good enough

How to Train Your Brain to Feel Good Enough 

Imagine when you were experiencing emotional distress from something that went wrong in your life. Did you feel like your entire world had fallen to pieces? Do you think these self-degrading thoughts regularly? If this is a familiar feeling for you, it may not be surprising for many people because they don’t give themselves grace as they do for others. They lose all sense of positivity and believe they are not good enough.

As a result, they can easily blame themselves when they are trapped with these heartbreaking moments that don’t go to plan. If people don’t train themselves to view themselves more kindly, these thoughts might spiral and enter other parts of their life.

For the people who have trained their brains to feel good enough, they are not immune to the challenges life will throw them. Life will happen, but they don’t allow themselves to experience the true meaning of life. Life is about understanding and not perfection. Falling prey to negative energy isn’t your fault. We live in a world where negativity is fostered in the news and the media. The world includes many pessimistic areas, where it feels like people must work harder to be kind to themselves. They focus on the feelings of melancholy because they may be accustomed to it. 

According to the National Science Foundation, an average person has about 12,000 to 60,000 thoughts per day. Of those, 80% are negative, and 95% are repetitive thoughts. Since a negative culture influences how things are seen, thought of, and perceived in the world, there is a need to methodically and intentionally rewire the brain to achieve the power of positivity. This mindset will help people feel good and worthy and transform how they treat themselves and the people around them.

Rewiring May Be a Gradual Process

As mentioned in the beginning, the world is filled with negativity, but there is also light and encouragement. It just isn’t glorified by the stories told in society. Rewiring and motivating your brain to accept yourself and speak kindly to yourself so you feel good enough can be very hard. For some, their unwavering thoughts may have been personified very young, which stemmed from the people telling them they weren’t good enough. 


When a child begins to internalize these feelings from a very young age, they can mature into adult life in overwhelming and maybe catastrophic ways for their mental health, wellness, and esteem. This is a difficult journey because you are tasking yourself with breaking what you learned, which can feel like a challenging adventure. You may desire immediate results, but give yourself the time and grace to embrace change. If you are struggling to love yourself and tell yourself you aren’t good enough, understand it is a process that may take time.

Accept You Aren’t Perfect, But You Are Good Enough

Accepting that the world isn’t perfect, including the people, seems easy. Millions of messages appear affirming people aren’t perfect and shouldn’t strive to be. It is impossible to be perfect, and you set yourself up for failure when you do so. This is an easy concept to understand. But we must still ask this. Why do people come across layers of borders when they try to apply it to themselves? 

We already know things are out of people’s control, like how others treat one another. They can’t change people, but some stress themselves by trying to change people and their behaviors. Without positive guidance, even the things in their emotional possession, they may feel lost if they don’t have an ounce of stability. Even for things you cannot control, it doesn’t mean you can’t make mistakes. It isn’t a mistake if you don’t learn from it. 

Language Matters When You Speak to Yourself

What are the negative thoughts you think of every day? Acknowledging what you believe often will allow you to understand where these thoughts come from. Reflect on how and when these negative thoughts manifest in your life. When you think about these thoughts, what is coming up for you? If you can identify why these thoughts emerge, you can better proactively tackle them when they show up for you.

Let’s try an activity to replace your negative thoughts with positivity from yourself physically. Position yourself in a relaxing, non-distracting space where you can become vulnerable to yourself. Look for a journal or computer you can write on. Once you have what you need, write them down in your journal or type them on your computer, on the left side. This may be a complex task at first, But it is vital to underline these thoughts in your journal and in a place accessible to you. Next to the negative thought, write something you should say. For example, usually, you might think, “I am completely worthless.” 

If you already know what you would rather say, you take an excellent first step in retraining your brain to think you are good enough. Some need a reminder, which is why you want these positive replacements you can access with ease. Instead, write, “I made one mistake, the world will not end, and I will do better next time.”

Train Your Brain to Surround Yourself with Positivity

The energy you put out in the world is precisely what you will face and undergo. If you are putting negative energy into the world, don’t be surprised when you make the stark discovery you are also receiving it. Energy is vibrational, and people need to be intentional and responsible about what they put into the world. The best part is knowing you have a choice to make–positivity or negativity. You can empower yourself by taking ownership of your emotions and energy or sulk in the dread and negativity. Choose wisely–that negativity is why you might not feel good enough.

If you surround yourself with people who do not bring out the best version of yourself, there is nothing wrong with changing your physical or virtual surroundings, including those you associate with. It isn’t about what you put into the world because sometimes your surroundings can encourage negativity. If that is the case and you want to be around positive energy, there is something called detachment. Detachment is not something you should fear. It is often shamed, but it needs to be embraced more. 

good enough

Final Thoughts Training Your Brain to Feel Good Enough and Restore Positivity in Life

Training your brain to feel good enough can be long and demanding, but taking these initial efforts to appreciate who you are will reinforce your wellness, wellbeing, positivity, and esteem in your future. It will make you feel better about how you treat yourself and others.