solar eclipse

5 Things you Need to Know About The First Solar Eclipse of 2016

The first solar eclipse of 2016 is a major astrological event that can mess with energies around you, so let us educate you about what you need to know before you start any new projects. Using astrology to plan your day is particularly important during major astrological events, like an eclipse.

There will be 4 major solar eclipses in 2016 so being prepared for the change in energy that occurs leading up to and during an eclipse can help you to avoid conflict, setbacks, obstacles and delays.

You may have already prepared for what your zodiac may bring in 2016, but knowing what the astrological year has in store for your sign can always be supplemented with more inforation. Astrologers recommend that you pay attention to the movement of the planets, stars and moon to understand how these energies will affect your daily life.

Before modern astronomy, solar eclipses were seen as a bad omen for centuries. People didn’t understand what was happening to the sun, but they were afraid. We know that these fears are irrational, but astrologers want us to pay attention to what an eclipse can do to the energy that surrounds us.

Some days you may feel like you can do nothing wrong, and then there are solar eclipse days. Astrologers believe that the difference in daylight and the amount of solar energy reaching the planet Earth has an effect on our own productivity as well.

Although North America will not be able to see this first solar eclipse of 2016, the shifting energies can be felt by anyone on Earth. The total solar eclipse on 3/9/2016 at 3:19pm PST and lasting after sundown 8:34pm PST. It will be visible in Asia, Australia and in the Pacific and Indian oceans.

One of the most productive things that we can do is to shift our mental focus from a reactive state when things fall apart to a proactive state that is prepared for obstacles. Vedic astrologer Kathleen Whalen of recommends that we prepare for the day with a Plan B and a Plan C, just in case plan A fails.

5 Things you Need to Know About the First Solar Eclipse of 2016 Happening on March 9th

Here are 5 things you can do to help avoid frustrations that can happen around the solar eclipses. Keep this information handy so you can use this guide to prepare for the next solar eclipse on September 1st, 2016 as well.

1. Take time to rejuvenate your mind and body

Kathleen Whalen says that total solar eclipse days and the days immediately leading up to an eclipse are good days for resting, caring for your health, and spiritual practices.

Meditation, yoga, stretching, mindfulness and napping are your best bets for how to use the day to your advantage.

Focus on your own well-being with a massage, bath, or other self-care ritual.

2. Avoid major decisions, exertions, or new projects

Today and tomorrow will be very important for you to avoid signing any contracts or starting new projects. A solar eclipse can cause energy shifts that will delay even the most prepared efforts.

Rather than spinning your wheels, plan ahead and change your plan of action to begin after the eclipse is over on the 10th of March.

Kathleen Whalen of says that an eclipse is a day of turbulence and that you should restrict the following:

– No major business activity

– No launches

– No buying homes

– Do not sign contracts

– Do not over-do physical exercise

3. Prepare for unplanned interruptions

Major obstacles are likely and should be expected. This is how you can use this information to your advantage. By planning ahead for delays and obstacles, we can prepare our minds for being patient and taking action by taking these days to rest.

4. Exercise patience

Due to the anticipated obstacles that come with a solar eclipse, work on developing your sense of patience to make the best of the solar eclipse. Live in the moment, breath and relax in spite of delays. Planning ahead to move slower through your day helps you avoid frustration and stress.

A total solar eclipse is a rare event and the reduced solar energy that reaches the Earth is something we can feel in our emotions. You may have sudden urges or extreme emotions during this time. You may also experience a sense of needing to react to something, but your best option is to relax and resist that urge.

5. Focus on one thing at a time

The shifting solar and lunar energies as the moon covers the sun can tend to make us loose focus. Kathleen Whalen advises us to ‘stick with ONE major focus at a time in the weeks before and between the eclipses and then you can actually get something done. And it is okay to choose activities which give back to others and also put you into a state of FLOW or that you enjoy.’