love yourself

20 Daily Affirmations to Remind You to Love Yourself

If you want to love yourself, you must decide to do so. It’s not always easy, especially when times get hard, but these daily affirmations can make all the difference. The positive phrases can help you refocus and shift your mindset as you remember to love yourself always.

Protecting your mental health and wellbeing requires self-love to get you through each day. You must take care of your mind, body, and soul to live the most fulfilling life possible. Learning to embrace who you are is a journey you must continually work on.

While you take steps to improve who you are each day, it’s still essential that you practice self-love right now. Embrace who you are today, and use these daily affirmations to help you get there. These phrases can encourage positive thoughts as you change how you treat yourself.

Think of the ways you’d speak to a friend or loved one, and then use those same concepts on yourself. Stay positive, forgive yourself, and celebrate your successes. Use these daily affirmations as a reminder to love yourself every day.

Daily Affirmations to Remind You to Love Yourself

Affirmations can change your life as they promote a positive mindset. They give you the motivation to live your best life while allowing you to embrace all of the good around you. Using daily affirmations to remind you to love yourself can give you a new understanding of self-love, improving all areas of your life.

daily affirmation

1 – I will evolve into the best version of myself, and I love myself every step of the way.

Loving yourself doesn’t mean you can’t improve areas of weakness. You can always learn more and develop into an even better person than you are right now. Use this affirmation as a reminder that you’re amazing the way you are, even if you haven’t achieved your goals yet.

Loving yourself through all of the steps of your transformation will help you enjoy life as you go along. Plus, it’ll help you identify the areas of your life that need work, too, allowing you to grow even more.

2 – I love my body for all it has done for me.

Your body protects you and keeps you alive, so it’s only fitting that you love it. Take care of yourself so that your body can continue doing its job. When you acknowledge how extraordinary you are, it’s easier to love yourself each day.

3 – I believe in myself and trust my instincts.

When you believe in yourself, you’ll have the confidence to love who you are. Believing in yourself also means trusting your instincts because they’re usually correct.

If you don’t feel right about something, believe in your gut and make some changes. Living this way allows you to love yourself enough to walk away from potentially detrimental situations.

4 – I am worthy of love every day.

There will be days when you feel like you don’t deserve love, but you must push those thoughts away. Use this daily affirmation to remind yourself that you are worthy of love no matter what. Don’t let your negative thoughts convince you that you aren’t worthy, and use this affirmation to shift that thought process.

5 – I embrace everything about this present moment.

When you embrace the present, it helps you love yourself right now. It allows you to see that everything is okay and that it’ll all work out. Then, you can focus on making the most of it and taking care of yourself as you move forward.

6 – I recognize change for the gift that it is.

Life inevitably changes, and there is nothing you can do to stop it. You can let the change overwhelm you and disrupt your peace, or you can recognize it as a gift. When things change, it’s a new beginning for this time in your life.

Embracing it will help you put your best effort into making it work for you. Plus, it’s an excellent time to make other necessary changes to better your life, too.

7 – I appreciate my mind, body, and soul.

Your mind, body, and soul are your expressions of individuality. Embrace what makes you different because it’s what makes you who you are. The world wouldn’t be the wonder that it is if everyone was the same, so appreciate everything about yourself.

8 – I plan to make a positive impact on the universe.

If you ever feel like you don’t make a difference in the world, this affirmation is for you. Even when it doesn’t seem like you did much, you positively impacted those around you. You are valuable to the world, and recognizing your impact can improve your wellbeing and mental health.

9 – I love my mind and positive thoughts.

Your mind does impressive things continually, so don’t hesitate to remind yourself of it. As you learn to love your mind, you’ll recognize a shift in your thinking patterns. Negativity won’t take over as often, and you’ll see that you love yourself much more, too.

10 – I promise to let go of pain and permitting myself to heal.

When you hold onto pain and ruminate about the past, it can stand in the way of loving yourself. Holding onto pain won’t do you any good, so it’s best if you let go of it. Use this affirmation each morning to remind yourself that you can let go and move forward. Once you start believing it, you’ll find that you love yourself much more and can fully embrace life.

daily affirmations

11 – I will build the life I want for myself.

This life is yours to live, and you can make it whatever you want it to be. There is no limit to what you can do, but you must believe in yourself first. This affirmation can help you remember that you’re in control, allowing you to love yourself for the life you’re creating.

12 – I am confident and recognize my self-worth.

Being confident and recognizing your self-worth is essential if you want to love yourself. With confidence, anything is possible, and you’ll feel good about the skin you’re in. You won’t doubt yourself as often, and you’ll stop unfairly comparing yourself to others. This affirmation can impact your overall life and wellbeing, so don’t leave it out of your routine.

13 – I celebrate my achievements, no matter how small.

As you work toward your dreams, you’ll want to set smaller goals along the way. These smaller goals are just as essential as the overall picture, and they deserve celebration. When you celebrate your small achievements, it helps you love yourself as your confidence and motivation increase.

14 – I accept who I am at this moment.

You’re constantly changing, even if you don’t notice it every day. As you gain wisdom, you become a better version of yourself. However, that doesn’t mean you should wait to love yourself. Learn to accept who you are right now, and you’ll have an easier time identifying your self-worth.

15 – I am enough, and I don’t have to be like anyone else.

You’re enough as you are right now. This daily affirmation reminds you to stop comparing yourself to others because you don’t need to be like them. You are the person you were meant to be, and you are more than enough.

16 – I am a better version of myself right now than I was in the past.

You might not be where you want to be yet, but you’re getting better every day. When you remember your progress, you’re sure to experience self-love and confidence each day, too.

17 – I am kind to myself in all situations.

Being kind to yourself is the most critical aspect of self-love. You must treat yourself with respect and push away negative thoughts. Treat yourself the way you would treat a friend because you deserve the same level of kindness.

18 – I embrace my failures because they are opportunities for growth and learning.

Everyone fails sometimes, but it’s not something to beat yourself up over. Instead, learn to recognize these situations as opportunities for growth. When you learn from your mistakes, it helps you love yourself and embrace your mistakes.

19 – I deserve happiness and good things at all times in my life.

If you repeat this affirmation each morning, you’ll be open to new opportunities and experiences. It reminds you that you deserve good things, and you’ll love yourself more because of it.

20 – I am at peace with this stage of my life.

Even if you aren’t where you want to end up, you can find peace in your life right now. When you tell yourself that you’re at ease, you’ll feel calmer and happier. This all leads to loving yourself a little more each day.

daily affirmations

Final Thoughts on Daily Affirmations to Remind You to Love Yourself

These daily affirmations remind you that you are worthy of love and should be kind to yourself. Forgive yourself for past mistakes, and recognize your failures as learning opportunities.

You become a better version of yourself each day, but you can love yourself as you are right now. When you love yourself, your life will drastically improve, allowing you to experience meaningful opportunities.