
Do These 7 Simple Things When You Feel Anxious

There’s a reason why self-care is a topic of conversation in society. So many people are dealing with mental health issues and are struggling to figure out how to balance it all. For many people, their mental struggle manifests in the form of anxiety. When this happens, it’s very difficult for some people to function. That anxious feeling can be very crippling and cause people to want to curl up and not get anything done. It’s important to recognize that anxiety is a mental manifestation of a deep-rooted fear. However, it can be conquered. Anxiety does not have to get the best of you.

If you have the struggle, consider these seven techniques to help you stop feeling anxious.

1. Practice breathing exercises.

If you’ve ever taken a yoga class, there’s a relaxation period at the end of each session. During this time, the teacher leaves the students through prompted breathing exercises. The teacher tends to start from the toes and go all the way up to the crown of the head. This exercise happens while students lie on their backs. As they intentionally breathe in and out, they also relax every part of the body. If you can do this whenever you feel a sense of anxiety creeping up, this can help you. However, if you’re not in the space where you can lie down, do breathing exercises wherever you are. If you’re feeling anxious, this is an exercise that can help you get through the difficult moment.

2. Exercise consistently.

Exercise is excellent because it helps you to release endorphins. Endorphins naturally help people feel happier. It’s also great for the moments where you feel anxious. In the mornings, try to get a workout in. It’ll help you set the tone for your day. At the end of the day, it’s nice to go for a walk to cool down and decompress from the day. Find ways to get physical so that you can deal with anxious mind.

3. Unplug from everything.

Oftentimes, people deal with an anxious mind because they are too connected to the news and the digital world. If you find that you spend a lot of time on social media, it’s time to unplug. Begin to find ways to limit the amount of time that you connect with people online because it can lead to a sense of isolation and anxiety. Unplug from work. You don’t want to spend most of your life working. Instead, find ways to go on vacation, enjoy family and enjoy your present life.

4. Take it one task at a time.

Make sure that you take it one task at a time. Eliminate the temptation to multitask. When you multitask, it encourages you to constantly think about a lot of things at one time. This can contribute to the layers of angst in someone who’s struggling to deal with anxious mind. Focus on the task in front of you and get it done. Then, you can move on to the next task. If you continue this type of habit, you’ll find that you’re able to get a lot more done. Additionally, the anxious feeling you have will decrease.

5. Take breaks.

It’s important to take breaks. No one is a machine. As humans, it’s important to take time to breathe and regroup. Consider the Pomodoro method. Set your timer for 20 minutes. Within those 20 minutes, get work done. Then, set your timer for another five minutes. During those five minutes, listen to a great song and have a dance party in your office. Unwind with a few stretches. Take a walk around the block. Drink a bottle of water. As you get acclimated to this practice, you can increase the work time from 20 minutes to 45 minutes. However, don’t forget to take breaks.

anxiety relief techniques

6. Consider the worst-case scenario.

In many cases, people struggle with anxiety because they don’t want to deal with the worst-case scenario. However, it’s important to think everything through. What is the worst-case scenario? Once you figure out what that is, decide if it’s really unbearable. In some cases, it might not be what you want. However, it’s something you can deal with it. It’s not the end of the world. Take a look at the full scope and once you really get a grasp of what you’re dealing with.

7. Unload your to-do list.

When you’re feeling anxious, notice your pattern. Do you tend to feel a sense of anxiety after you look at your to-do list? This might be an indication that you need to unload and do less in a day. People overestimate the number of things that they can do in one day and underestimate the number of things that they can do in a lifetime. Pace yourself. Do not try to cram a bunch of tasks into one day. If you spread it all out, you’ll be able to deal with anxious mind and get everything done. Give yourself some slack.

As you work on these tips, take note of the ones that seem to be the most effective. Don’t be afraid to incorporate new tricks into your daily regimen to increase your level of peace and happiness. As you becoming determined in your pursuit of peace, you’ll find that your life will change.