attractive people

7 Habits of Highly Attractive People

Quick question: Have you ever wondered what makes someone highly attractive?

It’s a commonplace thing for us to emphasize certain things – intelligence, looks, humor, etc. – and for a good reason. Human beings are wired to search for specific attributes in someone else when determining who we invite into our lives.

But for many of us, we can’t quite articulate what makes someone attractive. Many of us “just know.”

Call it a gut feeling or intuition, but we know it when we feel it.

The law of attraction is this: You don’t attract what you want. You attract what you are. – Dr. Wayne Dyer

What is attraction?

Attraction is a broad and complex thing. Lawrence Josephs Ph.D. explains that appeal stretches beyond the physical realm. Many social and personal traits determine whether someone perceives you as highly attractive.

Attraction can be intimate or spiritual, physical or emotional, rational or irrational.

Some of us are attracted to people that ultimately end up hurting us, a fact that is perplexing and inexplicably inviting at the same time. Indeed, some of us are attracted to people that imitate our values, aspirations, and purpose.

Some of our inclinations and thoughts evolve, including what makes someone attractive or unattractive.

Individualistic tendencies aside, certain behaviors attract more people than they repel.

Here are seven positive habits of highly attractive people:

Most of us would agree that spending time with pessimistic people is not enjoyable. We’re repelled by these types of behaviors, which are unattractive.

On the other hand, we appreciate the people who display genuinely positive behaviors and actions in our lives. This leads us to the topic at hand: what makes for an attractive personality.

attractive people1. An excellent sense of humor

A study performed by the University of Kansas asked 300 students to complete a survey for their opinions on humor and potential partners.

The results suggested the following:

  • The participants believe a sense of humor suggests a pleasant personality.
  • Males use humor to break the ice and discern a woman’s level of interest in them.
  • The students believe in a cultural bias of males telling funny jokes and women laughing at their humor.
  • A shared joke can be the starting point of a beautiful relationship.

But it might be simpler than that.

This life can be challenging at times. We’re faced with various challenges that test even the strongest among us. As such, the ability to ease up and laugh once in a while is an important attribute.

This laughter can be directed towards others or ourselves, as long as there are good intentions behind such actions. Needless to say, a sense of humor is incredibly attractive – both in friends and potential mates. Who wants to be around a stiff all the time?

2. Passion for life

Most of us appreciate the passion that others embody. Passion breeds purpose, which in turn generates direction and enthusiasm. To say that life is nothing without a passionate outlook is not an overstatement. We all need something to live for, even struggle for.

Passion is attractive because it’s often selfless. We can navigate the turbulence of life when we deeply believe in a purpose – be it friends, family, love, work, or something else.

Moreover, this zest for life remains a positive trait throughout life. The Journal of Social Psychology conducted an intergenerational study. They found that passionate people of all ages experienced less anxiety and maintained happier relationships for life.

3. Decision-making ability

Decisiveness is attractive because it shows a sense of direction. This attribute is perhaps most attractive in a potential mate, as the ability to make a difficult decision will ultimately come about. That’s because one partner’s choices directly impact the other’s.

Good decision-makers are more likely to weigh the consequences of long-term outcomes. For example, they consider what might happen if they cheat on a partner. Or, they consider if their partner will be happy before accepting a job transfer to a new city.

Highly attractive people consider themselves and their partners when making choices that impact their lives.

Rashness, on the other hand, is not attractive. Rational decisiveness is an engaging and increasingly uncommon trait in someone else.

highly attractive people4. Kindness towards others and self

Kind people might not even realize how alluring they are to those around them.

We strive to be around people that are kind towards others. For many of us, not only is it an attraction but a requirement.

This means being kind to strangers and friends alike. Showing empathy and displaying random acts of kindness is what it means to be a good human being.

Here are some of the small actions that reveal a kindhearted person:

  • Volunteer work at a food bank or animal shelter
  • Doing thoughtful things for others, like holding the door open for someone
  • Showing respect to all other people
  • Using good manners
  • Checking in on an elderly neighbor

A kind individual wants to do these things. They see these actions as part of their identity, not something they must do.

5. An open mind

Closed-mindedness is a sign of ignorance. Indeed, most of us detest people who display this trait. Why do many of us think of politics and organized religion as emotionally draining?

Among many reasons is the division created between groups of people. An open mind can resolve many of these divisions if only we’d be willing to more widely examine the notion as a society.

As far as relationships, many find an open-minded person highly attractive because it signals a willingness to grow together–both as individuals and as a couple. Relationships present unique struggles and opportunities to learn and grow.

Besides, research suggests that having an open mind can lead to creative thinking and finding solutions to all the problems that life throws your way.

6. Displaying confidence

This can be a difficult one in practice. Almost all of us have insecurities.  But others among us can focus on the things that make them good people.

Further, we want to be around people that have confidence in themselves, as they’re often able to make even the most insecure person comfortable.

Confidence is not only attractive. In fact, it is contagious.

Barbara Markway Ph.D., explains that self-confident people display these related traits:

  • Suffering from less anxiety: This more positive mindset allows someone to achieve their goals without considering they might fail.
  • Increased resilience: Confident people bounce back from setbacks or failures, learn lessons from experience, and try again.
  • Better relationships: A self-confident individual does not unfairly compare their choices, lifestyle, or looks.
  • Higher motivation: Confidence empowers people to set goals and then go out and work to achieve them.

7. Being accepting others

Many of the world’s problems today can be attributed to the inability to accept people for who they are.

Ask yourself this question. How many conflicts are occurring right now because of one group of people’s unwillingness to accept another group?

Needless to say, those that are accepting of others tend to attract those of the same ilk. When someone is accepting of others, they’re more likely to display love towards others.

Someone who accepts the flaws in others will also accept their partner, regardless of their weaknesses. And that is highly attractive!

highly attractive peopleFinal Thoughts on the Habits of Highly Attractive People

As the saying says, “The heart wants what the heart wants.”  But it turns out that a person’s specific behaviors cause people to be more attracted to them. Indeed, many of the most attractive people do not even know they possess these traits.

Now that you know the habits of beautiful people, it provides you with a fascinating insight into the human mind.

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