
Science Explains Why Dirt Should Be Part of Your Diet

You might think it’s weird for people to eat dirt, but it can be good for your health. However, this doesn’t mean you should eat a handful of soil. There are many ways and reasons to add dirt to your diet. Learning about these organic organisms can help you reap the benefits.

A human body includes sixty earth elements. It turns out that you’ll have mostly dirt left when you don’t consider the water in your body.

Your body requires these elements, along with organisms from dirt, to help your body function properly. Exposure to soil-based organisms (SBOs) can boost your health and offer other benefits.

The History of Eating Dirt

Eating dirt is scientifically called geophagy. It isn’t a new idea, as people have been doing it since at least 460-377 BC. However, it was scientifically recognized as a healthy move until sometime between 23 and 79 AD.

In the past, people would bury their food or store it in a dirt cellar to keep it cool and preserve it. The lower temperature and microbes helped prevent yeast and dangerous bacteria.


Why Dirt Should Be Part of Your Diet

Eating dirt is linked to many health benefits, and its popularity is increasing. With blogs, videos, and other content about geophagy, it’s quickly becoming a superfood. The SBOs will help you live a healthier life and feel better.

SBOs link to many health conditions, including these:

  • bacterial, fungal, and viral infections
  • malabsorption
  • flatulence
  • irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)
  • allergies and asthma
  • nausea
  • nutrient deficiencies
  • indigestion
  • ulcerative colitis
  • autoimmune and inflammatory diseases

Dirt Improves Gut Health and Immune Response

SBOs promote gut health. It also improves your immune response. These organisms not only help plants grow but also destroys and prevents fungi, yeasts, molds, and candida in your body.

SBOs kill harmful bacteria and extract toxins from your body. These organisms can also reduce inflammation throughout the body.

When exposed to SBOs, your body can correctly identify invaders. The immune response will trigger the necessary antibodies to fight them off. Without the organisms, your body may not recognize the invaders.

Dirt Organisms Nourish the Cells

SBOs nourish the cells in your liver and colon. They can also help create new compounds, including:

  • Antioxidants and enzymes
  • B vitamins
  • Vitamin K2

Reduces Gas and Bloating

Gas and bloating are uncomfortable, but SBOs can reduce the symptoms. As it promotes healthy digestion, you’ll notice regular bowel movements. It helps you balance your PH levels and ease discomfort.

Dirt Contains Necessary Vitamins

You might miss out on the vitamins from SBOs because, unlike centuries past, thanks to over sanitation and antibacterial overkill. Using hand sanitizer, germ-killing wipes, and antibacterial soap can prevent you from taking in SBOs.

It Can Improve Leaky Gut Syndrome

Leaky gut syndrome occurs when the small intestine lining gets damaged. It lets toxic waste get through, causing bacteria and undigested food particles to leak into the bloodstream. The SBOs and healthy microorganisms can alleviate the issue and improve your symptoms.

Dirt Can Detox Your Body

Consider using dirt if you want to detox your body. More specifically, turn to clay or charcoal to detoxify your skin and cleanse the inside of your body.

It Settles Your Stomach

Many over-the-counter medications to soothe your stomach contain kaolin. Kaolin is the primary substance in white clays, a type of dirt with antacid properties. It can help relieve nausea, indigestion, and heartburn.

Organisms in Dirt Improve Digestion

Your gut microbe helps your digestive tract keep things moving along smoothly. SBOs help the microbes flourish, promoting the growth of healthy bacteria. It can also help you when you experience loose bowel movements or diarrhea.

Take a Supplement

Supplements can help you reap the benefits without making any other changes. Earth and clay supplements can make a difference in your life.

Improves Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) Symptoms

Studies show that a probiotic found in soil can help reduce symptoms of IBS. It promotes healthy digestion, preventing waste buildup and other symptoms. The benefits of SBOs also promote nutrient intake.


How to Add Dirt to Your Diet

Adding dirt to your diet is easier than you think, and it’s not as gross as it sounds. Forming new habits can help you reap the benefits of SBOs.

Plant a Garden

If you want to include more SBOs, start by planting a garden. A vegetable garden allows you to connect with the Earth, and you’ll likely consume some SBOs when you eat the produce.

Not only will you increase your nutrient intake, but you’ll also thrive emotionally and spiritually. Plus, you’ll take in microbes as you work in the soil and tend to your plants.

Avoid Sanitizing Your Food

When you eat produce, you can consume dirt as long as you don’t overly sanitize it. Instead, rinse your produce under running water rather than scrubbing and using a produce wash. When you do it this way, you receive beneficial microbes that improve your health.

Go For a Hike or Explore the Wilderness

Children take in microbes every time they play outside. Adults don’t get the same experience outdoors, but going for a hike or spending time in the wilderness can help.

Eat Probiotic Foods

Probiotic foods include things like:

  • kefir
  • yogurt
  • sauerkraut

Lactose intolerance is partly due to pasteurization. It kills off beneficial enzymes and probiotics, potentially causing food allergies.

When someone with a dairy allergy or lactose intolerance consumes raw or fermented produce, their symptoms can diminish. Raw or fermented foods contain probiotics or enzymes that are easier to digest. Kefir is especially beneficial in improving lactose digestion and tolerance.

Eat Bee Pollen and Raw Honey

Seasonal allergies can occur because you don’t spend enough time outside. It causes you to experience little exposure to pollen. Then, when you do get exposed, it flares up and causes an allergic reaction.

Additionally, consuming bee pollen can help with respiratory diseases. Studies show that bee pollen and raw honey can reduce inflammation, improve immune function, and protect your liver. The microbes from pollen and honey contain natural and gradual immunizations.

The honey and pollen modulate your immune system as they reside in your gut. Honey provides prebiotics that nourishes your gut.

Cuddle Your Dog or Cat

Studies show that cuddling your pet can improve your immune system and reduce allergies. The study showed that children with cats or dogs showed nearly a 50% decrease in allergies compared to those who didn’t have one. However, this was only the case if the cat was an outdoor cat that sometimes came inside.

Animals that play in the dirt bring microbes into your home. You breathe these microbes in; some enter your skin by touching your pets.

Go Swimming in the Ocean

If you’ve ever been in the ocean with a cut, you might have noticed that it heals faster. One part of the increased healing process is salt.

However, swimming in the ocean also contains beneficial microbes and bacteriophages. Studies show that swimming in salt water can decrease inflammation and reduce the symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis and psoriasis.

Walk Barefoot

Grounding, also called earthing, is simple, as it involves putting your bare feet on the ground. Go for a walk around your yard barefoot, exploring natural paths and other terrains. Walking along a shoreline can also help, and even walking on sidewalks after a rainstorm.

Anytime your bare feet contact natural parts of the Earth, you experience grounding. It allows healthy bacteria and beneficial microbes to latch onto your body. Studies show that the electrical energy that occurs when you connect with the Earth helps regulate proper bodily functions.

Shop at a Farmer’s Market

Even if you grow a garden, you won’t have it all. For the other things you need, visit a local farmer’s market for healthier options. Buy local, organic produce that allows you to reap the health-boosting benefits of SBOs.

Dangers Involved in Consuming Dirt

While there are many benefits to including dirt in your diet, there are some dangers. Eating large amounts can cause:

  • internal inflammation
  • constipation
  • vomiting
  • infection

With this being the case, you must avoid eating dirt in large amounts. Don’t eat spoonfuls, but don’t fear what’s left on your vegetables after rinsing them off. Don’t worry if some first gets in your mouth while doing yard work or exploring the wilderness.

Eating dirt straight from your backyard can expose you to pesticides and lead. Instead, use the other tips to include SBOs in your diet. Incorporating a little dirt into your daily life can make all the difference.


Final Thoughts on Science Explains Why Dirt Should Be Part of Your Diet

Plants thrive in soil with healthy organisms, and humans do, too. While you don’t want to go outside and start eating dirt, you can benefit from consuming a little. Rather than sanitizing your vegetables, rinse them off and enjoy them as they are.

Working in your garden is also a highly beneficial way to take in the SBOs. These organisms will help you live a healthy life, treating conditions and making you feel better.