high functioning alcoholic

9 Warning Signs Someone Is A High-Functioning Alcoholic

In the stressful world we live in today, perhaps it is no wonder that drinking is on the rise. A recent study showed that high-risk drinking and alcohol dependence are reaching levels that could constitute a public health crisis. What can you do when someone you love is an alcoholic and facing such a crisis? First things first: you need to be aware.

Many people struggle to find time to maintain positive and healthy relationships. A lack of sympathetic friendships and an increased availability of alcoholic beverages create a negative cycle, giving rise to a growing number of those facing alcoholic addiction. After all, you can find bars and wine shops pretty much anywhere. In some communities and cultures, alcohol drinking serves as a status symbol. People proudly drink far more than is healthy, enjoying the taste and effects of drinks without realizing the serious health effects involved in such a lifestyle.

Alcohol addicts also face a stigma in society; alcoholism has an adverse impact on one’s social circle, but that is only the beginning. Alcoholism affects a person’s health in a serious way, potentially causing major diseases to occur. The addiction to alcohol has devastating implications not only on the addict but also on family members and friends. Some alcoholics keep the addiction secret; others openly drink without hesitation.

Those with a secret addiction are often called “functioning alcoholics.” Even if an alcoholic is able to function properly, continue working, or maintain relationships, this doesn’t mean there is no risk involved in over-drinking. Alcoholism is a disease, often leading to a deadly end. Maybe you are wondering if your loved one is struggling with some form of alcohol dependency.

A functioning alcoholic will likely show the following signs:


1. An alcoholic will generally prefer alcohol over food

Often, functioning alcoholics take their drinks instead of (or as) a meal. They have little to no interest in food, instead consuming alcohol at lunch, dinner, or even breakfast. The alcoholic enjoys drinking more than the average person does, and their preference of a wide variety of alcoholic beverages supersedes their desire for any variety of foods.

2. Rare hangover

Drinking alcohol on a regular basis for a long time increases dependency on the substance. It’s constantly in the blood of the alcoholic and never fully leaves their body. For this reason, high-functioning addicts can easily binge drink without waking up with a hangover.

3. Irritability without alcohol

Psychologically, alcoholics depend on alcohol. They become restless and irritable if required to stay away from it for a day or two. When they are asked to abstain from alcohol or can’t drink whenever they want, they become nervous, depressed, and uncomfortable. Because of the sedative effects of alcohol, an abrupt abstinence can cause anxiety, shaking, palpitations, and sweating.

high functioning alcoholic

4. An alcoholic engages in excessive consumption

A functioning alcoholic is not satisfied with one or two glasses of a drink. They always ask for one more. When they have the opportunity to drink alcohol at a bar or party, they tend to drink heavily, behaving as if they will never get another taste of alcohol again. They have a high tolerance for alcohol because they have conditioned their body to function with copious amounts of liquor, beer, and wine.

5. Memory loss and weak brain function

Alcohol directly affects the nervous system. The addict can black out after consuming too many glasses at one time. They tend to be oblivious of what’s going on around them while they indulge in drinking. If you ask a functioning alcoholic what happened at the bar, they will not likely be able to recall because the drinking impairs their memory.


6. Denial of reality

When a person takes alcohol in an excessive amount, he (or she) never admits to having a serious issue. Such people often avoid any conversation about alcoholism, unwilling to discuss the addiction with anyone. They may grow irritable or angry if asked about how much they drink or confronted about quitting it.

Because addicts don’t want to lose their favorite pastime, they don’t admit to any habit of binge drinking. They try to deny the reality and keep on telling a lie when asked about their behavior.

7. Senseless justifications

Functioning addicts have excuses for their binge drinking. They give illogical reasons why they drink heavily, such as, “I drink because I’m stressed out at work,” or, “I just want to relax with my friends.” They will have a reason at the ready if confronted about their addiction. If someone informs them of the health hazards and social implications of alcoholism, they find excuses that border on irrational. They might say, “I’m depressed and need a sip to lift my mood.” Others might tell you it tastes good.

8. The alcoholic will hide the alcohol

Functioning alcoholics usually keep their drinks in a secret place. They don’t want others to see the alcohol, and often drink alone in their house or office, choosing a place where no one can see them. Some of them have a habit of stashing drinks in the car and having a back-up supply in the desk at their office. Hiding alcohol is a major sign of alcoholism, according to experts. While they engage in binge drinking, taking in more of it than friends or co-workers are aware of, alcoholics want others to remain unaware of their addiction.

9. Behavior changes

A person highly addicted to alcohol experiences mood swings. Their behavior can change significantly when they drink. A typically soft-spoken person can become suddenly aggressive or short-tempered due to chemical changes in the brain. They may also make impulsive decisions while under the influence of alcohol.

The social circle of an alcoholic is affected by the addiction. Alcoholics frequently fail to be interested in the happiness or pain of the people around them. Their addiction can cause them to become careless and selfish, sometimes seemingly unable to feel emotions. This emotional lethargy is a serious sign of alcohol dependency.

Final Thoughts on How to Get Help for a High-Functioning Alcoholic

It’s important to consult a health care professional if you believe your family member or friend suffers from an alcohol addiction. In order to effectively overcome unhealthy drinking habits, expert help is recommended. Alcohol rehab services and centers all over the world specialize in treating alcoholics and other addicts. These centers offer therapy, diet guidance, exercise classes, lifestyle modifications, and other techniques. They create awareness in the alcoholic about possible health threats of excessive alcohol consumption.

If, by reading this article, you realize that a friend or family member of yours might be struggling with alcoholism, it would be best to consult an expert or locate a support program in your area to help your loved one with the difficult issue he or she is facing

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved


6 responses to “9 Warning Signs Someone Is A High-Functioning Alcoholic”

  1. David D Gould Avatar
    David D Gould

    Not sure why this article was written mostly in the masculine. Kind of devalues the information because of how it was written, despite the fact that these are 9 classic symptoms of a highly functional alcoholic… male or female.

  2. Using male pronouns, (his,he) is not ok. Both sexes can and are alcoholics but you presume it’s just males. If you don’t feel that way edit your article.

  3. Am I to believe that only men are high functioning alcoholics? Are women not subject to the same temptation of alcohol?

  4. Was married to one for twenty two years. If I mentioned that he was drinking WAY too much he always said ” I have NEVER missed a day of work I cant be drunk” Never would he seek help. I finally did, and left his drunken self and I’m so much better off.

  5. What do you do when the alcoholic, doesn’t want help??

  6. laportama Avatar

    Poor syntax.
    Afterward, the recovered alcoholic realizes that “high functioning” was a delusion.

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