
11 Ways to Teach Children To Stay Away From A Toxic Life

The first five years of a child’s life are critical for development. The experiences children have in these years help shape the adults they will become. More than anything else, your relationship with your child shapes the way your child learns and grows. – Australian Government, Department of Social Services

The years that span childhood are disproportionately formative on the type of character a human being will develop. Early childhood years, in particular, play a key role in determining the child’s outlook on the world.

Sadly, it can be very difficult to raise children in society today, the reason being that our world is inundated with toxicity from seemingly innumerable outlets. So, the question becomes: “How am/are I/we supposed to raise a child in this toxic environment?”

The answer is not nearly as simple as the question. The simplest way to answer would be: with diligence. As a parent, you must understand the type of environment that your child is exposed to – both in and out of your presence.

As you investigate this environment, you will no doubt encounter people that are harmful to your child. While it is not our place to judge, we do believe it is imperative that a child is not exposed to such people at an early age; an age when they are growing, learning, developing. As they mature, they’ll be in a better condition to counter these dangers themselves.

We’ve come up with 11 ways that you can teach your child to keep toxicity away from them:

teach children

1. Limit the amount of mass media exposure.

Much of the media produced in society is laden with negative energy. This includes television, music, video games, and movies. As such, it is important to limit a child’s exposure to such media until they are of age to understand and interpret its meaning.

2. Take your child out into nature.

If you were to look inside many homes today, you’d see children planted in front of the T.V. After all, it’s easy for a parent to simply say “Go watch TV,” effectively minimizing any “distraction” the child may be. However, taking the child out into nature, where there can see animals, plants, trees, etc. is nourishing to their soul. Make it a point to get out into beautiful nature often.

3. Keep your child away from drama.

Speaking of media, have you ever noticed just how much drama makes up modern “entertainment?” We’re not here to judge; if this is something you enjoy, by all means take it in. However, as mentioned prior, a child does not have the capacity to separate what they see in-person from what is acceptable and unacceptable behavior.

4. Do not drink heavily/do drugs around the child.

Again, we’re not here to judge. Our society has taken some progressive steps in terms of marijuana use; whether or not you desire to teach your child about this is up to you. However, drinking heavily and engaging in heavy drug use around a child probably isn’t the best example to give.

5. Be responsible about your own conduct.

This one really doesn’t require too much of an explanation. As adults, we should be mindful about our conduct around children, as they will say and do what is seen and heard. Try to set a good example for acceptable behavior.

6. Abstain from swearing around your child.

During early childhood years, your little one is acquiring and interpreting language at exceptionally high levels. It is important, then, to minimize the amount of cursing and other negatively-charged language around a child. If need be, simply step out of the room and continue on.

7. Be generous, and teach your children likewise.

Can you imagine what this world would be like if all adults raised their children to be generous? Much different than today, almost assuredly. Generosity is one of the most beautiful human acts; warming the heart of both giver and recipient. What better way to teach your child to be generous than to allow them to see you being just that?

The first five years of a child’s life are critical for development. The experiences children have in these years help shape the adults they will become. More than anything else, your relationship with your child shapes the way your child learns and grows.

Australian Government, Department of Social Services

8. Embrace truth. Always.

Truth is positive energy; lies are negative energy. The simple act of telling the truth should be commonplace in our society, but it isn’t. Always tell and teach the truth, and demand that your child does the same.

9. Diligently choose the people allowed around your children.

Of course, toxic people are devastating to a child’s positive energy. As such, it is crucial to limit a child’s observations and interactions with people who are positive and that you know well. As the child develops, they’ll be in a better position to evaluate character.

Related article: Research Reveals Parents Who Raise ‘Confident’ Kids Do These 10 Things

10. Teach your child about energy forces.

At this age, you’re probably not going to lecture the child on the Law of Attraction. That said, it is tremendously beneficial to teach your child the rudiments of positive and negative energy. Exactly how you go about this is completely up to you, and there are many ways to do this.

11. Always send and receive love to and from your child.

We saved the best for last. Nothing can come close to replacing the power of giving and receiving your child’s love. We’d go so far as to state that this, in itself, it the single most important element of teaching your child how to mitigate toxicity as it manifests throughout their lifetime.

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