energy imbalance

How Energy Imbalance In your Body Can Produce Anxiety and Allergies

Our bodies are incredible works of art and performance machines.  We tend to forget how our manner of thinking and emotions all play a role in our general health.  Has your body ever reacted to the smallest things–and you know it hadn’t in the past?  Maybe you’ve found that even with medication and changes in diet, your allergies or anxiety just never seem to really get better.

We tend to write this off as part of aging.  Perhaps there is a bit of truth to that but not in the way you may think.  It takes years of a certain pattern of thinking and established emotional status before we start affecting our bodies.  It’s not so much age that may be changing you. But it could be the amount of time you’ve spent living a certain way that is throwing your body off.

Here’s how an energy imbalance in your body could produce anxiety and allergies.

Chakras and energy flow–and determine allergies and anxiety

Chakra in Sanskrit has many different meanings, with one of the most familiar being a wheel or something which operates or looks like a wheel.  In Hinduism, it relates to anything of a circular pattern.  It is believed that it is essential to keep this energy flowing freely within our body from the bottom of our spine up to the crown of our head and back around in order to encourage health in body and mind.  This idea of a flow in a circular pattern fits well with how our body operates in multiple capacities:

  • Our Circulatory System: Our body pumps blood from the heart, down, around, up to and through our brain, only to return to the heart.
  • Our Respiratory System: When we breathe, air flows in our nose or mouth, to our lungs, out and around to exhale also through our nose or mouth. Of course, this impacts breathing and allergies.
  • Particle physics as it relates to our body: We are made up of particles of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, and nitrogen,  in addition to many others.  These particles create radioactive energy, which is additionally fed through the food we eat, liquid we drink, even the air we breathe, and the daily things we come into contact with.
  • Metabolism: Our bodies require energy via the food we eat in order to function

What are the 7 Chakra Centers?

For the majority of Chakra practices, there are 7 chakra centers in the body. Moreover, each one serves a specific purpose and is situated in a straight line in our body.  Each center is considered to be responsible for specific health benefits. However, when they are blocked or unbalanced, we feel the effect on our mental, emotional, and physical well-being. Specifically, we feel the onset of anxiety or allergies

Certain beliefs will correlate the chakra centers with our nervous system plexus or the communication hubs of nerves, our endocrine system, or both as they relate to the corresponding location in the body with the chakra points.    All practices start from the lowest center of the spine and move up toward the head.

These 7 Chakra centers are:

1 – Muladhara/Root Chakra:

The chakra center is located at your tailbone but correlates with your feet as it has to do with how grounded you are and the “root” of your core self.  It manifests in your emotions and mental state by how safe and secure you feel both in yourself and your “tribe” or family and friends.

    • The Endocrine system relation is our sexual organs, which controls sexual desire and reproduction. The adrenal medulla is also related to it due to it being responsible for the “fight or flight” response when you feel unsafe.
    • The nervous system plexus here is the inferior hypogastric plexus, and it connects the nerves for the uterus and cervix and the prostate. The rectum and bladder are also connected by this plexus.

2 – Svadhistana/Sacral Chakra:

This chakra is located slightly up from the root in the hips and sexual organs.  It correlates with your adrenal glands and your genitalia and urinary system.   Additionally, it relates to your emotions, sexuality, creativity, and senses.  It may reflect itself in your intimacy with one on one relationships.

    • The Endocrine system corresponding to it is our adrenal system which controls our immune system and metabolism
    • The nervous system center here is the superior hypogastric plexus related to a hub of communication to all sexual organs in areas of fertility and reproduction.

3 – Manipura/Solar Plexus Chakra:

This chakra is located about the center of your spine, near the ribs and diaphragm.  It is correlated also with your adrenal glands and your digestive system.  This chakra focuses on your thoughts and feelings toward yourself.

    • The Endocrine system it affects is our pancreas and plays a role in our metabolism.
    • The nervous system responsible here may be the celiac plexus, which is the nerve communication center to the stomach, pancreas, and liver.

4 – Anahata/Heart Chakra:

As is in the name, this chakra is located at the heart and chest.  It connects with your heart, thymus, and endocrine system.  This chakra relates to love for yourself and others, whether that is friendships, romance, family, and strangers.  It reflects itself in your ability to both create and feel connected with yourself and others and how safe you feel connecting with others.

    • The Endocrine system related to this is our thymus gland and controlling our immune system
    • The Nervous system function related here is the cardiac plexus which is responsible for communicating with all the nerves to and from the heart.

5 – Visshudha/Throat Chakra:

Located in the throat, it affects the areas surrounding such as your jaw, neck, mouth, and ears.  Its focus is on your ability to communicate and express yourself freely while also knowing when to stay quiet and listen with compassion.

    • Endocrine system affected by this is our thyroid gland which controls our body temperature and metabolism
    • Nervous system related to this area is the pharyngeal plexus which connects all the nerves in the throat, including to the vocal cords

6 – Ajna/Third Eye:

Located in the forehead, above the center of your eyes.  It is related to your intuition, imagination,  personal wisdom, and insightfulness.  It is related to how well you can see the truth of yourself and life around you while maintaining positivity.

    • The Endocrine system related to this is our pituitary gland, and some believe our pineal gland. The pituitary controls all the glands.

7 – Sahasrara/Crown Chakra:

Situated at the top of your head, and connected to your pineal gland, pituitary, and central nervous system.  Its focus is on how you see yourself as part of the universe and your place in it.  It is related to inner wisdom, spirituality, and imagination.

    • The endocrine system responsible here is the pineal gland, and it is responsible for our biological systems.

Chakra imbalance and anxiety or allergies

In accordance with the belief about chakras, when our energy does not flow correctly due to either a blockage or imbalance, then we will see the effects mirrored in our life.  It can manifest in physical ailments related to the same area and mental and emotional repeats of themes related to the chakra.

The root chakra, for example, has shown to be related to high anxiety, panic attacks and therefore feeling insecure and needing to feel attached to others or situations you can control.

Physiologically, your adrenal medulla is overacting and creating hormones to be released telling your body that you are not safe except under certain conditions.  Those conditions might be only if you are with a certain person, following a set routine, or only doing things that you are comfortable and familiar with.

Your need to be safe also reflects the inherent protection of your immune system. When your root chakra is out of balance, your body overreacts to the slightest increase in things around you.  For example, suddenly, your allergies are reacting to things in the air that increased due to a fire, major winds, or sudden rain.  Now there are more particles in the air than normal, so your body starts responding as if they are not safe for you.  Your body is trying to recreate the “safe zone” that you normally operate in.

no anxiety, acupuncture can help allergiesFinal Thoughts on Removing Energy Imbalance and Improving Allergies and Anxiety

There are a lot of similarities that correspond with the belief surrounding chakras and how our body’s systems operate. Many of our illnesses, including anxiety and allergies, can easily correspond with our energy being imbalanced.  When we are stressed, or our energy is “off,” we tend to get sick, emotionally down and mentally drained.

There are various things that one can do to help your body function well but can also keep your energy flowing freely.  Maintaining a balanced diet, exercising, drinking water, practicing deep breathing, meditation, and yoga are just a few of the things that science proves beneficial for your overall well-being.  These are the very things that you need for chakra balancing as well.

Is it a coincidence that your Chakras falling out of balance triggers allergies or raise anxiety levels?  I don’t think so.