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15 Happy Quotes About Children and Family

Children and family can bring you the most happiness, as these happy quotes will explain. The love that comes with having a family will always give you something to be thankful for. These are the people who will love you no matter what and the people who will be there through it all.

Your family members are the ones who know you best. They will be there for the big moments, as well as for the small memories you will cherish forever. With this close bond, you know you will always have them in your life.

If you need a positive boost for your mood, these happy quotes will help you remind you of what is important. On the other hand, if you want a reminder of how great your family is, these quotes will still help you. No matter the reason for reading these happy quotes, you’ll find them beneficial to your well-being and overall happiness.

Happy Quotes About Children and Family

As you go through your day, remember these happy quotes about children and family. These quotes are the perfect reminder of the reasons that family and children are so important in your life. Plus, they’ll bring a smile to your face as you realize how true the quotes are.

happy quotes1. “Do you ever look at your child and just smile? Not because your child did something amazing, just smiling because you know how blessed you really are.” – Unknown

Being around children makes you realize that the world is full of beauty. The innocence of children and simply watching them learn to navigate the world will overfill your heart.

Watching a child do seemingly mundane things can even bring a smile to your face. As they learn and grow, your happiness will grow, too, because the blessing is so evident. Children are truly a blessing, and they can make any moment a happy one.

2. “To me, there is no picture so beautiful as smiling, bright-eyed, happy children; no music so sweet as their clear and ringing laughter.” – P. T. Barnum

Seeing a child happy and smiling can bring a feeling of peacefulness to those around them. Their pure, genuine happiness is sweet and beautiful. You can’t help but be a little happier in the presence of a happy child.

This happy quote about children reminds you of the happiness that comes along with children. As you picture the way their smile lights up a room and their music sounds like laughter, you’re sure to feel a little happier, too.

3. “Families are the compass that guides us. They are the inspiration to reach great heights, and our comfort when we occasionally falter.” – Brad Henry

Your family influences every part of your life. They are the ones who inspire you to be better, and they are always there when things don’t work out. Even when things aren’t perfect with your family, they are the ones who give you direction.

4. “Children will not remember you for the material things you provided but for the feeling that you cherished them.” – Richard L. Evans

Don’t worry about the things you can’t give to your child. Instead, make them feel loved, wanted, and cherished always. This feeling is what they will remember, and they will forget all of the things you bought.

With that being the case, make sure to spend more time playing with your child. Let them know just how much you truly cherish them, as Evans advises.

5. “Motherhood qualified me to let the child within come out and play.” – Christy Borgeld

One of the happiest things about children and family is that children give adults a reason to play again. Not only will the child be happy, but you’ll find that you are a little happier, too. Plus, there is no better time than this to let go of your worries for a while.

6. “Children are not things to be molded, but are people to be unfolded.” – Jess Lair

E Each child is different, and every one of them has a unique personality. As their personality develops, you will see the kind of person the child is to become. Help them become the best of that person instead of trying to mold them into a different person.

7. “Family isn’t always blood. It’s the people in your life who want you in theirs; the ones who accept you for who you are. The ones that would do anything to see you smile and who love you no matter what.” – Unknown

If you don’t have any blood relatives in your life, it doesn’t mean you don’t have a family. Your family members are the ones who love you no matter what and who want to be in your life. If you have a group of people who accept you, love you, and want to see you happy, then you have a family.

pop meme8. “It’s not only children who grow. Parents do too.” – Joyce Maynard

As you raise a child, you will find that you grow, too. The lessons that you teach them will sometimes also be lessons for you.

Plus, your children will cause many previously unknown feelings and situations to occur in your life. It requires you to learn and grow as an adult because you are the one who has to figure things out. This happy quote reminds you that it is never too late because you are always growing.

9. “Being a family means you are a part of something very wonderful. It means you will love and be loved for the rest of your life.” – Lisa Weed

Even during the hard times, your family will love you. You can count on them even when you are angry at each other because they will always love you. Having a family means you will always have someone to turn to, and love will never run out.

10. “The potential possibilities of any child are the most intriguing and stimulating in all creation.” – Ray L. Wilbur

When you need to feel happy, think of all the possibilities there are when it comes to children. The children in your life will inspire you, and if you tap into that, it’ll bring pure happiness. It is a nice reminder that life is full of endless possibilities if you keep your mind and heart open.

11. “Give a little love to a child, and you get a great deal back.” – John Ruskin

This reminder will help you appreciate the loved ones in your life a little more. Loving your family means you’ll receive even more love in return. If this doesn’t indicate happiness, then nothing will. Use this happy quote as a reminder to show your child love in every moment.

12. “Play is often talked about as if it were a relief from serious learning. But for children, play is serious learning. Play is really the work of childhood.” – Fred Rogers

This happy quote is a good reminder that if all your children did today was play. Then you did something right. Don’t beat yourself up if you think you aren’t teaching your child enough. By allowing them time to play, you give them the best opportunity for learning and growth, as Mr. Rogers explains.

13. “Our family is a circle of strength of love. With every birth and every union, the circle grows. Every joy shared adds more love. Every crisis faced together makes the circle stronger.” – Unknown

Family is a continually growing circle that is always a part of your life. As it grows, the love grows, too. You will become stronger together as life goes on, and you will always have them by your side.

14. “In family life, love is the oil that eases friction, the cement that binds closer together, and the music that brings harmony.” – Friedrich Nietzsche

Because you all love one another, things will always be okay. That family love will ease the hard times, make you closer, and make you happy, as Nietzsche explains. Love doesn’t run out, no matter what happens in life.

15. “A parent’s love is whole no matter how many times divided.” – Robert Brault

If you are a parent to multiple children, then you know how true this happy quote is. You can have any number of children, and you will love them all fully. You can love each kid immensely, and rest easy knowing that the love is complete.

happy quotesFinal Thoughts on Happy Quotes About Children and Family

Inevitably, you will face some hardships in life, and sometimes you will feel a little down. Life isn’t always perfect, and there are bound to be trying situations that interfere with your happiness. Luckily, many happy quotes about children and family can bring a smile to your face.

With the love of family, you can get through anything positively. As these happy quotes remind you, there is always something to be joyful about if you have family surrounding you. The love that you feel when you think of your family is something that won’t run out.

Embrace your family and show them how much they mean to you whenever you can. Let them know that you love and appreciate them. The more you do that, the more love you will feel in return and the happier you will be.