how to get stronger & slimmer

How to Get Stronger and Slimmer In Less Than 15 Minutes

Nowadays, people need an effective and time-efficient way to exercise. Why? Because you want to be slimmer and more vital. But, your hectic schedule will not permit anything else.

The good news is that we can “get in” an effective workout that doesn’t consist of spending an hour in some crowded gym. Of course, it does require the ability to discern between the “get fit quick” garbage and actual science.

An abundance of physiological research has discovered one key fact relating to exercise and fitness: time doesn’t matter as much as effort. There’s another critical fact: high-intensity, short-duration workouts are among the most effective for gaining strength and losing weight.

This article will discuss a routine that will help you gain strength and torch fat. Moreover, you

  • won’t need a gym
  • do not need weights
  • will work out at home.

Here is the 14-minute workout that’ll get you going without further ado.

How to Get Stronger and Slimmer In Less Than 15 Minutes



  • Perform the routine three times per week
  • Do each exercise for forty seconds; rest for ten seconds; move on the next
  • Don’t worry about performing a hundred reps right away. What’s most important is trying your best to maintain form throughout each movement.
  • You’ll notice that many exercises begin in the plank position. The plank position is the starting pushup position – arms, legs, and back straight.


(Note: illustrations and demonstrations of the exercises mentioned here are available online.)

1. Bicycle Scissor Kicks

Starting position: Lie on your back, legs straight, fingertips behind the head.

Motion: (I) Raise left leg directly over hips while raising the right shoulder and rotating the elbow towards the knee. (II) Lower the left leg while lifting the right leg and rotating the left elbow towards the knee. (III) Alternate.

2. Plank Walk To Pushup

Starting Position: Plank position with hands under shoulders and feet together.

Motion: (I) Position left hand next to right hand while spreading right foot about hip-width from left foot. (II) Move to the right for two feet, then lower into a pushup. (III) Repeat movement to the opposite side (motions I & II constitute one repetition).

3. Squat to lunge

Starting position: Feet shoulder-width apart, knees bent, hips lowered into a squatting position.

Motion: (I) Move left leg back and bend the knee (a “reverse lunge”). The upper body and right shin should be parallel as much as possible. (II) Get back to squat position and repeat.

4. Jab-Cross

Starting position: Feet staggered, knees bent, hips angled slightly to the right side—fists at chin level.

Motion: (I) Punch straight with the left hand. (II)Rotating the right foot, punch straight out with the right fist while turning the palm. (III) Continue for 15 seconds, switch feet starting position, and repeat.

5. Side Lunge To Jump

Starting position: Standing, position your right leg approximately two shoulder widths apart from the right shoulder. Elbows are bent, and hands are together. Both feet facing forward, lower the hips while bending the right knee and straightening the left leg.

Motion: (I) Step back with the right leg and stand; jump while raising hands overhead. (II) That’s one repetition; switch and continue alternating sides.

6. Pushup to kick-over

Starting position: In plank position with hands under shoulders; feet hip-width apart.

Motion: (I) Raise your left hand while extending your arm; sweep your right leg under the body and move it in a kicking motion to the opposite side. (II) Return to plank position and lower body into a pushup. Alternate and repeat.

7. Double crunch

Starting position: Lying flat on a surface with arms fully extended overhead.

Motion: (I) Tightening the abdominal area, lift your back straight up while moving your knees into the chest. “Sweep” arms low to the ground while touching your feet or holding your shins. (II) Return to starting position and repeat.

8. High knees

Starting position: Elbows bent, shoulders relaxed, moving into a slow- to fast-paced jogging motion.

Motions: (I) Maintaining a jogging motion, progressively lift your knees higher until the leg is at a 90-degree angle. (II) If comfortable with movement (I), lift knees until they are above the waistline.

7 Lifestyle Changes to Help You Get Slimmer (Besides Exercise)


1.     Eat more protein.

If you’re looking to get slimmer, consider adding more protein intake to your diet. Protein increases satiety for longer durations, reduces hunger, and fewer calories consumed. Several hormones contribute to feelings of hunger and satiety, including GLP-1 and ghrelin.

The research discovered that when study participants increased protein from 15 to 30% of overall calories, they ate 441 fewer calories daily. They also lost 11 pounds for 12 weeks without cutting out any food groups.

Some ideas for protein-rich foods include eggs, chicken breasts, fish such as salmon, lentils, beans, quinoa, and meat substitutes if you’re vegan/vegetarian. Eating a protein-rich breakfast, in particular, will help you eat fewer calories throughout the day.

2. Don’t buy unhealthy foods or hide them from sight.

If you buy cheat foods at the grocery store, place them out of sight when you get cravings. This way, you may forget they’re even in the house, and you can maintain your diet to get slimmer. Studies have found that keeping unhealthy foods in plain view may increase hunger and calories consumed. Another study even found that those who store snack foods on countertops weighed more than participants who kept a bowl of fruit on the table.

We’re not saying that you should never enjoy junk foods because everyone deserves treats now and then. But, if you’re trying to lose weight, keeping snacks in the house will only test your willpower and perhaps hinder any progress. So it’s best to store unhealthy foods in cupboards or cabinets where you can’t see them.

3. Consume plenty of fiber to get slimmer.

It’s well-documented that eating more fiber improves digestion and gut health while also helping you stay trim. Since fiber takes longer to digest, it helps increase satiety and reduces overall calories consumed. Viscous fiber, in particular, can help you get slimmer since it forms a gel in your gut, which slows digestion and increases nutrient absorption.

You’ll find this type of fiber in plant foods such as oats, asparagus, Brussels sprouts, oranges, flax seeds, and beans. However, all kinds of fiber can help you lose weight and reduce body fat. Other sources of fiber include blackberries, apples, broccoli, pears, strawberries, avocados, raspberries, carrots, and peas.

4. Drink more water.

Most people interested in getting slimmer know that they need to drink plenty of water throughout the day. If you drink water before eating a meal or snack, it can reduce the calories you consume and help you feel fuller. One study found that participants who drank water before eating lost 44% more weight over three months than the control group. Those who replaced high-calorie beverages such as soda or juice with water had even better results.

You should drink about three liters of water per day, and even more, if you exercise vigorously. If you work outdoors in hot climates, remember to stay hydrated throughout the day and take frequent water breaks.

5. Eat smaller portions.

It’s no secret that American portion sizes have gotten huge in the past few decades. Many people find that they have leftovers for a couple of days after eating at a restaurant.

So, if you’re trying to get slimmer, it’s probably best to eat at home most of the time. This way, you can control your portions and the calories in the meals.

One study found that adults who ate a dinner appetizer twice the standard size consumed 30% more calories. One effective way to eat smaller portions is to serve food on smaller plates. Then you won’t feel tempted to eat more than you need to feel satisfied.

6. Eliminate distractions at mealtimes to get slimmer.

Sadly, we’re more distracted than ever in the modern world, which can lead to eating more calories. For instance, people who eat while watching TV or playing on their phones may not know how much they’re consuming. A meta-analysis revealed that people who weren’t mindful during a meal ate nearly 10% more.

As you eat, pay attention to each bite of food while you chew. If you slow down while eating and take time to savor your meal, you’ll feel more satisfied with fewer calories. Also, practicing gratitude for the sunlight, farmers, and grocers who helped prepare your meal will help you feel more appreciative while eating.

7. Get plenty of sleep and practice stress management.

If you want to get slimmer, you shouldn’t overlook adequate sleep and stress management. Studies reveal that sleep deprivation could cause hormones such as leptin and ghrelin to become imbalanced. In addition, cortisol increases when you lose sleep, making you crave unhealthy, high-calorie foods for quick energy.

Chronic sleep problems and stress can elevate your risk of developing diseases such as obesity and diabetes.

So, make sure to have a sleep routine in place and turn off technology a couple of hours before bed. Practice mindfulness techniques such as meditation to lower your stress levels and prepare your body and mind for restful sleep. Prioritize your health, and you’ll find that getting slimmer isn’t nearly as difficult when the body and mind are synchronized.


Final Thoughts on a New and Slimmer You

Being slimmer doesn’t entail spending hours per week at your local gym. Of course, some exercise each week is recommended to keep your body and mind healthy. But, other aspects of health are just as important, such as eating a balanced diet, managing stress, and getting plenty of sleep.

If you don’t enjoy gym workouts, you can easily exercise at home using only your body weight for resistance. The workout above is a great total body workout that you can complete in 15 minutes or less. Hopefully, these tips will help guide you down the path to a new, slimmer you (but you right now are perfect already!)


One response to “How to Get Stronger and Slimmer In Less Than 15 Minutes”

  1. satish jagtap Avatar
    satish jagtap

    unable to understand positions.
    could u pls provide pictures of exercise positions.