growth mindset

15 Signs a Person Has a Growth Mindset

People are indeed born with intellectual abilities that make them better at certain things than other people. Yet, those with a growth mindset believe working hard enough to surpass natural skills is possible. You may wonder if someone you know believes this. Here are fifteen signs to determine if someone embraces a growth mindset.

What is a growth mindset?

People who believe their abilities and talents can be developed through good strategies, hard work, and input have a growth mindset. They’re less worried about being smart but rather enjoy the learning process. These folks assume that over time, their skills will improve if they work to improve them.

What’s the difference between a growth mindset and a fixed mindset?

Researchers say that a growth mindset believes that your characteristics, such as your intellectual abilities, can be developed. On the other hand, a fixed mindset believes that your characteristics are unchangeable and fixed. They found that positive people are more apt to thrive in the face of difficulty, but those with a fixed mindset avoid challenges or fall below their full potential.

growth mindsetWhat are the benefits of a growth mindset?

There are lots of benefits to having a growth mindset. Some of these benefits include

  • Greater comfort taking risks
  • Desire to strive to reach your goals
  • More motivated
  • Eager to learn
  • Better brain development in the broader range of tasks you do
  • Lower stress
  • Less anxiety
  • Less depression
  • Good work relationships
  • Perform at a higher level

Positivity can also help you face challenges and stay motivated as you look for a solution to your problems. Instead of saying, “I can’t do it,” people with a growth mindset say, “I can’t do it now, but I will do it, eventually.”

Fifteen Signs Someone Embraces a Growth Mindset

Do you have these behaviors and habits?

1 – They believe the growth mindset can develop intelligence

Someone with a growth mindset believes that intelligence is flexible and enhanced by hard work and effort. Because their mind is pliable, they think they can push forward through problems instead of giving up because they aren’t smart enough. Students who think this way about intelligence have more positive attitudes and more significant learning goals.

2 – Embrace challenges

Those individuals with a growth mindset see challenges as opportunities to prove themselves. They face difficulties head-on instead of giving up. These folks are achievers because they don’t get stuck when things are tough. Growth mindset individuals overcome challenges and come out a better person. They are inspired by those individuals who challenge them intellectually and seek to learn from them.

3 – Persist in the face of setbacks

Someone with this mindset is persistent when they face a setback. They remain professional and strive to do the best they can under the circumstances. They’re not afraid to say they don’t know what to do next. Yet, they’re willing to engage and persist until the end is in sight. Their persistence motivates them and the other people working with them.

4 – The growth mindset effort results in mastery

Having a growth mindset inspires you to work hard until you master a specific skill or subject. This mastery mindset motivates you to strive until you’ve accomplished the goal, whether it’s playing the piano, learning a new language, or understanding the latest technology at work. Competition isn’t essential to you. You enjoy setting personal challenges for yourself and going beyond what you thought you could do.

Well-known martial arts performer Bruce Lee once said,

I fear not the man who has practiced 10,000 kicks once, but I fear the man who has practiced one kick 10,000 times.

His statement demonstrates the tenacity of an individual with a growth mindset. You keep going until you have mastered something, even if it takes 10,000 times to practice.

 5 – Learn from criticism

No one likes criticism, but you will have a favorable view of criticism if you have a growth mindset. Being criticized can help you improve your skills, reduce your errors and increase your efficiency. You’re a learner, so you don’t take offense when your boss or teacher points out weaknesses in your work. Here are some steps to help you accept criticism when it comes your way.

  •  Pause for a minute-Don’t react right away. It’s easy to want to make excuses for yourself, but if you have a growth mindset, you know that this criticism could be helpful, even if it’s shocking.
  • Consider why-Think about why the person shared it with you. Most of the time, criticism is shared for a good reason. Someone isn’t trying to hurt you. Focus on the reason-it’s given to help you improve.
  • Listen to what they said-After you get over your first reaction, listen to their feedback.
  • Ask them to clarify if you need to understand better what they mean.
  • Thank them-Even if you’re still smarting from what was shared, you can thank the person. Tell them you’re still processing what they said, and you’ll get back to them, but you appreciate what they pointed out to you.

Having a growth mindset means you’re willing to receive criticism and see it positively in your life.

6 – Receive inspiration from the success of others

Someone who embraces a growth mindset learns from others without feeling jealous of their success. You find inspiration from your co-workers’ success instead of feeling competitive towards them. People with a fixed mindset need to make themselves look better than others, emphasizing who does worse than them to make themselves feel better. Those with a growth mindset want to learn from people who did better than they did.

7 – Embrace the here and now with the growth mindset

If you live with a growth mindset, you live your life in the present rather than the past. Because you view life this way, you can grow and change. You aren’t stuck in old ways of doing things but focus on present-day living. You make use of what can help you grow and achieve today. You’re not opposed to new methods but strive to learn how these methods will improve your productivity.

growth mindset8 – Comfortable with uncertainty

Uncertainty doesn’t intimidate you when you have this mindset. You can step back and try to understand why certainty is present. You ask yourself questions to evaluate the situation. Life is full of uncertainty. You won’t fear uncertainty when you embrace positive thinking, but you’ll look expectantly at the circumstances. You believe that you’ll be able to learn something about yourself amid these circumstances.

9 – Active brains

If someone you know has an active brain, good chance, they have a growth mindset. They’re curious about life and love to learn new things. They probably ask you a thousand questions; if you don’t know the answer, they’ll research until they find the solution. People with active brains are fun to be around but can wear you out with many questions and wonderings.

10 – Action doesn’t intimate

Someone with a growth mindset understands that small steps count when you’re working toward your dreams. You take action when needed, but not without getting the knowledge you need to move forward strategically. You’re deliberate and professional. Those with a fixed mindset are hesitant to move forward. They fear failure, so they stay safe by not doing anything.

11 – Self-Discipline is important

Individuals with a growth mindset understand the need for self-discipline to get what they want. They know how important timing can be and how to have restraint when needed. They’re so committed to the result that they’re willing to do the hard work it takes to get there, which includes self-control. These folks don’t need to prove themselves to others. They’re entirely focused on their goals.

12 – Positive attitude

Of course, many people have a positive attitude, but those with a growth mindset are dedicated, optimists. This is one of the critical traits of someone with a growth mindset. They’re upbeat and encouraging. Even in the face of challenges, they stay positive. They see problems as opportunities and motivate those around them to have a positive mindset.

13 – Get help and help others – spread the growth mindset

Successful individuals know the importance of getting help and helping others. They’re willing to ask for help when needed because they understand they don’t know everything. Because they’re learners, they see others’ experiences as vital. Optimistic individuals are willing to offer guidance to others so they can be successful.

14 – Resilience

Another key characteristic of someone who has a growth mindset is resilience. They know that success doesn’t happen overnight. It takes time and effort. They’re in it for the long haul. They stay the course without getting distracted by what others are doing or thinking. Tough times motivate them. Someone who has a growth mindset is committed to the end. They’re willing to bring others along with them.

15 – Passionate learners

Someone with this mindset loves to learn. They attend seminars and take online courses. Reading is critical to them, and they’ll be voracious readers. Their love for learning motivates other people. Their passion for learning sets them apart from other people.

growth mindsetFinal thoughts on embracing a growth mindset

A growth mindset is contagious. If you know someone who thinks like this, no doubt, they’ll spark your desire to grow and learn. Before you know it, you’ll be taking on new things in life and ultimately inspiring others around you when you always stay positive.