unique affirmation

15 Affirming Statements to Help You Raise More Confident Children

Raising children is hard no matter what, but it’s even harder to raise confident children. There are so many things for children to learn that it can seem impossible to teach them all. Luckily, positive affirming statements can help you raise more confident children.

Positivity promotes an overall sense of well-being. When a child feels good, they will be open to things they would otherwise shut out. Plus, they will be more likely to be confident throughout their lifetime.

By teaching your children positive affirmations, you will be helping them succeed in life. You can’t be by their side every moment, so you must give them the necessary tools ahead of time. Start by teaching positive affirmations because they can use them anywhere and at any time.

You will have to help them remember and repeat the affirmations at first. Once they get used to it, though, they will begin to recognize their favorite ones without help. When they can do it without help, you will know that they are doing it when you aren’t around, too.

Why Positive Affirmations Help Raise Confident Children

confident childrenPositive affirmations are suitable for everyone, and this includes children. As they go through life, they learn and grow while often dealing with overwhelming situations and emotions. Using affirming statements in these situations will help them replace negative thoughts with positive ones.

They will be able to see solutions to their problems rather than unachievable obstacles. Using affirming statements helps them strengthen their brain, more specifically, what is called the ‘control center’ of the brain. Your children will be able to think in a way that promotes the following:

  • problem-solving
  • impulse control
  • emotional regulation

Positive affirmations for kids also promote resilience that lasts a lifetime. They will handle change and unexpected situations easier. Plus, they will be able to get away from negative thought patterns easier.

Fifteen Positive Statements to Help You Raise More Confident Children

Affirming statements will stick in their brain subconsciously. Plus, once they’ve repeated them enough, children will begin using the affirmations even when you aren’t around. This makes it easier for the child to redirect their thoughts when necessary.

1. I will always try my best.

When children do their best, they feel good about themselves. This can instill confidence and help them continue trying hard. They won’t give up as quickly when things don’t work out, either.

Have your child repeat this affirmation at the beginning of each day to help them give their best effort. When you help them say this statement each morning, it will still be in their mind when you aren’t there.

2. There are positive things in all situations; I just have to find them.

Teach your children to look for positivity in all situations. This will help them be happier, more confident, and more emotionally stable. When things don’t go their way or something changes, they will be more resilient, too.

3. When I mess up, I will try again.

Messing up is a part of life, even for adults. Using this phrase will remind your children that it is okay to mess up as long as they try again. This affirmation can give them the motivation to try until they get it right.

4. I will practice hard to build my skills and get better.

Children should understand that it takes practice to get better. They can’t be great at something overnight, and they can’t improve if they don’t practice. Using this affirming statement before practicing will help them give their best effort to learn.

5. I am good enough, and I don’t have to be perfect.

This statement affirms that the child is good enough as they are. Perfection is impossible, so they must understand that they don’t have to be perfect. Knowing this will help them accept and love themselves, even though they aren’t perfect.

It also allows them to know that other people don’t have to think they are perfect. They can be themselves without worrying about perfection.

6. I am unique, special, and loved.

Children must know that they are unique and loved. It is clear that everyone is different, and your child should know that it is a good thing to be unique. Help them embrace their differences while reminding them how much they are loved.

A child who knows that they are unique and loved will be happier and more confident going through life. They know that there are people who love them unconditionally and that they are free to be themselves.

dermaplaning7. I can speak up when I am uncomfortable or when something isn’t right.

When children know that they are allowed to speak up, they will be more likely to do it. This is important in a few different situations.

If they are uncomfortable with something, they need to know that it is okay to say so. When they don’t think that something is safe, respectful, or kind, they can speak up, then, too. Using this affirmation can help give your child the confidence to speak up when they need to.

8. I set boundaries for myself, and I respect the boundaries of others.

Teach children about setting boundaries, and then have them repeat this affirmation daily. They have a right to decide their limitations and have others respect them. Likewise, confident children respect the boundaries of others, too.

9. I am in control of my body and my actions.

Children should know that blaming others for what they have done isn’t acceptable. They control their bodies, and they are the only person who can decide what they will do.

It is also important for children to know that they don’t have to do what other people say. Since they control their bodies, no one else can force them to do things they don’t want to do. This is another place where boundaries are a beneficial idea.

10. I work hard and do great things.

To do great things, a person must work hard. This is true for both adults and children. Have your child repeat this affirmation to be more likely to work hard and see great results.

11. I can learn new things.

New things can be intimidating, but a confident child will give anything a try. Before going into a situation where something new might occur, have your child say this affirming statement. They will feel more confident in their ability, and they will be more likely to enjoy the learning process.

12. When things get hard, I will keep trying.

Life isn’t easy, and that is evident from a very early age. Sometimes, it is tempting to give up when things get hard, but that isn’t what a confident person would do.

A confident person would keep trying when things get hard. Using this affirming statement will help your child keep trying, too, and become more confident along the way.

13. It is okay to ask for help when I need it.

It is better to ask for help than to struggle alone. With help, a child can learn more than they would have alone.

Plus, asking for help when help is needed is an important part of being confident. It helps the child realize that it is okay not to be perfect, too.

14. I am learning what I like and what I am good at.

Children try new things all the time, and it may seem like they change their minds often. This is normal because they are learning about themselves. They shouldn’t feel wrong about this, because it is an important part of developing into a confident person.

15. It is okay to express my emotions.

Expressing emotions is important, and it can improve confidence and self-esteem. Children must know that their feelings are valid and should be experienced. As they express their feelings, they are learning to control their emotions and deal with them positively.

When a child is comfortable expressing their emotions, they can learn how to overcome them, too. All of this allows them to be more confident with who they are.

confident childrenFinal Thoughts on Affirming Statements to Help You Raise More Confident Children

Raising confident children is important if you want them to have the best chances in life. They will try new things, practice until they get better, and speak up for themselves and others. Plus, they will be more likely to ask for help and express their emotions when necessary.

Since you can’t be with your children all of the time, using affirming statements can help. As stated before, you may have to practice with them initially, but they will get better over time. Before you know it, they’ll be uttering the words to themselves anytime they begin to waver.

These affirming statements can help you raise more confident children, so use them every day. Give your children the best chance in life by helping them become confident with who they are.