confidence builders

Don’t Miss the 10 Confidence Builders Most People Ignore

How would you rate your self-confidence on a scale of 1-10? Are you a confident person who believes that you can do anything you set your mind to, or do you need some confidence builders to boost you? If you lack trust in yourself, it harms your mental well-being. Did you know that if you think you can’t do something that chances are you will never accomplish that goal?

Your mindset is essential as you go through life, and it will change as you age. The way you feel towards yourself at 20 isn’t going to be the same by the time you hit 40. Life has a way of changing you through experiences.

For some, they are humbled, and for others, they get the wisdom they need to live the life they’ve always wanted. It’s normal for an 18-year-old starting out to fear the world around them, and they may have a negative mindset from being around peers who have the same thoughts and views. Thankfully, a unique thing happens as you begin to age.

You will start to have a mindset more geared towards success, and you will want to surround yourself with like-minded folks. Confidence builders are little tips and tricks that can help you mature and see the world through different lenses. Your experiences mold and shape you into the person you are, and some have had poor experiences to guide them.

It doesn’t matter what you’ve been through or where you’ve been; you can learn to be a new and better you.

Confidence Builders You Need to Succeed

confidence buildersShake the dust off your feet from those past mistakes; here are some great tips to help you build your self-confidence so that you can achieve anything you set your mind to.

1. Define Your Purpose and Set Goals

How many times did someone ask you what you wanted to be when you grew up? The chances are that you never became any of those dreams you wanted as a child. However, you are never too old to dream.

What do you want to do with your life? Where do you see yourself in one, five, or even ten years down the road? One of the best confidence builders is to define your purpose. If you want to give back and help children with special needs, then go towards your goal full steam.

When you stop looking at all the wrong things in your life and focus on what’s right, it can change your confidence level.

2. Surround Yourself with Positive People

Your inner circle is significant to your self-esteem. You want to make sure you have friends who help you build your confidence and not tear it down. It’s always essential to have a sound support system.

Positive people are the ones that can look at the glass as being half empty and see it as half full. They can help you see the light even in the darkest situations in your life. You need this kind of people around you to thrive and survive in life.

3. Quit Comparing Yourself with Others

It would help if you learned to be grateful for the things you have in life and not compare yourself with others. Social media has given people a skewed sense of reality. People post pictures loving on their spouse or the unique gifts they receive, but they never show you the things beyond those pictures.

Be honest; how many times have you read one of those posts and then felt down on yourself. It would help if you learned to take things you see and read at face value. Don’t compare material possessions, looks, or relationships with others. You have unique gifts and callings that are just for you.

Stop looking at the neighbor’s yard thinking the grass is greener over there. One of the most prominent confidence builders you can learn in this life is to be thankful for the things you have. Chances are, if you had the life you wish for of those you envy, you would want the life you have back.

4. Take Action

Why is it that the first step is the hardest one to take? You know what you want to do in life, but you lack the confidence to make that initial move. The difference between those that succeed in what they do in life and those that don’t is one got out of their comfort zone, and the other didn’t.

A man worked in a factory delivering goods to customers. His boss approached him and offered him a sales position to make about $25,000 more a year. It was indeed a boost in income, and he could pay off all his bills.

Sadly, the man turned down the job because he didn’t think he would be good at sales. The sales would be to the same people he had delivered supplies to for over 20 years, but he didn’t trust his abilities.

Don’t be afraid to take the chance. Believe in yourself enough to know that you can do whatever you put your mind to.

pop quotes5. Develop a Good Exercise Routine

Exercise is the key to getting a better body and mindset. When you get rid of the few extra pounds you’re carrying, you will feel better about yourself. Additionally, you will also notice that you feel better mentally too.

When you’re working out, your body is boosting the vital neurotransmitters inside your brain. These chemicals, like serotonin and dopamine, help you to feel good. It will reduce any anxiety you have as it drives away the chemical imbalance that can hold you back.

6. Look Good, and You’ll Feel Good

How do you dress each day? Do you look like someone confident and ready to tackle whatever comes your way, or do you look like you grabbed the first clothes out of the laundry basket to go to work? Your appearance means everything.

If you want to make a million bucks, then you need to start looking like it too. Get up early, take a shower, splash some cologne or perfume on yourself, and dress like you mean business. When you look good, you will feel good. Confidence builders can be as simple as changing your outward appearance to reflect a positive mindset.

7. Focus on Solutions Rather Than Problems

Are you focused on your problems or your solutions? One of the most significant ways to improve your confidence is by adjusting your focus. It could be that you’re focusing on all the wrong things, and it’s holding you back.

Rather than looking at the lack of money in your checking account, why not look at the ways that you can make more cash? Confidence builders require you to think outside the box and find new and creative ways to get things done. As you pull yourself out of one dire situation after another, you will start to build your esteem, knowing you can handle whatever comes your way.

8. Get A New Best Friend

Did you know that your best friend is a direct reflection of you? How many times have you heard the saying that “birds of a feather always tend to flock together?” It’s an adage with plenty of truth behind it. You’re known by the company you keep, and their thoughts and mannerisms will rub off on you.

You want to make sure that your best friend is going in the same direction as you. If you have an always pessimistic and depressed friend, how can they push you to be a better you?

9. Fix Your Body Language

Did you know that your body language speaks volumes, and it communicates much louder than your words? Someone who has low self-esteem will feel down on themselves; they may have poor posture, keep their head hung low, and look like they’ve lost their dearest friend.

However, someone who is confident holds their head high and acts as if they own the world. Try changing your stance and see how it helps your mood and your confidence levels.

10. Fake It Until You Make It

So maybe you don’t have everything together, and your life is a mess. Why not learn to fake it till you make it? Just because you suffer from low self-esteem and have no confidence doesn’t mean you have to show the world how you feel.

Still get up and dress and prepare for success. Make sure you surround yourself with positive people and don’t envy your neighbor’s life. When you set yourself up for victory, even if you don’t feel like it, then you fake it until you get to the point where you believe it.

confidence buildersFinal Thoughts on Confidence Builders

If only there were someone that could wave a magic wand and make you more confident. Alas, there is no magic solution to boost your ego. However, if you take small steps in the right direction, you can fix your mindset and grow over time.

A complete changeover in your thought processes isn’t going to happen overnight. Think about a person that’s climbing the side of a mountain. It takes momentum to make it to the top. Each step you take should be a learning experience in how to accomplish the goal.

When you finally reach your destination, you will realize all the confidence builders that helped you on the way, and you can share your journey with others.