chinese zodiac

What Does Your Chinese Zodiac Reveal For 2017?

2017 is the year of the Chicken, the 4714th Chinese year.

According to the Chinese Horoscope Calendar (CHC), this year is the year of the Red Fire Chicken (N.B. NOT the spicy chicken you can get at your local eatery!). The CHC theory indicates that Chicken is a female metal, which is linked to jewelry, gold, and precious gems. Translate that into modern-day terms, and we are talking about monetary wealth, luxury, and beauty! However, do not get too carried away just yet because as the chicken is female metal, which is unfortunately linked with fog or dirty air. Therefore, we are unable to see clearly moving forward until the fog passes.

Now let us look at what this means for YOU (remember, the CHC states that if you are born before 4th February, your sign is the same as the previous year).

What Does Your Chinese Zodiac Reveal For 2017?


In love, if you are single, you should look into going to social gatherings and it would help your cause to enlist help from someone older than you, like a parent, mentor, or older friend. However, those in relationships will now see their amorous partnership settle and married couples will concentrate on the family.

Money-wise, loaning money to people close to you would bring problems getting it back and it is also advisable not to make any risky investments. Look into the real estate markey as a safer bet.

At the office, you are someone in demand. If you feel that your current job does not let you spread your wings, then you could look to do just that elsewhere. If there is a promotion opportunity, this is another possible avenue open to you. However, you will have to go and get it.


In love, everything is looking rosy if you are attached, so there is no need to keep working on your relationship. Single? You are in luck, someone decent is on the way. Just do not milk it!

Money-wise, looking good also with many opportunities but they will require your time, so do not expect that seven-figure cheque in the mail just yet.

At the office, status quo is the order of the day. Sticking with the right people where you are will bring you good fortune, just as you planned.


In love, expect some fireworks coming your way if you are single. If you are not, it is just as good. You will spend lots of time with the person of your affections, making you the cat that got the cream. All positive vibes.

Money-wise, some hard work is needed for about six months if you are embarking on a new quest, then you will see the fruits of your labour. Money from the old business will be more than enough to cover it.

At the office, a job change is a good idea to get your claws into but pay close attention to the timing. It is time to improve communication skills to aid with your professional development. Couple that with your innate passion will stand you in good stead with any obstacles.


In love, now is not looking good. To help you if you are looking, ask a Dog, Rat, Cow, or Snake. You should avoid any arguments as much as possible if you are in a relationship.

Money-wise, your hard work will pay off after the summer. After your receive this, take this cash and hop it! Use your hard-earned on a new project.

In the office, you are not ready to tackle something new right now. Work on yourself and develop new skills so that you are prepared for challenges as they come. For now, stick to what you know.


In love, there should be fire in your belly after reading this. If you are single, going out will lead to meeting someone with whom a connection is highly probable. For those in a relationship, you will enjoy a deeper romantic union. Married dragons will fall in love again with their spouses. This year is one to remember in this aspect, no matter for civil status.

Money-wise, more good news. However, be sure to use all your faculties available to you, with the most useful being intelligence, creativity, good ideas, discovery, and positive vibes. Hiring a financial advisor could be a money-spinning idea. People who are born under the sign of Chicken will do all the promotion needed to succeed.

At the office, your choices will be the correct ones, no matter what you choose. This is a good time for you professionally, as you have the luxury of playing stick or twist and both choices being good ones. Sticking with your bread and butter is good because you are a leader who knows the chosen field well. Twisting is also good because you are well-equipped for the new obstacles ahead, but there is the possibility of this option being unstable at first. Not even St. George can stop you!


In love, good times are on the horizon if you know how to manage romantic relationships well, as Snakes are experts at being entangled. If you are on the hunt, now is optimal for searching for a mate, and even more so for men. If you have already found that special someone, your relationship will grow and develop further. A married Snake needs to give more attention to their spouse, with patience, care, and yielding required.

Money-wise, you are looking good in this also, my slithering friend. Just know that your passion for wealth might not be constant. If you keep it up, you are golden.

At the office, do you take that new opportunity knowing how settled you are right now? If you feel enthusiastic and passionate for the new task, go for it. If not, no need to panic. You have the luxury of being able to wait for the next one. How lucky it is to be you this year, Snake!


In love, although you will need to put some effort in, it will be all worthwhile. The seekers will find, especially if you are a man, and the romantically occupied among you will also enjoy some memorable times, just try not to argue.

Money-wise, a raise could be on its way, and the return on that investment? Ker-ching! You are certainly looking quite flush this year, Horsy, galloping all the way to the bank!

At the office, you are another one with choices. If you continue being passionate, it will not matter whether you stay where you are or take that new opportunity. Should you be offered that new position, you may find it hard to resist. Your neigh will be heard miles away….


In love, you will be able to find or maintain love is possible, though you must not put too much pressure on a partner and be patient, potential or otherwise.

Money-wise, it can be a good year but only if you spend time on what you are working on at this moment, so do not be sheepish!

Related article: What Does Your Chinese Zodiac Reveal for 2016?

At the office, if you find following the herd unrewarding, now is a good moment to take on a different challenge. You are looking at a good cycle if you remain passionate.


In love, you are not looking too clever. It is better to look for business opportunities or career interests at this time, no matter what your civil status is.

Money-wise, if you have the right patience and are careful, this can be a rather profitable time for you. Extra income may be hard to come by through competition. If you feel you can handle it, you will be successful. If not, you can ask your competitor if they want to co-exist for a particular project.

At the office, the future is bright if you are diligent. You have been working hard of late but feel that you have not reached your goal yet. You could take on a new role, either moving up the ranks where you are or swinging from one branch to another.


In love, shaky territory is ahead but not all hope is lost. Looking? If you meet people born under the Cow, Dragon, or Snake, you could find yourself with a smile on your face. If you are in love already, arguments might ensue. To get plucky, finding a Snake as a mediator can be crucial. If you blame yourself, your confidence and spirit will be through the floor.

Money-wise, it is finger-licking good if you have the energy to see it through this year. Forget about risky investments or loaning money because they will cause you problems in the long-run with a return of chicken feed or worse. Play it safe this year!

At the office, again tread with caution. You really need to think long and hard before accepting a new job offer because you will be faced with competition from your new colleagues. The same goes for a promotion. If you need help, a Tiger can help you, giving you clarity and a sense of direction.


In love, think golden retriever. Single? While on the hunt, do not go all rottweiler and be too aggressive. Play it cool and you may have a new toy to play with soon. In love already? You have to have as much patience as a dog waiting for its master coming home from work. If you are a married Dog, no worries here. Look at any career or money-spinning opportunities.

Money-wise, opportunities are all around but you need to act fast or you will have to wait a year. Using a Snake to help you out can reward you more than a Scooby snack, as can using social networks.

At the office, stay loyal to your current employer. Stay focused on your current responsibilities and stay the course. Stay grounded. Just….. stay!


In love, pay closer attention to your love interest or partner. If you are looking, get out in the sun and start socialising. Men will find it easier to meet women in April, May, and June. Already have a partner? Show them your real piggy heart so that your relationship grows stronger.

Related article: What Kind of Element Are You, According to Your Zodiac Sign?

Money-wise, you can bring home the bacon during the summer months! You will need to earn it through your passion and dedication. Do not let that deter you from great rewards.

At the office, you are currently unsure of your path at present. However, all that changes in the summer when clarity kicks in, then you can oink with delight about what you are up to professionally. New opportunities are only fine if you have the passion and the proper plan of action to pull it off, so ask yourself if you really want it. If not, stay put, dear Piggy!

As Porky Pig would say, “That’s all folks!”

Other A N., “2017 Chinese Horoscopes for Year of Chicken” Chinese Fortune Calendar.
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