past life

5 Ways to Recall Your Past Lives

Our lives before this incarnation can teach us so much about our ultimate soul journey and what we came here to accomplish on the path to remembering our highest selves. The more you know about your own soul, the clearer your road becomes. So much comfort and wisdom exists in recalling memories of ourselves before we even became humans. This knowledge can provide you with valuable information about the steps you should take on your spiritual journey.

Although many people desire to know more about their past incarnations, it can be difficult to start this journey alone. Luckily, many healers out there can help you out, such as specialists called past life regressionists, who have undertaken the incredible feat of discovering who they once were so they can guide others to do the same.

However, even if you don’t have a past life regressionist near you, the following tips can get you started on the path to knowing yourself in greater detail:

Think of what places or people seem oddly familiar to you.

You know that weird feeling of déjà vu we all experience at some point or another? Well, these feelings that you have met someone long before this lifetime or gone through that exact situation before might be memories of your past lives. In this life, we are automatically drawn to people and places that we have known before, because that makes discovering ourselves much more effortless. The universe conspires to make events and people come into your life that will assist you on your soul journey, so it often brings you to familiar people and places so that you will remember who you are.

Don’t dismiss these seemingly random moments of dĂ©jĂ  vu; they actually serve a purpose and can help you identify yourself from past lives.

past lives

Sit in a quiet, dimly lit room, and meditate.

Meditation serves as a wonderful tool to uncover hidden truths about yourself because once you quiet the chatter of your mind, you can more easily tap into the endless energy and wisdom of the soul. Your soul existed way before your physical body did, so it has been through many incarnations. As you go deeper within, pay attention to what comes into your stream of consciousness.

Do you remember certain faces, places, or experiences? What seems familiar to you? Maybe you have vivid memories of living in a different part of the world or meeting a spiritual master in a foreign land. Whatever comes to mind, if it resonates with your soul, you probably have experienced it before.

Don’t try too hard.

If you make learning about your past lives into more of a chore rather than a fun undertaking or hobby, you won’t really get anywhere with it. The more you look for the knowledge, the less you will find it. Just accept whatever comes into your stream of consciousness naturally, and allow it to flow through you. If you put too much effort into it, you might become misguided and recall memories of experiences that you didn’t actually have.

Relax, breathe deeply, and don’t focus too much on remembering. Focus more on Being, and the wisdom will naturally come to you.

Start off by thinking of your current existence. What might have happened in your past lives to get you to this point?

Think of everything you have been through. The pain, the struggles, the heartaches, your upbringing, your family life
anything that has shaped you into the person you are today. Maybe you haven’t had the best relationships with people in your past and wonder why things just don’t seem to go your way. Maybe you have parents that work a lot, and didn’t get to spend much time with them as a child.

Take everything in your life into consideration because this life happened directly from experience in a past life. We come here to learn from the past, and some people think of this planet as a deliverer of karma.

So, maybe in the past you got what you wanted from people by manipulating and conniving, and in this existence, you have to work through that karma by experiencing unsatisfying, hurtful relationships. Maybe you neglected others in the past and valued your work over your relationships. In a way, having a lonely childhood could be the universe’s way of dishing out karma.

These are just examples, but whatever you have experienced in this lifetime, try to put all the pieces together. The culmination of events and people you’ve encountered have played an important role in your journey, and it’s your job to find out what could’ve led your soul to these experiences.

Pay attention to how you feel when you conjure up old memories.

Sometimes, the “memories” will really just be realities we have created in our heads. However, you will feel differently when you simply imagine something rather than actually remember it. If something clicks within your soul and you get a sensation of bliss, awe, or some other powerful emotion moving through your body, you likely have remembered an important part of your soul as it existed in a past life!