reset your mind

How to Delete and Reset Your Mind

Is it time for you to reset your mind? Sometimes, you just need a fresh start.

“You cannot expect to live a positive life if you hang with negative people.”  ~ Joel Osteen

How do positive people react when they are faced with negative energy? What tactics can be used to delete the negative thoughts and clean the slate when someone has been releasing their constant fears, worries, and ever-painful words on those who do not deserve it?

At times, people are inclined to bare and even be the subject of another person’s painful words and hurting soul. It can be said that positive people attract positive situations however, sometimes positive people attract bucket fillers who want to absorb their energy while leaving a trail of negativity. This can become very harmful to our precious thoughts as well as our positive mental clarity. Listening to negative words spoken around and to us can cloud our judgments and may even force our thoughts in that same direction. Being around negative people is inevitable however what we choose to accept and what we choose to DELETE is our choice.

“Staying positive can be a challenge – however, it is the most important principle in life when we are trying to create a harmonious and whole existence.”

Not everyone may support our decisions, as their life story will be different than ours. Staying positive can be a challenge – however, it is the most important principle in life when we are trying to create a harmonious and whole existence. To delete and reset is a very healthy way of dealing with people who may not support your calling and path.

By deleting negative words from our minds and especially the negative words that others may speak to us and resetting our thoughts, we are more likely to make positive choices, remove burdens and strife, and thrust ourselves into the destiny that is waiting for each and every one of us. When we delete negative words and negative self-talk, we are able to honor the positive energy that will lead us to the healthy, happy, and whole existence that is waiting for us.


To delete the negative words or thoughts and positively reset your mind, you need to exercise daily positive habits.

Here are some effective ones to begin:

3 Exercises to Delete and Reset Your Mind

1) Keep a journal.reset-your-mind-keep-a-journal

Keep a journal to write out all of the negative thoughts or words that are spoken to or by you. At the end of the day go through the list and cross off as many as you can by replacing the words or thoughts with a positive truth or dream. By keeping a journal and tracking our thoughts we are able to recognize how and why we are thinking or receiving negative information.

2) DELETE what is not positive.

Although we may not always agree with other people, we can allow others to express themselves without agreeing with them. Transparency is the best form of honesty in any relationship. However, if the friend, colleague, or family member does not agree with us and begins to condemn our thinking we have the choice not to accept. We do not need to verbalize this act. Yet, in our mind, we can begin to immediately dismiss the words we are hearing and replace them with our own positive self aligning thoughts.

*(Editor’s note:  As negative words are sent toward you, reaffirm mentally with positive affirmations to bolster your own self-beliefs.)


By empathizing with others, we are able to hear their troubles. Internalizing their beliefs, however, is not a recipe for positive mental clarity. Empathizing with others allows them to share their worries, is a natural instinct, and shows kindness through their troublesome journey. The problem becomes evident when the receptor of information begins to internalize those fears and worries as their own. To effectively listen without internalizing, offering positive words of love, trust, and kindness as advice will allow the speaker to keep their troubles as their own. Thus, it will give you the mental clarity that is needed to stay in your positive mindset.

How do you maintain a high level of emotional well-being? Share with us in the conversation below!


15 responses to “How to Delete and Reset Your Mind”

  1. Tony Suvie Avatar
    Tony Suvie

    How I keep a high level of Emotional well being?
    By knowing that others’ negative IS NOT MINE, (not my stuff), and I am not responsible for it and therefore see it TOTALLY unessessary for me to feed into it. It threatens my sobriety at times. Stayin sober. Its my Motivation for keeping out of others’ stuff/business. I am there if invited to listen. But t ok have it thrown at me?
    And let it stick? Just not happenin.

  2. Jhee Santos Avatar
    Jhee Santos

    Muhammad Hayyat – Just to correct what I've stated – I am sorry – correction practitioner of law of attraction. but law of attraction is related to positivity, we should attract and exude only positive elements in, within and from our self, inner or otherwise. God Bless.

  3. Jhee Santos Avatar
    Jhee Santos

    Muhammad Hayyat Practice to be a positive person. dispel all negatives in your system. I am under training to be a practitioner of positivity. I can be of help, if you want. I will inform you if I have finished my short course. I've been attending seminars regarding positivity since 1992 but now, I've decided to be a practitioner.

  4. I learned to say, "I do not accept that, it is not true about me" out loud when my ex-husband of 16 years was verbally abusing me.

  5. ankit jain Avatar
    ankit jain

    thumbs up!
    guys u r doing a great job. spreading the fragrance of positivity will benefit lots of people who are stuck around by the clouds of negative thoughts . your articles are the rays of sunlight , clearing all the negative thoughts and filling hearts with an inner light, the light of positivity.
    keep it up…

  6. my whole life it seemed like no matter what things just never got better, I attracted a lot of “acquaintances’
    That I thought were friends. no matter how hard I tried to do the right things in life I was miserable. One night as I was screaming at the stars asking the same why’s or how comes it was like a light went on and I saw the problem. I needed to remove negative influences and all the things that in any way had a negative reaction in my life. I started my deletion process and I couldn’t believe the way things started to turn around for me. I try everyday to keep focused on going forward and the few friends I do have are probably sick of hearing me repeat delete it if there is no positive reason to keep things in your life. I’m about to do the final and biggest deletion in my life and it feels exciting just knowing that negativity will be gone for good!

  7. Pratibha Desai Avatar
    Pratibha Desai

    I have lots nagetive thoughts about my own family . Now I fill I creat it with my nagetive attitude .so I am trying so hard to get rid of this nagetive thought . Still it’s long way to go. But I trust myself .

  8. Rohan patil Avatar
    Rohan patil

    I do cleansing ,,
    for example I hit the pellow and I feel that time like a my bad negative feelings,thoughts, fear r going out from my body, but one condition is there plz don’t use that pellow,,,

    1. Remember that in the act of hitting the pillow, you are allowing yourself to express negative energy continually. HUG the pillow! Let the pillow know you love it, just as you would forgive the person you feel negatively towards, and the negative thoughts and feelings will be replaced. It’s not about ignoring, it’s about letting it be flooded out.

      1. Tarun Tyagi Avatar
        Tarun Tyagi

        Grt sir it’s correct I experimented and experienced it

  9. Evrick Brown Avatar
    Evrick Brown

    Each day I say, “Life Is Great” throughout the day and most definitely before I go to bed.

  10. Natasha E. Feghali – What a great article! And all so true! Great reflections on keeping positve! Keep up the great work!

  11. Natasha E. Feghali Avatar
    Natasha E. Feghali

    Thank you so much ladies!! That is so kind.. Keep in light and heart! Xo…

  12. Keisha Laurel Pourier Avatar
    Keisha Laurel Pourier

    Beautiful very meaningful and exact words from the heard mind and spirit I love it thank you.

  13. Keeping an open mind … The best is yet to come … It always works for me

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