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15 Positive Affirmations to Reinforce Your Emotional Stability

Life can be unpredictable, and you will experience many different emotions as you go along. Things are always changing, in good ways and negative ways, and you can never guess where life will lead you. During uncertain times you may waver, but you can remain emotionally stable even during difficult situations.

To be emotionally stable, you must have the inner strength it takes to face obstacles in life. You must remain calm even when something unexpected happens, handle conflict positively, and be productive even when things are hard. It also helps you think positively and look for the good in all situations.

While negativity may tend to take over your mind, you can train your mind to think differently. By using positive affirmations to reinforce your emotional stability, you can rise above anything that happens. You will also experience peace and happiness, even in times of distress.

While you may struggle at times, you can stay emotionally stable if you maintain the right mindset. You might need to reinforce your emotional stability, and one way to do this is by repeating positive affirmations daily.

Why It’s Important to be Emotionally Stable

emotionally stableBeing emotionally stable doesn’t mean that you suppress your emotions or hide them from others. Instead, it means that you acknowledge your feelings and learn from them as you keep moving forward. While you go through hard times, you will handle them better and continue to be happy even as life changes.

With emotional stability, you can learn to understand what your emotions are trying to tell you. Understanding them can help you make better decisions, recognize the source of your feelings, and find a positive way to move forward. All of this leads to happiness, peace, and an overall sense of well-being.

Being stable can benefit your relationships, career, and overall well-being. You’ll be happier, focused on positive things, and more resilient to change. Your life will improve, you will be more successful, and your relationships will be stronger.

On the other hand, suppressing your emotions can lead to emotional instability. If you don’t experience your emotions as you move forward, they will disrupt your life when you least expect it. Emotional instability also negatively impacts all areas of your life, even if you don’t realize it right away.

Positive Affirmations to Stay or Become Emotionally Stable

Try reciting these positive affirmations daily to bring positive thinking into your life.

1. My feelings develop based on my thoughts and beliefs.

The way you feel and your emotional stability is based on the way that you think. If your thoughts and beliefs are negative, you will struggle to maintain emotional stability. On the other hand, if your thoughts are positive, you will have an easier time.

2. I will acknowledge, accept, and express all of my emotions.

Emotions aren’t a bad thing, despite what many people think. You have to be in tune with your emotions and accept them if you want to be emotionally stable.

Even your negative emotions should be expressed. Studies show that ignoring your emotions can cause depression, anxiety, and other forms of emotional instability. This same study shows that expressing your emotions can lead to emotional stability and overall well-being.

3. I am aware of my emotions.

Being aware of your emotions is essential for emotional stability. By telling yourself that you are aware of your emotions, you will become more aware. You can tune into your emotions simply by speaking this positive affirmation out loud every day.

4. I know that life doesn’t always go the way I want it to, but I trust that it will work out.

If you expect things to always go the way you want, you will be disappointed. You have to change your expectations and know that things won’t always go your way. Only with this information will you be able to reinforce your emotional stability.

By speaking this positive affirmation each day, you will be ready if the unexpected happens. Trust that things will work out, though, even if it is different than you imagined.

5. I am the only person in charge of my emotions.

No one else can control your emotions. Remind yourself of this daily, because you are in charge of the way that you feel. With this reminder, it will be easy to reinforce your emotional stability.

6. I will accomplish small tasks today to help me move forward.

Even if you are emotionally stable, you will have bad days. There will be times that you don’t want to do anything. If you want to maintain your stability, you have to keep moving, though, even during hard times.

The tasks you accomplish don’t have to be big. They can be simple things like getting out of bed, taking a shower, or getting dressed. Once those things are done, you can move on to other tasks such as checking your email or making a cup of coffee.

Doing these small tasks will help you move forward and maintain emotional stability. It will be a signal to your brain that you aren’t giving up.

pop meme7. I will recover from any setbacks or obstacles.

You can’t control or predict everything that happens in life. All that you can do is learn from setbacks and obstacles and keep moving forward. With this positive phrase, you will remember that you can overcome any challenge, helping you remain stable.

8. I will look for opportunities at every moment.

No matter what happens, there are opportunities out there for you. Even when things are upsetting or different than you expected, there is something good in the situation. This affirmation will help you see the opportunities that you would have missed otherwise.

9. I can handle stressful situations positively.

Life can’t always be perfect, and encountering stressful situations is normal. Tell yourself that you can handle the stress positively, and you will notice the difference. Handling stressful situations positively is the key to maintaining emotional stability.

10. I am focusing on positive thoughts.

It can be hard to change your thought process, especially when you’re upset, but it is possible. The best way to do that is by speaking affirmations like this one out loud to yourself each morning. Training your brain to think positively can be as simple as telling yourself that you are focusing on positivity.

11. I am emotionally stable.

Your brain believes the words that you say out loud. By telling yourself that you are emotionally stable, you will reinforce your emotional stability. This will help maintain your well-being as you go through your day, no matter what negativity tries to take over.

12. It is okay for me to say “no”.

One thing that can interfere with your emotional stability is being too overwhelmed. When you say “yes” to everything that is asked of you, your well-being will take a hit. It is okay to say “no”, and you should never feel bad for doing so.

If you don’t have time to take on more tasks, be honest about it. Likewise, if you simply don’t want to do something, you don’t have to commit to it. If saying “no” is hard for you, rest assured that the more you say it, the easier it will become.

13. I am open to change and can find the good in new situations.

Change happens no matter how much you try to resist it, so tell yourself that you are open to it. By doing this, the change will be easier to deal with. Plus, it reinforces your emotional stability and makes you even stronger.

Even if you aren’t excited about the change, you must look for the good parts, no matter how small. If you can do this, you will learn to love the change, even as you miss the way things used to be.

14. I will make myself a priority.

You are important, and you must take care of yourself if you want to be emotionally stable. Eat healthy foods, drink plenty of water, and get adequate sleep so that you can be in your best state of mind.

15. I love myself and the person I have become.

If you can love yourself, you can be emotionally stable. Beating yourself up for who you have become will only decrease your emotional stability, so you must learn to love yourself. Not only should you learn to love yourself, but you must show yourself the love you deserve.

emotionally stableFinal Thoughts on Positive Affirmations to Reinforce Your Emotional Stability

Life is unpredictable and full of unexpected situations, but that doesn’t mean it can’t be happy. You are in control of your emotions and reinforcing your emotional stability helps more than you know. Use these positive affirmations to be more emotionally stable and you’ll notice a significant difference in your life.

The more often you speak these positive affirmations out loud to yourself, the more helpful they will be. Repeat them each morning and then again whenever you need to reinforce your emotional stability.

Not only will the affirmations help you at the moment, but they will help long-term, too. You will begin to be more positive and emotionally stable with less effort. Use these positive affirmations to reinforce your emotional stability and change your life for the better.