zodiac signs horoscope

Your Zodiac Monthly Horoscope for June 2021, According to Astrologer

What is normal? None of us know the answer anymore. However, a return to some semblance of the past is happening, according to the horoscope for June of 2021.

With three planets in Gemini at the beginning of the month, there is a strong push to reengage with your environment. The energy encourages risk, adventure, and new ideas. Mercury is retrograde in Gemini until the 23rd. So use this time to get organized so that you’re ready to embrace new opportunities when it goes direct during this zodiac cycle.

The New Moon on the 10th in Gemini seals the deal, presenting new possibilities and paths that demand your attention. Uranus square Saturn announces the inner battle between fear and a desire for freedom. Each person must make their own decision on what feels comfortable. Mars trine Neptune gives your dreams and hopes the power to lead the way. It’s time to create what you want and not sit on the sidelines.

Get engaged!

Jupiter in Pisces adds a sense of confidence and increases the faith you have in taking a risk. It stations on the 21st at 2 degrees of Pisces and then goes retrograde, reentering Aquarius by the end of July. Let’s learn from what we’ve been through and adjust. Some things in our life will never be the same. Not everyone wants to return to the old way, especially when it comes to their work. With the Full Moon in Capricorn on the 21st, at 3 degrees of Capricorn, the work challenge becomes the center of attention. Working at home has made many realize how much of their lives are lost at work.

With Uranus in Taurus square Saturn, the reshaping of our boundaries is emphasized. Don’t be afraid to look at your life in a new way. There is opportunity in every crisis if you can see it. Life should work for you, not against you, and this is your chance to change.

Horoscope for Aries (March 21st – April 20th)

pop memeAries live as much by their ideals as they do reality. As an Aries, one of your missions is to find a balance between your dreams and what’s real. It is through your vision that you cut a path to your goals. Gifted with an adventurous spirit, taking a risk is not a problem if your emotional needs are met. This month Mars, your ruler, opposes Pluto, the planet of power. You’re looking for more control. As long as you are free to explore new possibilities, you’ll get your wish.

With three planets in Gemini, you’re both eager to take a new adventure and afraid of being alone. Risk takes faith, and when faith is on low, fear holds you back. This month’s communication is important. Trust your ability to talk your way through your challenges. It’s one way to open doors. With the Moon conjunct Jupiter early in the month, you feel empowered, stubborn, and invincible. You can do whatever you believe is possible.

The horoscope suggests that financially you may have trepidations, don’t let that slow you down. With Uranus in Taurus square Saturn in this horoscope cycle, it’s time to curb your spending sprees. You need to feel safe and empowered to take the next few steps. With Jupiter in Pisces, you’re ready to take a risk.

Add three planets in Gemini, and the desire to do something new is strong. Listen to it and believe in yourself. When you do, others pay attention. The Full Moon in Capricorn brings issues around your goals and career to a head. If you’re happy at work, you’ll continue to be. But if you’re not, this is the time to look for something new.

If you’re in a relationship, it’s both good and challenging. Know what you want, and you’ll get it. If you’re single, it’s a good time to meet new people.

Horoscope for Taurus (April 21st – May 20th)

As a Taurus, your ideals and desires are important to you. With Uranus in your sign, square Saturn, you’re reevaluating what’s important. That’s a good thing. Most of us create goals and ideals at an early age and never change them as we grow.

It’s important, and this is a great time to reexamine your choices and the path you chose to take. When you clarify these invisible benchmarks on your path, it empowers you. Do you have a passion? Are you working on manifesting it? When you commit to what you’re doing, it’s difficult to go astray. Wherever you are on your path, this is the time to make new choices.  Before you lies a new path – yes, take it?

You’re never quite sure who you are and what you want. These thoughts are always changing for a Taurus who hates to limit its options. However, until you do, you can’t advance. Without certainty inside, you don’t have power. The Full Moon in Capricorn on the 24th reveals what’s working and what needs to be adjusted. When you’re clear on who you are and what you want – you attract it. The universe is all about energy.

Jupiter in your 11th house reminds you of how important it is to have trustworthy friends. Whether or not you deserve their loyalty, you will have it this month. Mars enters Leo on the 12th, and your home life and privacy become important. Your horoscope reminds you to make sure you give yourself private time.

If you’re in a relationship, things may be rocky for the first few weeks, but it improves by the end of the month. But if you’re single, it’s a good time to reexamine what it is you’re looking for in a partner. If it’s all about a good time, you’re fine.

Horoscope for Gemini (May 21st – June 20th)

Gemini is a busy sign. In fact, you rarely sit still. Unless you work on your inner world, you are always ruled by your restless mind. However, on the positive side, you get things done. It’s your inner happiness I’m speaking to. It won’t demand attention until it’s really deprived, and then it’s more difficult to fulfill.

The New Moon in your sign on the 10th provides a desire to forge a new path. Mercury is retrograde until the 20th, and for the first three weeks of the month, it’s more productive to focus on unfinished business rather than embrace something new. Once Mercury goes direct, you can move to new projects and ideas. With Jupiter in Pisces, your goals and career get the spotlight. Jupiter always brings abundance and expansion, which means you won’t feel in control.

When this happens, faith is necessary. Uranus in square to Saturn makes setting boundaries difficult. Once again, faith is necessary.  When there’s chaos, rely on your voice and ability to say what’s necessary. Neptune stations retrograde on the 26th and rules your 10th house of career. The ideals you’ve been working toward may be closer than you think. Put in the work, and you’ll be surprised how much you accomplish.

The Full Moon in Capricorn on the 24th brings joint finances or emotional connections to your attention. Make sure you pay attention. What you don’t solve or deal with just comes back at another time. If you’re in a relationship, things are different in a good way. You feel more connected, and it’s empowering. If you’re single, you are seeking someone you feel spiritually connected to. Don’t settle for less.

Horoscope for Cancer (June 21st – July 22nd)

horoscopeCancers are totally capable of keeping secrets. They don’t like to share their thoughts and feelings with others unless they’re wounded and looking for validation. With three planets in Gemini, your internal world is busy focusing on solving issues that have bothered you in the past.

The horoscope reminds Cancer that the Unconscious is always busy. We’re just not always aware of what it’s trying to tell us. With Jupiter in Pisces, clarity is easier to achieve.  Jupiter represents the truth, and if you commit to yourself, your challenges begin to melt away.

Boundaries and how you set them are always important to feel safe. Adjusting them can cause anxiety, but they need to meet the moment’s needs, so do what is necessary. Boundaries mean to keep those away that cause you problems, say no to what is not good for you, yes – do what helps you get your work done. It’s important to be aware of these things and then act. Otherwise, life imposes what it wants on you. Confrontation is not easy, but it’s necessary. If you’re good at it, you will find intermittent peace. Mercury is retrograde until the 22nd. Concentrate on old projects, not new ideas.

Use your time to clear your desk and get things done. Neptune stations Retrograde on the 25th, and the square it makes to Mercury and Venus in Gemini brings issues and questions around your goals. If you can be selfish for a moment, you won’t find the quest so difficult. Once you know what you want, you can compromise with those you truly care about. If you’re in a relationship, whatever’s not working will come to a head with the Full Moon on the 24th. Deal with it and move forward.

If you’re single, you may have an epiphany regarding what you want in a relationship. Pay attention, and you’ll attract someone new and more suitable to who you are.

Horoscope for Leo (July 23rd – August 22nd)

Leos love to vie for power. It’s one of their favorite past times. However, playing with power is never a good idea. It can turn on you. With three planets in Pisces in your eighth house, you are not content, even if you have enough. That’s a Leo issue and something you struggle with often. Your ego is strong, and it always wants the best. You’re not happy unless you’re at the top, and even then, that sense of satisfaction won’t last.

You are self-judging. However, when you help others get ahead, it gives you an inner sense of satisfaction. Uranus in your 10th house of career square Saturn may change your work schedule and your relationships. Relationships are changing and challenging for a while. When you least expect others to challenge you, they will. Mars opposite Pluto at the beginning of the month creates problems. Someone will oppose you that shouldn’t. You can’t win, so don’t engage.

When Mars enters Leo on the 12th things, get better, but you may find you have fewer choices. That’s not a bad thing. You work better with limitations, even if you dislike them. They force you inward and to see the world differently. Mercury is retrograde until the 24th, and if you want to use your time wisely, pay attention to old projects and get them done. When things begin to move forward after the 24th, you can shift to new ideas and possibilities. If you’re in a relationship, you have Saturn making you pay attention to what is not working. Make sure you don’t get lost in the negative. Look at the whole picture.

If you’re single, you may feel ready for a serious relationship. Saturn doesn’t like to fool around. It wants someone it can count on.

Horoscope for Virgo (August 23rd – September 22nd)

Virgo rules the house of giving and receiving. What you give comes back to you if you can receive it. If you have strong control issues receiving will also be a problem. Mercury rules your 10th house of career and will be retrograde until the 24th.

Keep your focus on old projects and issues; clear up your desk or clean out your closets. Take care of what you’ve ignored. When it goes direct, you’ll be ready to tackle new projects and ideas. Neptune rules partnerships, both business and personal. On the 23rd, it also goes retrograde. Neptune is both creative and spiritual, and when you accept the call to go within, you get answers, and your relationships improve. You value strength, but what does not mean to you.

Does strength come from success and money, from being free, or from having great relationships? Figure out what you’re really looking for, and it may surprise you. Uranus square Saturn draws attention to the boundaries and limitations of your life. Are you ready to try something new? Embrace the change, and you won’t regret it. Mars enters Leo on the 12th, ruler of your 12th house of the unconscious.

You’ll feel a lack of motivation and a desire to reflect on what’s been happening. If you haven’t figured out why you are here and what your purpose is, you’ll begin to seek those answers. It’s a lifelong quest. Mars opposite Pluto ignites your need for power and faith. Faith is important if you want to get the job done. Pisces rules your house of relationships, and with Jupiter strong all month, you’ll find a way to solve your problems.

If you’re single, it’s a good time to meet new people or make a commitment to someone you care about. If you feel it, do it.

Horoscope for Libra (September 23rd – October 22nd)

Libra is the sign of truth, and if you haven’t decided what yours is yet, you will find yourself supporting someone else’s beliefs. Teh Libra energy needs to serve, and if you haven’t decided what’s important in your life, you will serve someone else’s beliefs. Now you’ve become either a leader or a follower. With Mercury retrograde until the 24th, travel may be delayed or changed. Mercury rules how we put the pieces of our life together, and you could begin to get answers to questions that eluded you in the past.

It’s important to know what your passions are. When you know what excites you, it’s a clue to why you’re here. With Jupiter in Pisces, your work schedule improves. If you haven’t been busy, that will change. Uranus square Saturn brings the need to feel independent when it comes to your emotions. It’s too easy to live for others and not yourself. Enjoy your freedom, but without some intimacy, you’ll feel lost and alone.  Mars is opposite Pluto until the 12th. Power plays are not just possible, but something you enjoy.

It forces you to see your own position and stand up for it. The Full Moon in Capricorn in your 4th house throws your emotions into a crisis. Be prepared to find answers as to what you’ve avoided. This is your chance to fix the problem. If you’re in a relationship, things begin to get interesting around the 12th when Mars enters Leo and trines Aries. Plan something to do together, and it will strengthen your bond.

If you’re single, your horoscope says this is great time to meet new people and be inspired. Once someone has your attention, you can take it to the next level.

libraHoroscope for Scorpio (October 23rd – November 21st)

Scorpios love the feeling of control and power. What helps you achieve it is the ability to separate what’s important and what’s not. With Jupiter and the Moon in your 5th house of the Ego, you feel confident and supported.

Taking charge is what you do with ease, and for this month, it’s there without effort. However, Pluto, your ruler, is opposite Mars for the early part of the month. You have others who will oppose you at work or want you to do. Hopefully, you’re a Scorpio that can say no with ease. With three planets in Gemini in your 8th house, there is a lot on your plate to get done. With Mercury retrograde until the 23rd, you would be wise to focus on old projects and put new ideas to the side, or at least until after the 23rd. Retrogrades are a great time to get old work finished and off your desk.

Uranus in Taurus, in square to Saturn, makes communication difficult. This month you will be challenged with those that see things differently than you do. As a Scorpio, you’re more comfortable paying attention to your own opinions, and you should continue to trust yourself unless someone else makes more sense. The Full Moon in the 3rd on the 24th makes what you say controversial. If you don’t want to be challenged, keep your opinions to yourself. If you don’t care, go for it. Your ruler Pluto has been in Capricorn since 2008. It leaves in 2024, and then your life will make a major shift.

If you’re in a relationship, your partner has been changing for a while. This may improve your relationships or move them toward a crisis. If you want it to work, don’t try and control it. Understand what’s happening. If you’re single, you’re going through a period of independence. It may be difficult to meet someone serious at this time.

Horoscope for Sagittarius (November 22nd – December 21st)

Sagittarius is a very independent sign, but you are committed to life when you fall in love. With three planets in your 7th house of relationships this month, you may be exploring a relationship you are in or working to connect with. More than most signs, it’s important for you to be understood, to have someone who sees you the way you see yourself – or better.

Jupiter has entered Pisces and your 4th house of the home bringing new ideas of expansion or redecorating. If that’s not on your agenda, then the expansion will be within yourself in the form of ideas and beliefs that perhaps you have ignored. Saturn square Uranus creates tension at work and change is inevitable. People you care about can leave or move on, and the projects you’ve enjoyed may be different. Just give yourself time to adjust.

Mercury is retrograde until the 23rd, and your career and relationships are not moving quickly enough. Remind yourself that this is a time to clear up old issues before things can move forward unencumbered. Mars opposes Pluto until the 12th creates a power struggle. It has a lot to do with your opinions. If you don’t want a disagreement, be careful who and where you express yourself. After the 12th, there is less opposition. The Full Moon in Capricorn on the 24th in your 2nd house brings your focus to finances. Do you want to change how you earn your money, or is it just a passing thought?

If you’re in a relationship, your partner is busy or preoccupied. Give them the space they need. They’ll be back.  If you’re single, you’ll meet someone who barely has time for you. However, you are stubborn and persistent, so if you want that date, you’ll get it.

Horoscope for Capricorn (December 22nd – January 19th)

Capricorn is the sign of boundaries, and that’s exactly what’s changing. The change is coming from you, and it’s necessary. When your routines change, you’re not happy. They’re what anchor you to life. However, in no time, you’ll be on a new schedule. You enjoy being busy, and that should not be a problem with the three planets in Gemini.

Mercury is retrograde until the 23rd, and the emphasis should be on getting old work done. Clear your desk. Get ready for new projects and ideas by getting rid of the old. If you do, things will move forward without opposition. Saturn square Uranus ensures that change is on the way. Mars in Cancer creates power plays with Pluto. When it enters Leo on the 12th things, get better. Stand up for what you believe in, and things improve.

The Full Moon happens in your sign on the 24th, and you won’t feel in control. So let go of it during this horoscope cycle. It’s part of your karmic challenge. When things settle down, you’ll step up and take over. Neptune stations retrograde on the 13th, and your dreams and aspirations are about to manifest – or at least get you moving in the right direction. Commit to your ideals, find your passion, and you’ll be rewarded with focus and opportunity. With Jupiter in Pisces all month, communication is easy and important. Your thoughts are organized. You know what you want to say, so speaking up is not difficult.

If you’re in a relationship, your partner is more stubborn than usual. This is not the time to push or try and make something happen. If you’re single, you yearn to connect to someone spiritually or emotionally. Yes, it could happen. Just be clear on what you want.

Horoscope for Aquarius (January 20th – February 18th)

Aquarius is the energy of a free spirit, but lately, it’s been important to stay grounded and organized. That’s Saturn in your sign, and it’s there until March of 2023. During this time, you will restructure your life to accommodate the changes that are coming your way. Jupiter in your 2nd house should expand how you earn money. The choice of saving or spending is up to you. Mars opposite Pluto creates a tug of war between you and someone else.

You want things a certain way, but others are not cooperating. However, after the 12th, the struggle disappears. Saturn square Uranus brings change. The old and the new seem to be in combat. Accept the next steps of your life, and everything will fall into place. You’ve been struggling with a schedule or routine, but it may take you time to get it balanced. The Sun, Mercury, and Venus in Gemini help you out. Indeed, they are in good aspects and create options and opportunities.

Keep your focus on where you’re going instead of where you’ve been, and all will be fine. Some parts of your life will flow, so focus on what’s working, and the rest will fall into place. Mercury is retrograde until the 23rd, so you must resolve old issues before you move forward with new ideas. The Full Moon on the 12th brings the unexpected and a lot of pleasant surprises.  Don’t get stressed. Just do the things you need to do. If you’re in a relationship, you’ll feel your partner energized after the 12th when Mars enters their sign. It’s important to agree where you can and let go of the rest for now.

If you’re single, it’s a time to meet someone new and exciting. Keep your eyes open, and it will happen soon..

relationshipsHoroscope for Pisces (February 19th – March 20th)

Pisces are either extremely focused or very scattered. It depends on the day and the moment. When you don’t feel in control, just bring your thoughts back to yourself and stop worrying about everyone else. If you’re committed and clear, things flow. Things will not go as planned with Mercury retrograde in Gemini and your 4th house of the home. Let go of the control and allow things to unfold naturally.  Control is always an issue for Pisces. They need faith to feel their power. If you don’t feel it, fake it. It helps you get there.

Work on what you tell yourself. Are you supportive or critical? Give yourself what you need, and success will come easier. With Jupiter in Pisces in your sign, there’s a desire to expand and experience new things. Take a risk, make new choices. Uranus square Saturn changes the structure of your life. If you’re going to advance, you have to let go of the past. Things are changing, and it unnerves you.

Mars opposite Pluto brings attention to your finances and a desire for greater power. Power comes from believing in you, so that’s your mission. The Full Moon in Capricorn could turn a friendship into a crisis. Listen and don’t judge. Let them tell their side of the story. It’s that desire for control again.

If you’re in a relationship, things are being worked out during this horoscope cycle. Don’t be surprised if your partner brings up the past. If they do listen, it’s the only way to make it go away. If you’re single, you could reconnect to an old love. Make sure it’s what you want. When Mercury goes direct on the 23rd, you may regret your choice.