
10 Healthy Habits That Can Help You Say Bye Bye To Depression

As anyone with depression or anxiety knows, sometimes there’s no real reason or trigger for feeling the way that they do. In fact, 14.8 million Americans share this condition known as depression. It also manifests as different symptoms for different people. Where some may feel listless and low on energy, others may feel disinterested or even under-stimulated. Because it varies from person to person, this condition is so difficult to treat or manage.

Because of its far-reaching existence, however, researchers have devoted a great deal of time to researching the condition. As such, they’ve discovered a few ways that can help to deal with depression. So, if you or someone you know is suffering, then consider some of these healthy habits to adopt.

10 Healthy Habits That Can Help Depression


1. Exercise

While it may seem almost impossible to drag yourself out of bed, keeping yourself responsible is one of the best ways to deal with depression. Your fitness is one of those responsibilities to focus on and perform. Exercise has been shown to have powerful effects on more than just your health; it can boost your mood, too. While you exercise, you release endorphins, and it’s this molecule that can help make you feel happy.

2. Spiritual Routines

This can differ for every person. For some, it might mean spending an hour or a few minutes in quiet reflection with their respective religious affiliation. For others, it might mean meditating for a while right after they wake up. It could even be as simple as making a cup of coffee and starting your day with a book. Find something that nurtures your spirit, and make it a habit.

3. Discover The What

Another common theme of depression is asking yourself why it is happening to you. The why isn’t important. Instead, understanding what it is doing to you is far more important. By being able to recognize what is stemming from your condition, you can offer yourself a chance for reflection and understanding. You could just end up discovering something new about yourself.

4. Find Support

It can be easy to withdraw, but an excellent way to deal with depression is to not do it alone. Whether your support group is your friends, your family, a group that also deals with depression, or even a therapist, find that group and check in with them regularly. A lot of healing can come from listening to and supporting others.

5. Clean Your Life

Self-reflection is a powerful tool in fighting the condition. Take some time to examine the relationships in your life. Are there toxic people who continue to bring you down without you first realizing it? Are there relationships that, perhaps, don’t add anything to your life? Is there a hobby that is negatively impacting your mental or physical health? All of these should be washed out and removed. It may be difficult to do, but they are necessary.

6. Travel

While flying across the country isn’t the most feasible for every person, it should certainly be attempted. By experiencing other people’s lives, it can help with your perspective and help you learn more about yourself. Learning about a different culture, especially, can be an excellent point of growth.

7. Service

This may also prove to be difficult when your focus has been situated on yourself. However, by forcing that focus on someone else’s plight and actually being able to assist them, you can help yourself far more. Take the time to serve your community and discover your own form of healing.

8. Learn Something New

To help with that understimulation, consider your bucket list. What’s something you’ve always wanted to do or learn about? Set some time aside and join a workshop or class and learn a new craft or hobby.

9. Eat Right

You may not realize how much your diet can actually affect your mood. It does. Try taking out the comfort food and replacing it with wholesome vegetables and fruits. The energy boost you receive from good food could be exactly what you need to break through the fog.


10. Write A Journal

A final method that you may want to consider is keeping a journal. By having an outlet where you can safely express your thoughts, you can remove some of that weight on your chest and shoulders. It can also be an excellent place to test your words out if you need to speak to someone about something.

Not Alone

The important thing to remember about dealing with this mental illness is that you are not alone. There’s support readily everywhere. With these methods in hand, you can shake off the shadow and live.