chronic pain

Doctor Explains 10 Ways to Reduce Chronic Pain (Without Medicine)

Do you suffer from chronic pain? No question – experiencing musculoskeletal pain can be debilitating both mentally and physically. Even mild pain experienced consistently can push the strongest person to their breaking point. And then, to make matters worse, options often offered include substances that can become habit forming and negatively impact an individual’s health long term. Then, perhaps it is time to leave the prescription drugs on the pharmacy shelf.

Instead, it is time to focus on creating a new path to pain-free!

Managing chronic pain without pharmaceuticals often requires a multilevel approach. These may include lifestyle changes, alternative therapies, and psychological strategies. The effectiveness of these strategies can vary from person to person. Still, the best thing about natural approaches to managing pain is that, over time, they will improve your pain and potentially transform your life!

This article focuses on strategies for you to take control of your pain that allow you to decrease your reliance on traditional OTC medicine or a prescription. Instead, you can have a holistic approach to pain management. I’ll focus on three categories for pain management: restorative therapies, behavioral health approaches, and complementary health approaches.  

Restorative Therapies That May Reduce Chronic Pain Without a Prescription Medication

Restorative therapies are those interventions designed to optimize an individual’s function to maintain or improve overall physical health. Some of these therapies you can do yourself. Still, others require the help of trained practitioners. 

chronic pain

1 – Cold and heat

Cold and heat are the yin and yang of pain management; while they are entirely different, they work together to provide outstanding results. Cold is a natural anti-inflammatory. Utilizing cold, especially when experiencing a pain flare, is helpful to decrease swelling and pain by decreasing blood flow. In contrast, heat increases blood flow and allows nutrients to circulate more freely to the affected area.

Heat is good for morning stiffness or warming the body before strenuous activities. At the same time, cold therapy is good to use after an acute injury or heavy physical activity. When you use cold therapy, be sure to have a barrier between your skin and the ice pack to avoid skin damage. When utilizing heat, be mindful of the potential for burns to the skin with excess temperatures or duration of use.

Whether you are using cold or heat, apply the therapy for fifteen to twenty minutes at a time. Repeat the cycle several times throughout the day as you need to. 

2 -Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) machine

The TENS machine uses low-voltage electrical currents to relieve pain. This device is typically battery-operated and uses electrodes placed on the skin to deliver electrical impulses to specific areas. Many people are first introduced to transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation by a healthcare provider. However, the general public can also safely use these fantastic devices with guidance. In fact, while transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation can be obtained over the counter, a healthcare professional may also write a prescription for one.

The mechanism of action of a transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation machine is not fully understood. However, theories include:

  • 1) stimulating the nerve to change how pain is perceived
  • 2) increasing endorphins that unleash the body’s ability to fight pain. 

3 – Aquatic therapy

Aquatic therapy refers to activities done in the water for relaxation, rehabilitation, and other therapeutic benefits. This form of physical therapy is often more gentle than land-based therapy. Water’s buoyancy decreases resistance, reducing stress on the joints and muscles. If you’ve tried traditional physical therapy in the past and did not have success with improved pain management, consider this modality instead!

Behavioral Health Interventions That May Ease Chronic Pain

Exploring various behavioral health interventions can offer innovative and holistic approaches to managing chronic pain. These proven therapies blend psychological strategies with physical symptom management to enhance one’s overall well-being.

4 – Cognitive behavioral therapy

Cognitive behavioral therapy is a type of talk therapy in which an individual works with a mental health counselor to become more aware of feelings, emotions, and negative thinking. It helps one appraise challenging situations better and respond to them more effectively. In the case of chronic pain, cognitive behavioral therapy provides a structured approach for participants to learn tools to better cope with and manage physical symptoms.

This approach requires multiple sessions to be effective. However, it provides you with skills that will be with you no matter where you are. 

5 – Biofeedback

Biofeedback is an intervention carried out by a practitioner in which electrical pads are attached to the body to capture important information about bodily functions like heart rate, blood pressure, respiratory rate, muscle tension, and skin temperature. When the body is under stress or in pain, bodily functions like heart rate change.

Biofeedback is used to help strengthen the mind-body connection so that slight changes can be made over time to relax muscles and reduce pain. This technique gives individuals tools to control their bodies and self-manage pain. 

6 – Mindfulness Meditation

Mindfulness meditation is a blanket term that refers to several meditation practices that can enhance cognitive control, emotions, and positive mood. Specifically, mindfulness meditation focuses on being attentive and intentional, all while being non-judgmental. Mindfulness practices allow people to focus on the moment and reduce the intensity of the negative feelings associated with pain; while the feelings associated with pain are normal, they can cause anxiety and increase pain sensations; therefore, coping mechanisms can help improve a person’s response to pain.

Mindfulness practices can be completed alongside trained professionals. Still, resources are available on platforms like YouTube and applications like Headspace that give you a mindfulness practice at your fingertips. 


Complementary Health Approaches That May Ease Chronic Pain

Complementary health approaches are where traditional and alternative practices intertwine. These therapies offer a spectrum of options that can reduce chronic pain for some individuals.

7 – Acupuncture

Acupuncture is a practice derived from traditional Chinese medicine and focuses on Qi (pronounced chee), the body’s natural energy source. Different medical conditions are thought to occur because of a disruption of our Qi. Acupuncture uses thin needles placed strategically along different body areas on pathways called meridians. By applying acupuncture to specific points, it is thought to help restore the natural flow of our energy and improve medical conditions.

Acupuncture can be used for different types of pain. However, it is essential to go to a licensed practitioner. That’s because needles placed improperly can cause complications. A professional will also sterilize needles before use to prevent infection. 

8 – Chiropractic care

A chiropractor is a practitioner that focuses specifically on the musculoskeletal system. Similarly to orthopedic providers, chiropractors manage joint and back injuries. However, they do not issue prescription medications or carry out surgeries. Chiropractors utilize physical manipulations carried out over multiple sessions to realign the body and allow the body to heal itself.

A chiropractor might require that you have x-rays or other imaging modalities to rule out processes that cannot be managed with chiropractic care and cause harm with their manipulations. This intervention is beneficial for back pain by way of spinal manipulation. While spinal manipulation is a big part of chiropractic care, they may offer other interventions, like stretching, soft tissue therapy, and kinesiology taping. A perk of chiropractic care is that there is also the potential to use your medical insurance to offset the cost. 

9 – Tai Chi and Yoga

Tai chi originates from ancient Chinese martial arts and yoga from ancient Indian philosophical and spiritual practices. Both combine meditation, breathing exercises, and physical postures to improve the overall well-being of its participants.

What makes yoga special is that while there is a goal to improve physical fitness and capability, it also builds mental fitness. There are different types of yoga practices, and the postures, all called asanas, have varying intensities that can be modified and advanced over time as mobility and flexibility improve. Similarly, tai chi is low impact but also slow, unlike some yoga practices.

The tai chi movements allow for stretching and strengthening of the muscles while also helping participants bring awareness to the body. Both tai chi and yoga require regular practice to lower chronic pain.

10 – Herbal remedies

Herbal teas, topical preparations, and supplements have been used for centuries by civilizations all over the globe to manage pain and are still a practical intervention now. There are a few options that are commonly used and well-understood.

Turmeric is a root related to ginger and is most famous for the deep yellow-orange color that it gives delicious dishes like curry. While turmeric looks and tastes terrific, curcumin is the active component in turmeric that gives it its superpowers. Curcumin is an anti-inflammatory and may reduce pain and inflammation, especially in conditions like arthritis.

You might know omega-3 fatty acids most for their ability to help users improve cholesterol. But they can also help with pain and inflammation. In fact, research shows that compared to non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs like ibuprofen and naproxen, omega-3 fatty acids provide equivalent pain-reducing effects in participants with arthritis.

You can find these over-the-counter at your pharmacy. However, you should check with your pharmacist to ensure it will not interact with any other prescription medications you might take.

How a Healthy Lifestyle Can Lead to Less Chronic Pain

The life that we live can also contribute to health conditions like chronic pain. Eating habits, activity levels, and sleep hygiene can all contribute to pain. Exchanging fried foods and highly processed foods for a diet rich in anti-inflammatory foods such as fresh fruits and vegetables and fatty fish can dramatically improve pain.

Physical exercise releases endorphins – the body’s natural painkillers. It can improve not only conditions like fibromyalgia and arthritis but also anxiety and depression, which may contribute to chronic pain.

Also, don’t forget that sleep is more extensive than just getting your beauty rest. Sleep disturbances can exacerbate chronic pain. Therefore, maintaining a consistent sleep schedule and comfortable sleep environment can improve overall chronic pain management. 

Non-pharmaceutical approaches to pain management offer many techniques and therapies that can effectively relieve pain while decreasing the potential risks and side effects of prescription drugs. Restorative therapies, behavioral health interventions, complementary health approaches, and lifestyle modifications all play a role in a holistic pain management strategy.


Final Thoughts on Managing Chronic Pain Without Relying on Prescription Painkillers

Most importantly, it is essential to remember that we all pay the cost to be the boss in our healthcare management; the choice of non-pharmaceutical interventions should be individualized to suit your needs and preferences. Therefore, a multidisciplinary approach with you at the center is imperative. Involving providers from various disciplines may be necessary. But ultimately, you make the final determination on your medical interventions.

Many individuals want to approach pain management without taking a prescription drug. In that case, you can work collaboratively with healthcare professionals to alleviate chronic pain. You may also improve your quality of life and promote overall well-being. These approaches empower individuals to take an active role in pain management. They also foster a sense of control and self-efficacy in dealing with this complex and pervasive human experience.