extra mile

15 Behaviors That Reveal Your Partner Will Go the Extra Mile for You

Beginning a new relationship can be scary, and you may wonder if your new love will stay true and go the extra mile for you. You have high hopes for yourself and your new love interest, but you always have fears in the back of your mind because you are afraid things won’t work out. Even worse, you fear that you will be hurt.

Don’t let past connections ruin your future. Though things might have ended poorly in another relationship, there’s a good chance that history won’t repeat itself. You can use many clues to determine if this new partner is worthy of a lifetime commitment and a trip down the aisle.

What Does Going the Extra Mile Mean in A Relationship?

extra mileThere’s a certain level of expectancy that comes with relationships. However, when someone does more than they are required and does these things with generosity and not for personal gain, they’re going the extra mile. When you’re dating someone, which extends beyond your expectations, your heart will become tender towards this individual.

When your lover does extra things to show they care, it not only lifts your mood, but it gives you hope that this relationship will last. Some men and women do extra things every day to show you how special you’re to them. These are unassuming individuals who aren’t expecting anything in return, but they want to express their love in more ways than one.

As the other party in this relationship, you know you’re loved, adored, and have found someone that may be yours forever. To the other party, they feel invigorated by doing nice things for you. All those little extras help to give them a spring in their step because they know they’ve done something to make you happy.

A person with a true spirit of generosity will do these extra random things without even knowing they’re doing it. Did you know that going out of your way to be kind can heal wounds from the past? Extras such as a foot rub after a long day or an embrace when life is rough means more than any gift money can buy.

Ways to Go the Extra Mile

Some people love each other, but they don’t have that deep level of commitment that it takes to make it for the long haul. How do you know if your partner will go the extra mile for you or if you’re just someone filling their time? Here are some clues that you mean the world to this person, and they are into you.

1. Buys “Just Because Gifts

Sure, they bring flowers, candy, or a card on special occasions, but they buy random “just because” gifts too. They love to make surprise gestures because it thrills them to see you happy. They don’t mind going the extra mile if it means they please you.

According to Huffington Post, some people prefer gift-giving as a way to show they care. The gift speaks volumes about their feelings for you.

2. Cannot Wait to Share Their Day with You

You’re the first person they call when their workday is done. However, they’ve been communicating with you by sending text messages randomly throughout the day. They want nothing more than to share their life with you, and their life includes everything down to the smallest detail.

3. Speaks Kindly Even During Disagreements

Even during the most heated of disagreements, they’re always willing to speak kind words. They would never call names or use manipulative tactics to get an advantage over you. They may not even want to argue with you, so they will walk away and wait for frustrations to calm before addressing an issue.

4. Wants to Make Sure You Make It Safely Home

This person cares about your safety and wellbeing, so they set up a system to send text messages once you arrive at your destination. When they care about the little things like making sure you arrive safely, it shows that you’re in their heart, and they will go the extra mile.

5. Worries About Your Wellbeing

Your partner cares about things like your health and stress levels. They see it as their job to do anything to take the stress from you. They don’t just want a relationship, but they also want you to be healthy enough to have a happy life and enjoy each other.

6. Cares About Your Happiness

Your happiness is one of the top concerns for them. They equate their ability to make you happy as being part of their duty. If you’re not satisfied, then they’re not fulfilled.

7. Will Do Anything to See You Smile

A smile on your face is what they strive to see. Your smile is like a ray of light in the darkest night, and it gives them the boost to make it another day. This person puts your happiness above theirs, and it shows they’re going out of their way to make sure you’re content.

pop meme8. Can’t Stand to See you Crying or Upset

When you’re crying or upset, it’s as if a dagger went through your partner’s heart. They feel like they need to do something to fix this for you. They can’t stand to see you unhappy, and they’re ready to step in and take control to make the situation all better.

9. Wants to Step in And Fight Your Battles

If someone has wronged you, then they will have to answer to your partner. Your new lover doesn’t like it when you’re upset, so they are willing to step in and do battle for you. This individual can calm the storms around you because they refuse to let anyone or anything break you.

10. Is Very Open with Their Feelings for You

They’re incredibly open with their feelings for you. They may leave love notes on the bathroom mirror or send you text messages that say nothing more than “I love you.” All these little love notes and acts of kindness show that they’re willing to go the extra mile for you to know how much you’re adored.

11. Makes Sure You Have Quality Time with Family

While they love spending time with you, they want to make sure that you have time with your family too. Unlike a manipulative or narcissistic lover who tries to keep others away, this person wants to make sure you don’t avoid essential people just because you’re in a new relationship. The chances are that they value their friends and family too.

12. They’re So Proud of You

No matter where you go or the crowd you’re with, they’re always proud to have you on their arm. They feel safe and secure when you’re by their side, but they talk about you to others like you’re a movie star. They play up your good traits and refuse to see any bad ones. In their eyes, they have a prize that’s worthy of sharing with the world.

13. Lays on The Compliments

When you get a haircut or have on a new outfit, this person always notices and lays on the compliments. They never let the opportunity to tell you how amazing you look pass them by. They want to help boost your esteem to make you feel good about yourself, so they believe compliments are essential.

14. Is Proud to Call You Their Boyfriend/Girlfriend/Partner

You don’t have to second guess where you stand with your new partner. They are very vocal about their love and the position you hold in their heart. They are proud to call you their girlfriend or boyfriend.

While it’s horrifying to be stuck in a relationship where you’re “just friends” because a person has commitment issues, your new love interest is nothing of the sort.

15. Is Never Too Big to Say They Are Sorry

They don’t have a problem telling you that they’re sorry for things they’ve done. In fact, they may be the first person to apologize if you argue. They may even be inclined to take the blame for things that aren’t their fault to make the tension between the two of you go away.

extra mileFinal Thoughts on Behaviors That Go the Extra Mile

Jumping in the dating pool can be scary. You’ve met the perfect person, and you want to make sure that your love will stand the test of time. If you’re like most people, then you’ve had a few duds in the past that have left a sour taste in your mouth when it comes to relationships.

Thankfully, the right person can ease your hurts and give you a reason to trust again. While it feels good to have someone go the extra mile for you, it’s something that you should practice in return. Some folks confuse that doing extra things means that you must buy something of monetary value.

Earthly possessions mean little in the big picture. When you leave this earth, you can’t take cash and gifts with you. However, when you take your last breath, you can rest in peace knowing that you were loved and cared for on a truly extraordinary level. Challenge yourself to do extra and take your generosity to a new level as the sky is the limit in this new relationship.