charcoal mask

Researchers Reveal 10 Skin Benefits of A Charcoal Mask

The charcoal mask is incredibly popular right now. Beauty gurus love it due to its ability to detoxify your skin and make it appear smoother and brighter. Adding to the skin benefits of a charcoal mask, it can be made with a combination of other ingredients to increase the perks.

Just to be clear, the charcoal used in face masks is different from the charcoal you use in a grill. Activated charcoal is the type of charcoal used in beauty products. This means that it will absorb toxic things and remove them from the body.

Activated charcoal can remove bacteria, toxins, dirt, chemicals, and oil from the skin. You don’t normally have to wash the charcoal face mask off when it’s time to remove it, as it is more common to peel it off of your face.

What Does a Charcoal Mask Actually Do?

Impurities such as dirt and oil clog your pores, giving you a dull complexion and potentially quite a few breakouts. The charcoal helps remove those impurities, cleanses your skin, and it also aids in regulating the amount of oil being secreted by your skin. All of this helps clear up skin issues while also preventing future blackheads and acne.

This is all possible due to the activated charcoal pulling bacteria, toxins, dirt, and oil out of your pores. Many times, charcoal face masks are the type that you peel off of your skin instead of washing off and, if that is the case, it will also work to exfoliate your skin.

Since your skin is your largest organ, it is important to take care of it by doing what you can to keep it clear of impurities, toxins, and bacteria. Aside from the benefits that were just listed, activated charcoal can also benefit your skin in other ways.

Skin Benefits of A Charcoal Mask

1. Brightens your skin.

By drawing impurities out of your pores, your skin will appear brighter after the mask has been applied and removed.

2. Exfoliates your skin.

Charcoal has a coarse texture, and by applying it and letting it sit on your face until it is dry, it works to exfoliate your skin. It effectively removes dead skin cells, which can lead to brighter, clearer skin.

3. Regulates the production of oil.

Charcoal promotes the regulation of oil being produced and secreted on your skin. If your skin tends to be oily, the charcoal will help lessen the amount of oil being produced. This can prevent acne outbreaks and also clear up existing breakouts.

4. Removes blackheads.

When you remove this mask, you will pull it off from your skin instead of just washing it off with water. Not all charcoal face masks are the pull-off type, but chances of it not being a peel-off are slim.

When you peel it off, it pulls all kinds of impurities from your pores. This includes blackheads, making your face clearer and brighter.

5. Keeps your skin tight.

Among the many other skin benefits of a charcoal mask, this ingredient can tighten your skin. You can have the clearest skin ever but if your skin is loose, it still might not look that great. Activated charcoal is one of the best products to use on your face when you want to tighten the skin.

6. You can use it to detox your face.

Charcoal is the key ingredient in a popular DIY face detox. The detox works to exfoliate your skin, open your pores and remove toxins, and then remove any bacteria, dirt, or excess oil. A recipe for this charcoal detox face mask is in the next section.

7. It’s all-natural.

Since activated charcoal is all-natural, you won’t be exposing yourself to unnecessary chemicals. You can give your face a deep clean and detox it in an all-natural way.

8. Minimizes your pores.

Your pores become filled with dirt and toxins from the air around you. This makes your pores appear larger. Using a charcoal face mask, you can pull the dirt from your pores, which minimizes the appearance.

9.Can heal and soothe bites, cuts, and other irritation.

By applying a charcoal face mask to a wound of any kind, you can speed up the healing process and ease any pain or discomfort caused by the wound. If you have been bitten or stung by an insect, you can apply charcoal to the area to ease the symptoms.

10. Reduce the appearance of acne scars.

You can lessen the appearance of acne scars by applying a charcoal face mask. The abrasiveness of the charcoal face mask can remove the dead skin and reveal new skin instead.

How You Can Make A Charcoal Mask At Home

While there are many charcoal face mask products available to purchase, you can also make your own mask right at home. You can customize the exact mask you make to better suit your needs.

Charcoal can be combined with other products to make a more effective mask. The process is simple, and there are many different methods and ingredient options.

Charcoal, Bentonite, Baking Soda, and Coconut Oil Face Mask


  • 1 teaspoon of charcoal powder
  • A teaspoon of bentonite clay
  • 1 pinch of baking soda
  • One teaspoon of coconut oil


  • Combine all of the ingredients in a bowl.
  • Mix the ingredients together until a thick paste is formed.
  • Apply the charcoal mixture to your face and leave it on for 10 minutes.
  • Pull the mask off and apply a face moisturizer.

Charcoal, Bentonite Clay, Water, Witch Havel, and Tea Tree Oil Face Mask


  • 3 tablespoons of charcoal powder
  • 3 tablespoons of bentonite clay
  • 1 teaspoon of witch hazel
  • 3 tablespoons of water
  • 20 drops of tea tree oil


  • Mix all of the ingredients together.
  • Apply to your face and wait until you noticed that the charcoal mask is starting to dry. You should not let it dry completely
  • Peel the mask off, starting from the sides and pulling toward the center of your face.
  • Apply a moisturizer to your skin.

With this face mask, the water lessens the chance you will have skin irritation from the mask, and it evens out the pH levels. If you let the mask dry completely, however, your skin may still become irritated, and it may itch. This is because allowing the mask to dry all the way can quickly dehydrate your skin.

The Charcoal Detox Face Mask


  • One teaspoon of sea salt
  • 1 teaspoon of clay (white or green)
  • Water
  • Eucalyptus and tea tree oil – 2 drops of each
  • 1 tablespoon of apple juice
  • 3-4 tablespoons of activated charcoal


  • Mix the clay and sea salt.
  • Add just enough water to make a paste.
  • Put the paste on your skin, and gently rub in circles to exfoliate.
  • Leave the paste on for about 3 minutes.
  • Wash the exfoliating paste off with warm water.
  • Put a stopper in your sink and fill the sink with extremely hot water (you could also use a bucket for this).
  • Add 2 drops each of the essential oils.
  • By holding your face over the hot water, steam your skin for 10 minutes.
  • Mix 3 or 4 tablespoons of charcoal with one tablespoon of apple juice and one teaspoon of clay. Stir them together until you have made a paste.
  • Put the charcoal mask on your face, and leave it on for 10 minutes before pulling it off.

Charcoal, Lemon, and Clay Face Mask


  • 1 tablespoon of activated charcoal
  • One teaspoon of bentonite clay
  • 1/2 teaspoon of lemon juice


  • Combine the charcoal and clay with water to make a paste.
  • Mix in lemon juice.
  • Scrub the paste onto your face gently
  • Let the paste sit on your face for 2 minutes and then wash it off with warm water.
  • Dry your face and moisturize.

How Often You Should Apply the DIY Charcoal Masks

Just like many other face masks on the market, these DIY charcoal masks should only be used once per week. If you use them any more than that, it can dry your skin out and cause more issues. However, if you don’t use it enough, you won’t see the many benefits offered by the consistent use of charcoal masks.

Are Charcoal Masks Safe?

You know the skin benefits of a charcoal mask, but you still may be wondering if this ingredient is completely safe. It is always best to do your own research before you try a product or DIY mask but we have done the research for you and it is determined that activated charcoal is safe for use as a beauty product.

While it is safe to use a charcoal mask on your skin, it is not so safe to consume. It can cause constipation, nausea, vomiting, GI obstruction, and issues with your intestines. Consuming charcoal can also cause problems with breathing.

charcoal mask

Final Thoughts On Charcoal Mask

From clearing skin to preventing acne and blackheads, the skin benefits of a charcoal mask are endless. Your skin will look healthier, younger, and brighter if you regularly use them.

The only problem with using charcoal is that it is not safe to consume. This can be dangerous to your health and should be avoided completely. You also have to be careful to not let the mask dry completely on your skin or your face could become dehydrated.

As long as you use the activated charcoal appropriately, it is completely safe to apply to your skin. You can easily make your own charcoal mask at home, or you can find many types of beauty products at the store that contain charcoal.