deal with stress

How to Deal with Stress and Fight your Fears

Approximately 44 percent of Americans suffer from stress, which can increase in severity with age. Stress is not only challenging to experience. But it can result in many different side effects that include insomnia, depression, and high blood pressure. Most people suffer from moderate to high-stress levels. This stress elevation can make it challenging to think clearly and remain productive throughout the day.

For many adults, it can be challenging to break habits or practices that trigger stress or allow it to build. Although stress is common, there are many steps to take to deal with stress.

Tips to Deal with Stress

Perform Self-Care

Only 27 percent of people who suffer from stress make it a point to exercise and stay active throughout the week. This movement can result in unhealthy habits and a poor diet that lacks proper nutrients.

You can deal with stress by finding an activity that you enjoy performing, which can include dancing, bike riding, playing tennis, or light jogging. You should exercise three to five times each week to ensure that you’re increasing your heart rate.

Self-care also includes finding time for yourself during the week without any interruptions. There should be one day that is set aside to have off where you can practice hobbies or activities you enjoy, which can improve your mood.

Consider Supplements

There are many different natural supplements that can reduce anxiety and stress to ensure that you remain healthy and balanced. Valerian root is ideal if you suffer from a sleep disorder or are restless at night due to stress because it has a tranquilizing effect. It is proven to lower anxiety because it can alter GABA receptors. Omega-3 fatty acids are also important to obtain for the body because studies show it can reduce stress by 20 percent. Kava-kava is used as a sedative that is becoming more common in Europe and the U.S. and can calm your nerves when dealing with stress.

Avoid Procrastinating

Stress is often triggered by deadlines or feeling rushed to complete activities in your personal life or in the workplace. You’ll want to break the habit of waiting until the last minute to complete items on your to-do list to avoid feeling overwhelmed. If you scramble to catch up, you’ll feel under pressure and can have difficulty focusing or thinking clearly. Providing yourself with breaks can make it easier to remain productive.

Get More Sleep

Many people who suffer from stress also have poor sleeping habits because they can have difficulty relaxing at night or allowing their brain to rest. When you want to know how to deal with stress, write down your thoughts or reminders to clear your head and make it easier to relax when you want to deal with stress.

Melatonin is considered an ideal product to use to fall asleep easier at night and is considered to be a natural sleep aid. Consume two to three milligrams approximately two hours before bed to feel the effects.

Limit Your Caffeine Intake

You may enjoy caffeine to wake up in the morning. However, it can also have adverse reactions to increasing stress levels. The stimulant is known to make many people jittery or anxious, making it necessary to switch to decaf coffee. It’s also necessary to cut out other foods that contain caffeine from your diet to deal with stress. These foods include chocolate, soda, tea, and energy drinks.

Try Relaxation Techniques

There are many relaxation techniques that can be practiced to ensure that you feel more at ease and ready to conquer the day when learning to deal with stress. Yoga or meditation can make it easier to slow down and control your breathing. You can also listen to music, write down your thoughts in a journal, and read a relaxing book to ease your nerves and feel less tense. Stepping back from your schedule and routine can allow you to remain more positive and at peace when you need it most.

Spend Time with Loved Ones

Those who have difficulty finding the time to socialize or spend time with their family members and friends are at a higher risk of suffering from stress. Isolation and a lack of human contact during the week can make it easy to feel more alone and also lead to depression. If you want to know how to deal with stress, you’ll need to prioritize visiting loved ones or making phone calls to maintain your relationships. Studies show that spending time with those you care about release oxytocin, which is a natural stress reliever.

deal with stress

You’ll likely laugh and feel more at ease when in the company of another person. In turn, the laughter brings more oxygen to the body and organs. Laughing can even relieve tension and relieves your stress response.

deal with anxiety infographic

Maintain a Balanced Schedule

In our society, many people are overworked and have too many obligations to manage. You may have the habit of overcommitting yourself to too many activities throughout the week. Of course, that can make it challenging to have downtime. When dealing with stress, make it a point to have a balance by limiting your commitments. Practice saying no and turning down requests to ensure that you can protect your health and well-being.