
19 Quotes for Children That Will Melt Even the Coldest Heart

Growing up is not easy for any person. Children are wiser beyond their years as they interact with other children on a day to day basis hence the need for positivity as they move through their days. When people think about how kids communicate, they put into consideration how children talk to adults and peers. Before we discuss the quotes, consider these questions.

  • How do kids communicate among themselves?
  • How do they interact when they are with their peers?
  • What is the message passed among kids?

These insightful yet simplistic questions have been neutralized and answered using these quotes. Kids should be equipped with positive self-talk just as much as anybody else.

Why Should Children Be Encouraged Using Positive Self-Talk?

The challenges listed below are common among children, hence the need to encourage them.

  1. A child may be looking for acceptance from peers
  2. Kids may be suffering from low self-esteem
  3. They may fear judgment from others
  4. A child could be having pressure from the school to be successful.
  5. The child is naturally shy.

19 Quotes About Children That Will Melt Even the Coldest Heart

1.) “Don’t let what you cannot do stop you from doing what you can do.” -John Wooden

As children grow, they sometimes make things appear more complicated than they are. Direct your focus on to what you can do now, at that particular time where you are. Let your energy focus on the right thing.

2.) “We can all dance when we find the music we love.” -Giles Andreae

Anyone can dance or move their body to a rhythm that they love. If you focus on feeling good, the dance will come naturally.

Dance like nobody is watching, as the saying goes! It does not matter if your tune is different from everybody else.

3.) “The more you give away, the happier you become.” -Gandhi

At one point of life, you realize that the more you give away, the more you are happier than receiving. Try and give a little more and experience constant happiness.

4.) “Surround yourself with people who will lift you higher.” -Mark Twain

As a child, you must have the energy to get rid of toxic people in your life. Surround yourself with people who believe in you, love you unconditionally and support you. If your friends do not meet that standard, get yourself a set of new friends.

5.) “I think I can. I know I can.”- Watty Piper

Always believe in yourself even when it is not easy. Everything that you do or fail to do narrows down to confidence. Remember that the best time to believe in yourself more is when things are not accessible.

6.) “It’s not what happens to you, but how you react to it that matters.”- Epictetus

A positive focus and reminder of how you will react to a situation are significant. Wear your smile everywhere even when you are hurt. A good heart will never fade. Let a challenge make you a better person.

7.) “Being kind is never wasted.”-Barbara De Angelis

How you treat people is your path, and how they treat you is their path. Choose a way that will make you proud and a better person. In a world where different people act differently; being kind always is essential.

8.) “When you know better, you do better.”- Maya Angelou

Train yourself to be the best version of yourself. This attitude will make you learn how to handle even the toughest challenge. This virtue will play a significant role in identifying a beneficial friend from a hypocrite. Believe in and love yourself since it will make you learn to imagine a better life in your current situation.

9.) “You always pass failure on the way to success.” Mickey Rooney

When you avoid failure, you also avoid success. Do not be afraid of failing. Instead, focus on and spend your time surrounding yourself with people who support your setbacks. Every failure is temporary and is a process of being successful.

10.) “Make each day your masterpiece.” โ€“ John Wooden

At every moment, do your best. At every moment, do your level best and live every moment. The final reward will be amazing. The greatest thief of time is procrastination. Do what you want at that time.

Do it for yourself, not for others.

11.) “Reach high, for stars lie hidden in your soul. Dream deep, for every dream, precedes the goal.” -Pamela Vaull Starr

Do not be afraid to use your imagination. Although life is full of tests, questions, pressure, and parents, always dream. Keep your hope alive, even when it is hard to do so. Be bold. Dare to use your imagination. Be creative.

12.) “No one is perfect โ€“ that’s why pencils have erasers.”- Wolfgang Riebe

Nobody can love you more than you love yourself. In this world, you are not here to be perfect. You are here to be only you. Love your whole self. When you are who you are, you will attract the right people.

13.) “Never waste a minute thinking of anyone you do not like.”- Eisenhower

People you do not like or toxic people are not worth being thought of. Fill your head with positive energy, thoughts of new creations and ideas to become better.

14.) “Why fit in when you were born to stand out?” โ€“ Dr. Seuss

In a world where people are trying to fit in, it can seem a little scary to stand out. Be who you are. What other people think of you is not important than what you feel about yourself. Do things that you enjoy doing. Achieve dreams that you dream of achieving.

15.) Never let the odds keep you from doing what you know in your heart you were meant to do.” -H. Jackson Brown

Anything significant that has been accomplished was once unrealistic. Be it lighting a bulb, coming up with curing diseases, flying a plane. Each invention and idea was born from thinking. If you choose to settle for realistic, you will settle for average. Greatness is inside you.

16.) “There is a voice inside of you. That whispers all day long, I feel this is right for me, or I know that this is wrong.“- Shel Silverstein

Listen to your conscience. Everyone has one. If it tells you what you are doing is not right, then trust it. Before doing anything, ask yourself if that is what your best look looks like. That question will change your life completely.


17.) “You can steer yourself any direction you choose.” -Dr. Seuss

The direction of your life depends on how you steer it. Even when facing the toughest challenge, direct your life in the right direction. You are the driver of your growth. Choose your vessel soberly.

18.) “The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you will go.”- Dr Seuss

Success is for everyone. A day has 24 hours. Whatever you choose to do with your time is the determiner of your success rate. You do not have to be the smartest person to be destined for success. If you are committed in learning, success will automatically be driven to you.

19.) “Anything is possible. Anything can be.” โ€“ Shell Silverstein

Believe that everything is possible. At times, everyone this assurance to push themselves forward. Have faith. Faith moves mountains. Possible does not mean it is easy. It means that you have the power and ability to conquer. Everything can be achieved with the right mindset.

childrenFinal Thoughts: At All Ages, Encourage Children with Positivity Quotes

Positive self-talk should not be described as self-deception. Neither is it not mentally looking at a circumstance with eyes that see what you only want to see. Instead, positive self-talk is about recognizing the truth, in all situations and within yourself. One of the essential facts is that you are not perfect hence you will make mistakes. Perfection is unrealistic. No matter how tough it is, positivity is the primary key towards bringing up children positively.