.

  • Throw into your morning oatmeal for some extra sweetness
  • Add to baking recipes for muffins, loaves of bread, and cakes.
  • Smoothies
  • Vegetable soups for extra flavor and healthiness
  • Add to cream cheese for a fruity cheese spread on bagels or bread.
  • Add it to your chili. Yes! Add leftover pulp to your chili for an extra flavor kick.
  • Add to your scrambled eggs-Yes, you read correctly. Scrambled eggs taste fabulous with the added pulp. Try it!
  • Stews
cranberry juice for uti
Make homemade cranberry juice to alleviate a urinary tract infection–here’s how.

Final Thoughts on Enjoying Celery Juice for Improved Health

Of course, this list does not provide a comprehensive outline of all fruit and vegetable juicing options possible; moreover, the list offers popular options that provide similar health benefits when compared to that of celery-based juices.

In summation, while celery juice benefits are plentiful, it is important to note that they do not provide as many health benefits as some would have you believe. If you intend to make any significant changes to your diet, do your own research. Decide on the best options for your health and well-being.