define depression

10 Twitter Users Clearly Define Depression to the World

People usually define depression based on their personal experience with it. Two people suffering from depression may have different perceptions and symptoms. While mental health stigma isn’t as prevalent nowadays, many people still misunderstand what living with depression means. Like anything in life, it’s challenging to comprehend what someone else goes through without being in their shoes.

For example, severe depression may have difficulty getting out of bed or taking showers each day. People without depression may view themselves as lazy or lacking willpower. But that couldn’t be further from the truth. They have a chemical imbalance which makes it almost impossible to live normally.

On the other hand, someone with high-functioning depression may have no problem completing daily tasks. They may have a successful career, a thriving family life, and appear happy on the outside. However, they still experience depression, though not severe enough to interfere with their lives. To an outsider, they seem “normal,” even though they’re still struggling inwardly.

10 Twitter Users Better Define Depression to People Who Don’t Understand

Indeed, how people define depression will vary, but everyone deserves to feel heard and seen regardless. Below, we’ll share a few accounts from people living with depression who explain the battles they face each day.

define depression

1 – Depression doesn’t mean you don’t care; it just means you don’t have the energy to.

Many people define depression as the lethargy and lack of energy they frequently experience. After taking care of the necessities in life, they may not have anything left for other activities. Battling your mind every day takes a toll on you after a while, so you do what you can to survive.

2 – You can have the whole world in your hands and still suffer from depression.

As we said in the beginning, depression looks different for everyone. A person with a stable job and loving family can still suffer from severe depression, even if they don’t show it. Even if you have a reliable support system, it doesn’t change how you feel inside.

3 – Taking pills to control depression symptoms does not make you weak. It’s an illness that requires medication to treat in some cases, and that’s perfectly okay.

There’s no universal answer to depression; some people respond to lifestyle changes, and others need medical interventions. No matter how you treat or define depression, you’re not weak or inferior for seeking help when necessary. Many people need medications to ease depression symptoms, including doctors, so never feel ashamed at taking something that makes a living a little bit easier.

4 – Men also suffer from depression and other mental illnesses, even if they’re not always vocal about their feelings.

Check on the men in your life because they deserve to have their voices heard. Men suffer from higher suicide rates than women, so let’s end the stigma surrounding male mental health. They’re human, too, and it’s high time we recognize the struggles they face.

5 – Your mental and emotional health should come first because you can’t pour from an empty cup.

Love yourself enough to look after your needs and nurture your soul. When you’re feeling good, you’ll have more energy to devote to others in your life as well.

6 – This image captures the internal battle many people face with depression.

No matter how you define depression, you can probably relate to this picture. Sometimes, you may feel overwhelmed trying to fight your inner demons because they never seem to disappear. Remember to honor your feelings and practice self-care – the world outside can wait in those moments.

7 – A person living with depression may appear selfish, but they’re just trying to get through the day. They need love and support more than anything else.

Like this Twitter user, some people define depression as irritability or emptiness. These are common symptoms of depression, as the illness drains your energy and capacity to deal with everyday life.

8 – Depression isn’t a character flaw; it’s a mental health condition. Just be kind because everyone is fighting a battle you know nothing about.

9 – Depression can make you feel like you’re losing yourself slowly. It’s painful to watch yourself fade away and not know how to feel like you again.

Others define depression as a feeling of brokenness, like being shattered in a million pieces. In many ways, it’s like depression steals your identity, which can lead to feeling empty inside.

10 – Perhaps this sums it up best: depression just ‘is,’ and needs no further explanation.

So, in summary, it’s not always easy or necessary to define depression. Everyone suffers through it differently, but one truth remains: the need to spread love and kindness without asking who’s worthy of it.

Coping Skills for Depression

No matter how you define depression, it’s important to have coping skills in place to manage symptoms. The following can help boost your mood when you’re feeling depressed:

  • Spend time in nature. Sunshine and the great outdoors can lower stress and temporary relief for depression. Studies confirm this, saying that contact with nature boosts positivity and gives a sense of purpose in life.
  • Practice mindfulness or meditation. When you’re depressed, it’s essential to listen to your intuition. We’re so disconnected from ourselves in the modern world, but we can start healing by simply being present with ourselves. Set aside at least 30 minutes per day to meditate, practice yoga, or any other exercise that fosters mindfulness.
  • Cut down on work or other responsibilities. We’re obsessed with productivity but often forget to look after our well-being. Health, happiness, and peace should come first, so don’t feel ashamed to cut back on responsibilities if you’re overwhelmed. Everything else can wait, but your search for inner fulfillment can’t.

Final Thoughts on How Twitter Users Define Depression

Millions of people live with mental illnesses, and they all experience them differently. Because people today feel more comfortable talking about mental health, it’s helping end the stigma and normalize seeking help. Hopefully, the accounts featured above provide clarity and understanding of what it’s like to live with depression.