frankincense oil

These 5 Things Happen To Your Body When You Use Frankincense Oil

Frankincense oil probably makes you think of wise men traveling from afar. But this article will make you think about how your body can benefit from it instead. Ancient cultures have used essential oils for healing, and science is beginning to understand what happens in our bodies when we use therapeutic oils.

Oils are transdermal, meaning that the skin absorbs them into the body’s cells. You can apply frankincense oil directly to your skin, but most people mix it with a carrier oil, for example, coconut oil. You can also add one or two drops of frankincense oil to water and drink it.

Frankincense is an aromatic resin extracted from Boswellia trees, and it has several health-supporting properties. The oil is extracted by steam distillation from frankincense gum resin. There can be varying components found in frankincense oil due to the different regions where the trees grow and how producers prepare the oil.

This article will examine five things that happen to your body when you use frankincense oil as a holistic therapy. Please consult with your health professional to ensure that using frankincense essential oil will not interfere with any medications or cause harmful side effects.

5 Things That Happen To Your Body When You Use Frankincense Oil

The health benefits of frankincense oil are indisputable. The International Journal of Nutrition, Pharmacology and Neurological Diseases says of frankincense oil the following:

‘It helps in clearing the lungs and other mucus-related problems, lightens heavy periods in females, and eases postnatal depressions. It helps in healing wounds, sores, ulcers, carbuncles, hemorrhoids, and inflammations. In Ayurvedic medicine Indian frankincense (B. serrata), commonly referred to as ‘dhoop,’ has been used for hundreds of years, for treating arthritis, healing wounds, strengthening the female hormone system, and purifying the atmosphere from undesirable germs.’


1. Frankincense oil can relieve arthritis pain.

Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disease in which the body attacks the lining of the joints and causes tremendous pain for those who have it. Frankincense oil has been used in the holistic treatment of rheumatoid arthritis and is an anti-inflammatory herbal remedy.

In traditional Chinese medicine, both myrrh and frankincense can treat blood stagnation and inflammation diseases, as well as to relieve swelling and pain. To use frankincense oil for arthritic pain, mix a few drops in a carrier oil, such as almond massage oil and rub it daily on the affected joints.

2. Frankincense oil kills cancer cells.

In a study of the technique of using Traditional Chinese Medicine by prescribing a combination of myrrh and frankincense oils, researchers found that cancer cells died when treated with frankincense and myrrh oils. In this study, myrrh had a better anticancer effect on the cancerous cells than the frankincense oil did, but the combination of the two may provide other health benefits.

Research has shown that frankincense oil can help against pancreatic, breast, liver, lung, and cervical cancers. Unfortunately, this type of research often indicates the effect of essential oils applied directly to the cancerous cells in a petri dish in a laboratory, not in a human study on a cancer patient.

If you or someone you know has been diagnosed with cancer, speak to an oncologist about using holistic healing options that include essential oils as part of a well-rounded therapy.

3. Frankincense oil can cure migraines.

You may have already read our article on curing migraine headaches with one natural ingredient. If not, read more information on how to relieve migraines fast in our guide here. Using essential oils for healing is inexpensive compared with the copays and medical costs of a doctor’s visit.

Frankincense essential oil instantly relieves migraine pain for some sufferers when rubbed on the temples, the back of the neck and when a drop is applied to the pad of the thumb and then pressed into the roof of the mouth.

4. Frankincense oil can help with anxiety and depression.

The National Institute of Mental Health says that ‘major depressive disorder is the leading cause of disability in the United States for people ages 15–44, affecting approximately 14.8 million American adults. A less severe form of depression, dysthymic disorder, affects approximately 3.3 million American adults. Anxiety disorders affect 40 million American adults and frequently co-occur with depressive disorders.’

Frankincense oil’s pleasing and therapeutic aroma can be enjoyed in an aromatherapy massage, as incense, in a diffuser, in a bath, or as a perfume oil. In a study of a blended oil containing bergamot, lavender, and frankincense that was massaged onto the hands of cancer patients who had anxiety and depression, those who received the aromatherapy massage had less stress, pain, and depression than those who did not get the benefit of aromatherapy.

The International Journal of Nutrition, Pharmacology and Neurological Diseases says that burning frankincense creates smoke which produces a psychoactive substance called tetrahydrocannabinol, which helps to expand consciousness. Burning frankincense on an incense burner may not only help anxiety and depression but might be a way to reach higher meditative states.

5. Frankincense oil can boost immunity.

Researchers studying the immune-boosting powers of frankincense oil in the body found that it exhibited a vigorous immunostimulant activity. This information could help activate the body’s immune response to fight diseases.

5 Other Uses For Frankincense Oil

frankincense oil

1. It May help with asthma

There is an ingredient in Boswellia frankincense oil that could help treat asthma. Some suggest they didn’t need to use their inhaler as much when they took frankincense oil regularly. Of course, you should never stop taking your medication without your doctor’s consent. Researchers are still studying how frankincense oil could benefit people living with asthma.

2. Aids digestion

Frankincense oil may improve your gut health by aiding and easing such digestive disorders as ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease. Studies on rodents suggest that frankincense oil could help prevent diarrhea. Frankincense is known to reduce inflammation, and inflammation causes many gut conditions.  Although researchers are still studying how it affects human digestive tracts, proponents are sure frankincense oil can aid human digestion.

3. Improves mouth hygiene

Frankincense oil may aid improve your oral hygiene and preventing gum disease. It has strong antibacterial properties which can treat oral infections. It’s helped treat gum disease and oral conditions. Some people suggest chewing gum with frankincense oil will kill bacteria microbes. Researchers are still studying frankincense oil’s effectiveness in killing bacteria that cause mouth infections.

4. Anti-aging benefits

Frankincense oil is a known antioxidant with anti-aging abilities. Antioxidants get rid of free radicals, which can damage your skin and cause aging. Frankincense oil reduces your skin’s age spots and evens your skin tone. You can use frankincense oil topically on your skin by mixing two to four drops of this essential oil with a carrier oil like jojoba or sweet almond oil. Rub it into your skin.

5. Moisturizer

Frankincense oil is a popular ingredient in many moisturizers and lotions. Its moisturizing ability keeps your skin soft and pliable. You can use it diluted in a carrier oil to apply to your arms, legs, neck, face, and hands. It helps even out any discoloration and redness on your skin. It also balances out your skin tone.

How to Choose the Best Carrier Oils

Essential oils, like frankincense, are highly concentrated. So you should dilute them before you apply them to your skin. Carrier oils are the best way to dilute frankincense oil. A good carrier oil will carry the concentration to your skin without changing the quality of the essential oil.

Choose natural carrier oils for the best health benefits. The best carrier oils have vitamins and antioxidants derived from plants. They should have no scent.

Best Carrier Oils:

Some of the best carrier oils include these:

  • Fractionated coconut oil: This oil is the liquid form of coconut oil. Like regular coconut oil, it won’t clump or go solid at room temperature. It has a light texture. Many people prefer to use this carrier oil in a roller bottle for easy application on the skin. If you’re looking for fractionated coconut oil, look for it by its abbreviated name: FCO. Many experienced essential oil users say this is the first pick for carrier oils.
  • Grapeseed: Even though this is a culinary oil, it’s also one of the best to blend with frankincense oil. This carrier oil is good for the skin. It’s light and non-greasy. Therapists like to use grapeseed oil for massage because it quickly absorbs into the skin. This oil is high in vitamin C, which aids the frankincense oil.
  • Jojoba Oil:  Jojoba oil is high in vitamins, fatty acids, and antioxidants. It’s an excellent moisturizer for your skin. People who use it regularly have a glowing complexion. It’s a suitable carrier oil because it’s fragrant-free and has a long shelf life. Blend it with frankincense oil to apply to your face or body as a moisturizer.
  • Sweet almond oil: Many people have never heard of sweet almond oil. It’s a rich anti-inflammatory, antiseptic oil. It’s a great carrier oil for any essential oil, including frankincense. Sweet almond oil is light, with a nutty scent that doesn’t interfere with an essential oil aroma. It re-conditions your skin and has a soft consistency. If you are allergic to nuts, you shouldn’t use this carrier oil.

What oils should you avoid as carrier oils?

Several oils don’t make good carrier oils. Whenever possible, avoid using these to blend with your essential oils.

  •  Olive Oil: Olive oil has a lot of health benefits, but using it as carrier oil isn’t one of them. Some people use it, but it doesn’t blend as well as other carrier oils. Plus, olive oil has a strong aroma that can change the scent of your essential oils. It also clogs up essential oil rollers. Olive oil can also leave a film behind on your skin. If you have no other carrier oils around, use them sparingly.
  •  Avocado oil: Another super healthy cooking oil, avocado oil is full of vitamins and fatty acids. Although it’s good for dry skin, it doesn’t blend well with essential oils.
    • It doesn’t have a long shelf life- no more than six months at most
    • It’s too thick and clogs a roller
    • It has a strong aroma that isn’t pleasant for the skin.
  • Coconut oil: This oil is famous for cooking, but it solidifies at 75 degrees. So, unless you can keep it warm all the time, your coconut oil carrier will clog up your essential oil roller. Some people still use it, but it gets lumpy, and it’s unpleasant to rub into your skin. If you want coconut carrier oil, use fractionated coconut(FCO) fat, always a liquid.

frankincense oil

Final Thoughts On The Many Benefits of Frankincense Oil

Frankincense oil benefits are limitless. If you’re looking for an all-purpose essential oil, this could be the one. Its healing benefits and antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties make it a popular favorite among essential oil users. Be sure to blend frankincense oil with a good quality carrier oil for the best results. Try this fragrance today to experience some of the fantastic benefits of this popular essential oil.


One response to “These 5 Things Happen To Your Body When You Use Frankincense Oil”

  1. What do you do if you GET migraines from scent/fragrance infused products? Essential oils are the purest (therefore strongest) form of fragrance there is and is a major cause of migraines in many people.