
What Does Your November 2021 Horoscope Reveal According to Your Zodiac Sign?

What’s your horoscope for November?

This is a time of self-examination and reflection. With Saturn still square Uranus, you feel a lack of discipline and structure, primarily because of the imposed changes on all of us as we struggle to find a new comfort zone. The new boundaries of our lives are not yet familiar. Thus there is not much in your life that you can count on. With Uranus in Taurus, values continue to shift and make you examine what’s important.

We’re all gazing through a new looking glass, and we see ourselves and our lives differently. It’s time for a new vision. Mars opposite Neptune adds a sense of insecurity to new ventures – what you need is faith. Trust your ability to adjust as you go. Nothing is written in stone, so the unknown surrounds you. The more confident you are in what you want, the more you will shape your destiny. With Pluto square Mercury, communication has become more profound. There’s a need to be knowledgeable and aware of what’s expected of you, don’t rely on others to tell you all you need to know.

The more you depend on yourself, the easier life will be. All the changes in the structure of your life make it difficult to know who and what to trust. Just accept that you’re on your own. If you haven’t developed a community of souls that support each other, you will realize now why this was so important in our ancestors. No one can do everything alone. And when your environment is dangerous, support is essential.

Horoscope for November: Aries (March 21st – April 20th)

horoscope for novemberAries is ruled by Mars, the planet of action and vision. At the beginning of the month, Mars is conjunct Saturn, creating limitations and obstacles to whatever you want to do. Remind yourself that timing is everything. What doesn’t get done today can have a new beginning tomorrow. Mars in Scorpio, the sign of power and transformation, opposes Uranus from the 6th to the end of the month.

Don’t let your anger get the best of you, and do slow down. This is an accident-prone aspect. It’s very easy to trip or fall when you’re not looking where you’re going. When you slow down, you see opportunities differently. I know your spirit dislikes limitations, but they are a part of life. Remind yourself that our challenges make us both intelligent and strong. Mars is the third-fastest planet (not including earth), and whatever it connects with gets energized – which means you motivate others. Make sure you use it to your advantage. This is a gift of the gods and a touch of magic. However, you can ignore it or use it, and it’s really up to you.

Saturn square Uranus is still a part of the picture, and it continues to affect your finances. You’re unable to earn what you deserve for now. However, things begin to shift after the New Year. The Full Moon on the 27th makes a trine to Pluto and reveals opportunities to make money. Be inspired. At the same time, it squares Jupiter, which stops you from reaching too high. Climb the ladder one rung at a time. Have a vision but keep your focus on the next step.

With the Sun closing the gap between itself and Neptune, your expectations and lack of reality may interfere with your advancement. The danger of aiming too high is the disappointment that often comes when you don’t reach your goals.

Horoscope for November 2021: Taurus (April 21th – May 20th)

Taurus is the sign of desire, and until you learn how to manage these persistent inner demons, you won’t be in charge of your life. With Saturn in your 10th house of career, you are reaping the rewards or punishments of the choices you made. If you are still ruled by your desires, you won’t be celebrating. Instead, you’ll be angry at yourself. When you can respect and honor the word no, you’re on your way to success.

The Sun and Mars are in your 7th house of relationships. If you’re in one, then you feel stuck and want a few changes. If you’re not, you have mixed feelings about opening yourself up to the desires and dreams of someone else. Money is an issue. Neptune square Venus makes you wish you had handled what you have with greater wisdom. It’s easy to deceive yourself when the truth is not pleasant.

However, the truth is the only thing you can rely on. Jupiter trine Mercury brings ideas that can turn into profit if you handle them well. Get some distance from yourself, and clarity will be yours. It’s difficult for a Taurus to realize that they are not the center of everyone else’s world. The Full Moon is in your sign on the 19th, so be prepared to have an aha moment. What comes to the surface is what needs to be looked at. See both your flaws and your talents, then look at what’s in the way.

Pay attention to what has the power to lure you away from your goals. That’s what needs to be conquered. With Jupiter in your 10th house, what needs to change for success to be yours will be clear. It has nothing to do with anyone else. Your life is created by you. When you take responsibility for the results, that’s when change happens.

Gemini (May 21st – June 20th)

 Gemini invests in details. What’s happening around you often gets more attention than your goals. It’s essential to do both, see the little things that are out of place and rise above it all, so you get a view of where you want to be. With Uranus in your 12th house for the last two years, it’s been challenging to hold to a routine. Nothing stays the same, so you’re constantly adjusting and trying to gain control over the loose ends.

The horoscope for November advises you to get clear about what’s important and let go of the rest. When you do, things work better. With the Sun and Mars in your 6th house, work gets done. It’s where you have your focus, and even though Saturn interferes and slows things down, you’ll get to the finish line if you take things one step at a time.  With Venus square Neptune, you see the flaws of worry and perfectionism, and it helps you let go. The more you can stay centered and be satisfied with less, the easier life becomes. Remind yourself it’s not forever. There are times when your perfectionistic nature sets you apart and makes life seem unique and worth living.

However, joy must come from living and embracing it all. Nothing works all the time perfectly, and the more you can adjust and let go, the happier you’ll be. With Jupiter in your 9th house, there is an urge to travel. If it’s possible, do it. With the Full Moon in your 12th house, trine Pluto, and square Jupiter, you realize that what works often has nothing to do with how perfect it is. It has to do with timing and the moment.

Relationships may not be easy this month. Your partner doesn’t like unexpected changes. However, right now, it’s what the universe is offering. If you’re single, you’re not open to a relationship this month. Let go, and if it’s supposed to happen, it will.

Horoscope for November 2021: Cancer (June 21st – July 22nd)

Cancers are creative and full of ideas. That is when they allow their feelings to express themselves in unique ways. This is the sign where one’s inner life is born, and it’s there as a refuge from the craziness of the world around you. If you’re too comfortable with yourself, you might become isolated – a Cancer trait. Aries rules your house of career, and this month Mars, its ruler, is conjunct the Sun in your 5th house of authority and the ego. No one is going to take center stage from you.

You’re eager to make a stand against authority or the rules that you disagree with. The Sun opposite Uranus means change is happening. If you reflect, I’m sure you’ll notice that your vision of the world is different than what it used to be. Whatever you’ve been through has led you to see things in a new light. Now it’s time to put your unique insight into action. The Full Moon on the 19th at 27 degrees of Taurus affects your relationship with clubs and friends and how you have fun.

Perhaps someone you’re close to is in a crisis or moving away. Whatever it is, you’ll feel it strongly. Saturn square Uranus puts a strain on relationships, especially in the money department. The Sun trine Neptune brings forth your romantic side. It’s essential to let go of perfection. Under normal circumstances, it may make you strive harder, but it can get in the way under change and challenges. Go with the flow – adapt.

If you’re in a relationship, communication is difficult. That shouldn’t stop you, but you must be committed to speaking the truth. Covid has brought some relationships closer and sent others to the divorce courts. The areas of contention are broad — financially and emotionally. The horoscope for November warns that what’s important is to listen. If you’re single, it’s not a good time to make new bonds. Have fun. When the time is right, it will all happen.

horoscope for novemberLeo (July 23rd – August 22nd)

Leos feel as if they’re the center of the universe, according to the horoscope for November 2021. Thus, whatever sign the Sun, your ruler, journeys through, it brings the light. This month the Sun’s in Scorpio and your 4th house of the home. This is where your heart is for now.

The horoscope for November 2021 explains how all the chaos and change only make you long for something safe and sure. That’s what you respond to. Uranus, opposite the Sun, brings the opposite – change. Today, you need to rely on yourself, and there are no guarantees. With Saturn square Uranus in your 10th house, there may be issues around work. Either thing aren’t going well, or there is a change you’re not happy with. Remember, you’re not always the easiest person to please. You want things your way.

The Full Moon in your 10th house of Taurus on the 19th may bring whatever you’re worried about to a head. What comes to your attention will not make you happy, but it doesn’t have to be negative. It’s just not perfect. Learn to adapt. As a fixed sign, it’s not your best quality. The Sun is square Jupiter until the 22nd, and it rules your house of authority.

Jupiter is stubborn, and the Sun is powerful, so the battle will not be quickly resolved. Look for the truth of the moment and embrace that. It’s the only thing you can count on. This month finds you strong and energized, even if you’re not satisfied. Mars adds energy, and it’s just what you need. You have charisma, and you feel powerful. What you need is a dash of humble pie. It will get you further. Think about what’s important, being in charge for the moment or getting what you want.

If you’re in a relationship, know that your partner is overwhelmed. They want to expand and be cautious at the same time. Risk is necessary. If you’re single, you could meet a lot of exciting possibilities. However, until you know what you want, you won’t be able to choose.

Horoscope for November 2021: Virgo (August 23rd – September 22nd)

Virgos love being in control, but for some time now, that hasn’t been possible. Everything is shifting, and no one knows where anything or anyone will end up. Keep your eye on the prize, and don’t slow down. That’s all you can do. You have strong opposition to what you want to achieve, so you have to be committed. You’re idealistic in some areas, and not being grounded doesn’t help you now. The truth is empowering, and so is faith in new possibilities. Make them both a priority.

The Sun square Jupiter brings old unresolved issues to a head. What you always avoid returns and demands attention. Mars energizes you and makes you aware of your spiritual needs, not just those that others value. You must pay attention to both your ego and spirit. They are equally crucial to your health and strength. What you’re seeking is a sense of control and safety. It’s not going to happen for a while, so face your fears and conquer them. Don’t let them paralyze you. When we change, we take new paths, and we discover hidden sides of ourselves. That only makes you stronger and wiser.

Jupiter is trine your ruler Mercury, and it gives you an extra dose of strength and power. You still have the magic, so don’t get discouraged. It’s going to bring you a reward. Uranus square Saturn keeps the boundaries flexible and makes it challenging to build on.

If you’re in a relationship, your partner has not been available. They are working out their issues. Keep communicating. If you’re single, it’s not a great time to deepen a relationship or meet someone new. Be content for now with having a good time with friends.

Libra (September 23rd – October 22nd)

Libras seek balance, and balance comes from the truth. It’s the only thing that is unchangeable. Thus, this is the sign of justice, fairness, and truth – your fact, not everyone else’s. And that’s the ultimate challenge, can you hold your own when others don’t think the way you do? With your ruler, Venus, square Neptune, you’re off balance because of your dreams and fantasies. Let go of the way you want things to be for the moment, and see what you must do right now. The sextiles Venus makes to Mars and Mercury provide opportunities and ways to get to where you need to be.

However, with Saturn still square Uranus, the essential boundaries of our lives are not set in place and are still in a state of change. Without a solid foundation, you’re being asked to trust yourself and no one else. That begins with not lying to yourself. To advance and feel safe, you need to know the truth. Look it in the eye. You have everything you need to get to where you want to go, but the invisible ingredient is faith. You must believe in yourself. That’s what parts the sea and gives you the path to where you’re going.

The Full Moon on the 19th in Taurus trine Pluto brings you the opportunity to make money, or perhaps it’s the results of your past efforts that are finally paying off. The only enemy you have is yourself. When you doubt your abilities and your path, then you reduce the possibility of it happening. Stand in your truth, and you’ll be seen, says the horoscope for November.

If you’re in a relationship, your partner is not at peace with themselves. You can only provide some support, but they have to work it out. If you’re single, not a good time to embrace something new. Work on yourself, and you’ll be ready when the energy changes.

Scorpio (October 23rd – November 21st)

Scorpios listen to themselves more than others. They know the power of intuition. With the Sun opposite Uranus, your goals and career are under scrutiny. You may be considering some changes. If you’re in a business partnership, that may be ending, primarily because you desire to be independent and not restricted by others. With Mars conjunct the Sun this month, your energy level should be high. You’ll need it to follow through on everything you want to accomplish.

Jupiter trine Mercury keeps you juggling new ideas, and there are a few that have caught your attention. This is a time to step out of the box and try something new. The world has changed, and you need to adapt or add your new ideas to the pot. The New Moon in your sign on the 4th allows you to make a special wish, make it on that day, and light a candle. New Moons are powerful for new beginnings, foretells the horoscopes for November.

The Sun square Saturn makes communication an issue. It will be easy to be misunderstood, so slow down and don’t be in a hurry. If you take the time, you’ll be fine. The Full Moon in Taurus on the 19th at 27 degrees makes a trine to Pluto in Capricorn. If you need to convince anyone, do it at the end of the month. The key to success is making a connection. If you don’t connect, no one will listen. Jupiter in Aquarius adds strength by giving you confidence in yourself. Confidence will get you further than actual knowledge. It’s something others respond to. It provides an extra dose of strength for you to use wherever it’s needed.

If you’re in a relationship, your partner has been changing for a while. They’re evolving, and it will push you to open up as well. If you’re single, it’s easier to have a good time than to find the right partner. Remind yourself that everything happens when it is supposed to.

Horoscope for November 2021: Sagittarius (November 22nd – December 21st)

Sagittarius is the sign of truth and justice. This month, your ruler Jupiter is in the third house of communication and siblings. You are a sponge for knowledge, but learning how to communicate is an entirely different skill. There’s a sharp edge to the way a Sagittarius delivers their knowledge. They know how to get your attention. It’s why they make great writers.

With the Sun opposite Uranus, be prepared to be challenged. Your way of doing things needs adjustment. The Full Moon on the 27th, in Taurus, makes you aware of your work schedule and what’s needs to change. Pay attention to the issues that arise, they need your attention. Your desire for independence is vital. This is something you’ve always embraced without pressure. You enjoy your alone time, and it’s a necessary part of learning, listening to yourself, and understanding how things happened and why.

With Neptune trine the Sun square Venus, your creativity and intuition are intense, while your work environment may be uncertain or chaotic. Don’t panic. It won’t last long.  When things are crazy, just keep your center and take one sure foot at a time. The Full Moon in Taurus on the 27th brings work issues to a head. Pay attention to the message and what needs to change. Jupiter in Aquarius in your 3rd house may speed up how you communicate and to whom. That’s not going to serve you, so slow down. If you set the pace, things fall into place.

If you’re in a relationship, your partner is anxious and wants things to be different. Nothing’s going to change that quickly, so just give reassurance that it will all work out in the end. If you’re single, you could meet many crazy people now, and it could be fun. It just won’t last.

Horoscope for November 2021: Capricorn (December 22nd – January 19th)

Capricorn embodies a mature person who knows how to handle the most difficult of situations. The steady pace of Capricorn and their need to face their fears is something you’ve done since a child. Despite all your trials and tribulations, this has not been an easy time. Saturn, your ruler, is square in both the Sun and Mars as well as Uranus. You feel under siege – and you are. It’s time to restructure some of the fundamental issues of your life.

The change that is happening is a good thing, don’t panic, just make the adjustments. Saturn is passing through your 2nd house of finances. You will analyze and adjust your investments as well as how you spend your money. Your restructuring will work to your advantage. Life is changing quickly, and it’s essential to let go and accept the new. The Sun and Mars in your 11th house emphasize friendships. There are also some changes in this area. Perhaps someone moves away, so they’re more challenging to see, or you just see them differently. It’s a part of life. If someone leaves, someone else will take their place. It’s just how the universe works.

Venus rules your 10th house of career, and it’s square, Neptune. Be careful of your instincts, predicts the horoscope for November of 2021. They’re not working well. You could be delusional when it comes to seeing what you don’t want to see. You’ve got the wisdom and strength to make things happen. Just make sure your feet are on the ground. Stay centered and look for the truth. It will never let you down.

If you’re in a relationship, you’re idealistic, and things are moving toward change. Have patience. If you’re single, your feet are not on the ground, and that’s not a bad thing. You’re an efficient person when it comes to business, but not when it comes to love.

Aquarius (January 20th – February 18th)

Aquarius is the sign of freedom and individuality. And with Uranus, your ruler, in Taurus and the 4th house of the home, you’re changing at a core level. A new you is emerging, and now you feel strong enough to make the necessary changes. It’s essential to evolve. If you don’t grow, you shrink, so you’re doing the right thing. The sun in your 10th house of career highlights your goals and some unexpected gifts that have come your way.

Saturn in your sign is providing an anchor as well as challenging you to see things differently, according to the horoscope for November. Once you know what you want, you’ll see the opportunity around you. Jupiter is that planet of expansion, and it’s also in your sign stretching your boundaries and getting you to try something new. Pay attention to your needs and what you want, and others will follow suit.

The Full Moon in Taurus happens in your 4th house. The battle between home and work comes to a head. Examine the conflict that occurs around this time, and you’ll see what the universe is trying to tell you. Mars in Scorpio conjunct the Sun brings attention to you and your business. Your energy is focused on goals, and it’s an excellent time to make advances or be seen. The sun trine Neptune enhances your instincts and creativity. Listen to your gut. It’s in touch with the truth. In your house of career, the New Moon on the 4th brings new ideas or possibilities to your work. Embrace them.

If you’re in a relationship, you have issues and challenges, but you can work them out. It’s all about sharing your truths. If you’re single, you’re surrounded by many possibilities, but nothing happens if you don’t reach out and make the first move.

horoscope for novemberHoroscope for November 2021: Pisces (February 19th – March 20th)

Pisces is the most intuitive Sun Signs, but it’s as much of a problem as an asset. You’re so sensitive. You pick up everyone else’s emotions. This is both an advantage and a disadvantage. You need to both open up or close down, depending on your needs.

With Neptune, your ruler in square to Venus and opposite Mercury, you are cautious about your next move. You don’t trust your instincts at the moment, and that uncertainty makes it difficult for you to move forward. With Saturn square Uranus, you feel a lack of control over events. It’s all about faith, and it’s your number one challenge. When you believe, things happen magically. When you don’t, nothing seems to work. You have the magic wand, and you don’t know it.

With Mars in Scorpio conjunct the Sun, your work schedule is going well. Things are getting done, and the energy you bring to the moment makes the difference. Your ideals are important now. You need to lift yourself above the banal things of life and align yourself with something beyond your reach. This is the hidden key to getting through difficult times. See yourself above the problem, don’t take all the knocks. With Pluto in Capricorn square Mercury, getting things done will be a challenge. Indeed, there’s resistance to your ideas or efforts. Don’t look for validation. It won’t happen. If it’s right for you and the moment is good, take a risk.

If you’re in a relationship, it’s tricky this month. There is too much going on that can’t be addressed or solved. If you’re single, it’s not a good time to start a new relationship. However, try and see someone you know in a new light. It may surprise you.