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20 Positive Affirmations to Make You More Comfortable in Your Own Skin

Being comfortable in your skin is hard to do sometimes, but there are ways to achieve it. Using positive affirmations can help you love yourself and your body as it is right now. These phrases will help change your thought process to see yourself in a more positive light.

Saying positive affirmations out loud will help you recognize the areas you need to focus on. You will become more aware of your thought process, and you will have to confront your negativity. As you begin to recognize your negative thoughts, you can replace them with positive thoughts.

You can use positive affirmations any time of the day, but many choose to do it first thing in the morning. As you repeat the affirmations, take in words and allow yourself to believe them. As you make daily affirmations a habit, you will become naturally confident and comfortable in your skin.

Twenty Affirmations to Make You More Comfortable in Your Skin

While change is never easy, you can make a positive change in your self-esteem with these positive affirmations. Use these phrases to help you be more comfortable in your skin.

comfortable in your skin1. I am perfect just the way I am, and I don’t have to change for anyone.

Remember that you are perfect as you are right now, no matter what anyone else says. As long as you know that you are perfect, you don’t have to change. The only time that you should change is when you decide that you want to make a change.

2. My body deserves respect from myself and others.

You make rules for your body, and then you must make sure to enforce them. This goes for both yourself and others. Respect the skin you are in and expect others to do the same.

3. I love myself as I am today.

Love yourself as you are right now, at this very moment. Your body deserves your love at all times, even when you don’t feel perfect. Remind yourself that no one is ever perfect and that you should love yourself right now.

4. I accept the way my body looks.

You look the way you are supposed to look, and that includes your flaws. The way your body looks is a part of who you are. The sooner you can accept it, the sooner you will feel more comfortable in your skin.

5. I will embrace my imperfections and love my body.

Please don’t stop at accepting your body, but work on embracing it, too. Your imperfections are what make you unique and special, so be grateful for those differences. Love your body and all the things that make you different so that you can feel

6. The only opinion of my body that matters is my opinion.

It doesn’t matter what anyone else thinks of you and your body. The only thing that matters is the way that you feel about yourself. Ignore the things other people say about you, and push away any negativity they voice.

Keep this positive affirmation running through your head when you will be around those who make you feel inferior. You are good enough, and your opinion is the only one that should matter to you.

7. My imperfections are what make me unique, and I am beautiful because of them.

You wouldn’t be you if it weren’t for your imperfections. Each unique thing about you makes you special, and you wouldn’t have that if you weren’t imperfect. Your differences are what make you beautiful, so repeat this affirmation each day for a boost of confidence.

8. I will be myself because the only person I have to make happy is me.

When you are true to yourself, you will be happier than if you go along with others’ desires. If you hide who you are or change your values for others, you will never be happy. Embrace who you are and be confident so that you can be happier and more comfortable with yourself.

9. I love myself and the things that make me special.

If you can love yourself, you will be comfortable in your skin. Repeat this positive affirmation each day so that you can start your day on a positive note. Loving yourself and the things that make you unique will help you remain comfortable throughout the day.

10. My positivity is what makes my beauty shine through.

Being positive will improve your confidence. It will help you radiate beauty and happiness, which are both positive qualities that boost your self-esteem. With that, you will feel so much more comfortable in your skin.

Anytime you begin to think negative thoughts or respond in negative ways, repeat this affirmation. This is a positive phrase that you can say in the mornings as you start your day. Plus, you can use it throughout the day as you feel you need a reminder to be positive.

pop quotes11. I like what I see when I look in the mirror.

Many people notice their imperfections when they look at their reflection. Try repeating this affirmation before looking at yourself, and you will find that you do like what you see. After using this positive affirmation for a while, you will begin to like the way you look automatically.

12. I recognize my good qualities.

Just like everyone has imperfections, everyone also has good qualities. Identify the things you like about yourself and focus on those qualities instead of the ones you don’t like. When you focus on your good qualities, you will feel more comfortable.

13. I am confident and know that others want to be around me.

If you tell yourself that you are confident, you will be confident. Silence the inner voice that tells you that other people don’t want to be around you because it isn’t true. Use this affirmation as a reminder before social situations to help you be more comfortable.

14. I am healthy, and my body is keeping me that way.

One thing that many people underestimate is their body’s ability to keep them healthy. If you are blessed with good health, use this positive affirmation in times of self-doubt.

15. I am the person I was meant to be, and I will not strive to be anything else.

Everyone is different, and this is how the world was intended to be. Don’t compare yourself to others. Instead, embrace who you are and strive to be true to yourself always.

16. I am proud of who I am.

There is nothing wrong with being proud of who you are and what you have accomplished. Being proud (but not boastful) will boost your confidence and make you more comfortable with who you are. Knowing how great you are and what you are capable of is the key to being truly confident.

17. I will only think positive thoughts about myself.

Push the negative self-talk away because it won’t do you any good. Fill your thoughts with positivity and boost yourself up as you would do for a friend or loved one. Positive self-thoughts are a direct path to being comfortable and boosting your confidence.

18. I appreciate my body for keeping me healthy and strong.

As explained before, your body is strong and powerful. It keeps you healthy and strong, along with protecting you and helping you. Embrace your body and accept the way you look because appreciating it will help you be more comfortable.

19. I am loved by myself and others, and I will show it every day.

Self-love is essential if you want to be comfortable in your skin. It also helps to remember that other people love you and think you are beautiful, too. Keeping that love in mind, be confident in who you are, and your beauty will shine through.

20. I am at peace with the way I look, and I will love myself unconditionally.

No one likes every part of their body, but they should still find peace with it. Obsessing over imperfections won’t help you, and it will decrease your self-esteem and confidence. Accept your imperfections, find peace with your body, and love yourself unconditionally.

comfortable in your skinFinal Thoughts on Positive Affirmations to Make You More Comfortable in Your Skin

Positive affirmations can make all the difference in how comfortable you are with yourself. To be more comfortable in your skin, find the phrases that resonate with you. Repeat them each day and set aside time to reflect on the words.

Being comfortable in your skin can be hard with constant self-doubt and comparing yourself to others. These positive phrases will help you change your thought process and become more positive about your image. As you make daily affirmations a habit, you will naturally become more positive.

As you become positive, you will also become comfortable with yourself, and your self-esteem and confidence will rise. Choose the positive phrases that work best for you and memorize them to use in times of need. Once you get used to using positive affirmations, you can develop your own that are unique and personal.