
10 Foods That Help Fight Depression

You can fight depression by eating the right foods. Along with all the other methods of combating depression, food should be in the top three of methods. Getting enough sleep and trying to stay positive, food is equally important. What we place in to our bodies affects our moods, mood swings, and give us the fuel to get through tasks. When we are able to get through a task we are less stressed. There is a full cycle and circle of action in lessening the burden to our brains.

Starting to eliminate some foods such as sugar, dairy and caffeine are a good start. Eating healthier choices such as fruits and vegetables are the go-to for choosing a diet rich in freshness and the proper vitamins and fuel needed for the body. Make the commitment to pick up more fresh choices while shopping and you will start to notice the difference too. Your mood will be lightened and you will have more energy.

Below are some foods that provide the nutrients needed in order to fight depression.

10 Foods Helped Me Fight My Depression:

1. Any Dark Leafy Greens

These are a nutrient-dense inflammation fighter. Inflammation is what sets off depression in the brain. Fight it by buying and eating more dark leafy greens. There are so many to choose from: spinach, kale, and swiss chard should be on your grocer’s shelves now.

These greens are the first of the “G-BOMBS”. These “G-BOMBS” are foods such as greens, beans, mushrooms, onions, berries, and seeds, as described by Joel Fuhrman, MD in his book, The End of Dieting. These foods are the most powerful immune-boosting agents and have anti-cancer effects.

Severe depression has been linked with brain inflammation as per a study published in March, 2015 in JAMA Psychiatry. Leafy greens are filled with vitamins A, C, E, and K, minerals, and phytochemicals.

2. Walnuts

Stuff some of the richest plant source of omega-3 fatty acids in to your mouth. Omega-3 fatty acides support the brain’s functions. As a society we do not push the benefits of nuts. Now its time to make some steps back to the nutty side to take advantage of all they have to offer.

3. Avocado

There are so many fresh dishes you can make with avocado. The oleic acid in avocados gives you brainpower. Eating one per day will boost a lot of the brain’s functions. Avocados are power foods and a healthy fat. Most of the fat from the avocado is monounsaturated fat in the form of oleic acid. Avocados are filled with vitamin K, different kinds of vitamin B (B9, B6, and B5), vitamin C, and vitamin E12. YOu would not know it, but an avocado also has very low sugar, but it is high in dietary fiber. Go ahead and grab a few!

4. Berries

When berries are enjoyed freshly there are the highest antioxidant foods available. Choose one or choose them all, but add these berries to your shopping list: raspberries, strawberries, blueberries, and blackberries. The variety in what you can get away with will excite your tastebuds. Add some berries to your breakfast and get the day started with something that will fight depression. Antioxidants are like DNA repairmen and they are bursting throughout berries. Your body is already equipped with what it needs to make its own repairs. These repairmen fix your cells and preventing them from getting cancer and other illnesses.

5. Mushrooms

There are so many different types of mushrooms. You will never be bored to add these foods to your plate. The chemical properties of mushrooms oppose insulin. Insulin helps to lower blood sugar levels, evening out your mood. Mushrooms promote healthy gut bacteria. It sounds gross, but it is ever so good for your body. Our gut manufactures at least eighty percent of our body’s serotonin. Serotonin is the critical neurotransmitter that keeps us balanced and sane. We certainly cannot afford to skip the mushrooms. We should be loading up even more on these delicious treats. Our intestinal health matters!

6. Onions

We often overlook onions as having much to contribute. They are smelly and we do not like to cut them because of the effects on our eyes. Onions must push their way on to our plates too. Onions are layered With cancer fighting allium. Allium is brimming over in vegetables such as chives, leeks, shallots, spring onions, and garlics have been associated with decreasing the risk of many types of cancers.

Eating garlic and onions frequently helps to reduce the risk of cancers to the digestive tract. Consider the relationship between your digestive tract and your brain. Between the two helping to prevent cancers of the gut they also benefit your mood.

7. Tomatoes

Add at least five baby tomatoes to your salad today to load up on folic acid and alpha-lipoic acid. Those two acids are awesome for fighting depression. As per research published in the Journal of Psychiatry and Neuroscience,studies have shown an elevation of folate deficiency in patients with depression; they were have folate deficiency. Folic acid can prevent an excess of homocysteine. Homocysteine restricts the making of neurotransmitters such as serotonin, dopamine, and norepinephrine from forming in the body. Still too scientific? Its ok, just eat more tomatoes. Who can resist adding tomatoes to every dish rather raw or cooked. You can grow tomatoes easily too – in the yard or on the balcony. The fresh juiciness pops in your mouth.

8. Beans

Anti-diabetes and weight loss all wrapped in to a bean. Our bodies digest beans slowly and this stabilizes blood sugar levels. Another super food that can do wonders for our bodies. This is the one starch that should be on your kitchen shelves. Add beans to a salad and your body will smile from the inside. Beans are a great mood stabilizer and packed with fiber. Some will notice that with more bean eating they will not feel the need to load up on breads. Beans is a wonder food that will continue to amaze the body.

9. Seeds

Seeds are not normally pushed as a food for humans, but for birds. Why allow the birds to have all the fun? Instead of reaching for potato chips, reach for seeds. Seeds are filled with sources of Omega-3s. Sunflower seeds or any kind are better than the snacks on the shelves that can be filled with unnatural fats and salts. Some other seeds to keep on your shopping list are: flax, hemp, and chia seeds. You can roast these or add some other additives such as lime to them too. Its a seed party in the mouth! Seeds fight diseases too and increasingly absorb protective nutrients in vegetables when eaten in the same meal. Sprinkle some seeds on your meal and your body will be satisfied.

flex seeds to fight depression

10. Apples

Are you eating enough apples? Once you understand what they can do for your body you will want to eat more. Just like berries apples are also high in antioxidants. Apples also balance blood sugar and are a fiber. Try different types of snacks with apples – dark chocolate or even slathering on some almond butter. Make a fruit salad and be certain to include some apples.

There is a connection between the food we eat and how it affects us. The new weapon to fight depression is actually not all that new as we have been pushing these superfoods to the side for the crunch non-healthy alternatives. Healthy food is depression treatment. If you crave sweet, salty, or fatty foods, you’re not alone. If you substitute any of the above foods then you will have met your desires and satisfied your body. Intake of too much sugar decreases a protein in our brains and that too is involved in the development of anxiety and depression.

The path for long-term health against depression has the first step of eating more fresh fruits and vegetables on a regular basis. Many studies show that people who eat healthier have better mental health. Join the club and stock up on your next grocery store visit. You will be happier and feel more satisfied too. You will find more purpose and fulfillment in life and in living.

There is nothing magical in leaning on chemical ingredients for depression. The magic actually lies within the natural foods that are on Earth and available for us to eat. Get to know the vegetables and fruits in your nearest grocery store. You will be surprised of how many you have skipped over just because you are not familiar with them. Learn more about how to incorporate these foods in to your everyday diet with recipes that you will look forward to cooking. The new high should be in your grocery bag, not in a bottle from a shelf. When you are taking care of yourself, you are taking control of what you eat. Your spirit picks up and that becomes an antidepressant.