great dane

Great Dane Helps a Woman Overcome Loneliness

Most people have experienced loneliness at some point, and have gotten through it with the help of their furry friends. One woman who adopted a beautiful blue Great Dane found this out firsthand when she felt isolated and alone. Her dog Iris gave her friendship when she needed it the most, and they now have an unbreakable bond.

Stacy moved from Canada to the U.S. to live with her husband, but she didn’t know anyone else in the country. Since she didn’t have friends or family here and had a lot of free time, she often felt bored and lonely. After a while, she felt like she’d go crazy from the isolation, so she brought up getting a dog to her husband.

“Growing up, I had never had a dog before, so Iris was my first dog,” Stacy said. They quickly fell in love with each other and became best friends.


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What Stacy loves the most about her Great Dane

“I would say the most rewarding thing about being a pet owner is seeing how happy you are making this loving little being that you are fully and entirely responsible for. And, knowing what you are doing is making them happy and giving them a comfortable, safe, enjoyable life.”

Stacy feels that taking care of Iris gives her a sense of purpose, and she loves the bond they share. She enjoys loving and caring for her Great Dane, because she knows it makes a huge difference in her life. They make a perfect pair and spend much of their days together. No matter if they’re taking a nap, throwing a Frisbee or just watching TV, they enjoy every memory made.

“I’m with Iris pretty much all day, every day, so when it comes to one favorite memory it’s kind of hard – but, one of my favorite things is when my parents come to visit or we drive together to Canada, me and Iris.”

Stacy says they also enjoy long walks together and have trained Iris to walk off leash. They either walk in the neighborhood or take advantage of the local trails near their house. While Indianapolis doesn’t offer many off-leash options, they have found a few places to take Iris. Either way, Stacy says the training was a good investment for the times they can let Iris roam freely.

“She loves walking through the water – I’ll go knee-deep, she’ll go knee-deep, which is about the same depth of water. She is actually taller than me on her hind legs!”


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A gentle giant of a dog

You can see this in the video posted below. Great Danes can stand at over 6 feet tall on their hind legs, so they know who’s boss! They’re definitely the “top dog” in most households. They also have a habit of taking up the entire couch or bed due to their large frame, so be prepared if you get one!

“My number one piece of advice for anyone looking to bring an animal into their home would definitely be to match their lifestyle to yours. So, even though Great Danes are very lazy, they miss their humans a lot when the humans leave them. They don’t do well for long periods of time left alone.”

This explains the relationship between Iris and Stacy, as Iris can’t stand even a minute without her mom. They have a very tight bond due to all their time they spend together. Great Danes may look a little intimidating, but they’re well-known for being sweet and loyal to their owners!

Here are some interesting facts about this beautiful dog breed:

  • They’re known for being “gentle giants”
  • The modern Great Dane was bred in Germany to hunt boars.
  • They’re the tallest dogs in the world. Males can reach up to 32 inches in the shoulders, and females 30 inches. Males can weigh up to 175 pounds and females usually get to 140 pounds.
  • Great Danes make wonderful family dogs due to their loving, patient, gentle demeanor.
  • They need daily exercise – a couple brisk walks should suffice. Though you may think you need to run a marathon due to their size, they actually tire quickly. (Great Danes can be a bit lazy).
  • They live on average 7 to 10 years.
  • Obedience classes are vital when they’re puppies, as their sheer size makes them harder to control as adults.


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Do you want a Great Dane?

If you have a lot of room in your home, Great Danes can make wonderful pets! Iris helped Stacy overcome loneliness and give her a best friend in her new city. She also showers her with love and affection, and Stacy returns it ten times over. They truly make the perfect duo and seem to enjoy every second they get to spend together.

Loneliness can strike when we least expect it, and it’s often our furry friends who give us the love we need. When the world shuts us out, we can always count on our pets to give us the unconditional love and support we need!