how to be confident

How to be Confident: 7 Life Changing Pieces of Advice from Experts

Self-confidence is one of the primary driving human forces. It makes us feel like gods and the lack of it makes us feel like helpless babes. The ability to know how to be confident and be your own source of power, might, and self-reflection is like gaining a superpower. It should not be taken lightly.

Take note of these amazing quotes from strong, fearless people. Consider the nourishment to your soul that they offer. The art of how to be confident may seem like a finicky one but, really, it’s a beautiful journey.

Here are 7 pieces of advice from experts on how to be confident:

1. Face Your Fears, Doubts, Troubles, and Worries Head On: Go Into Them

If you hear a voice within you say “you cannot paint,” then by all means paint, and that voice will be silenced. ~Vincent Van Gogh

There is nothing that makes fear run like facing it down and following it into its very center. Many of us avoid pain to such an extent that we are frozen in place by our avoidance of it in every direction.

When you are learning how to be confident, remember that your own doubts and fears control you… or you control them. Choose now which one it will be.

2. Leave Nothing on the Table Unplayed: Give It Your All, Every Single Time

Make the most of yourself, for that is all there is of you. ~Ralph Waldo Emerson

If you need encouragement in giving it your all, understand one of the best things you can learn about how to be more self confident is that your best efforts, actions, and thoughts are all that is required of you.

3. The Future Has Unlimited Possibilities: Revel in These Bright Colors

I am not a has-been. I am a will be. ~Lauren Bacall

If you constantly see your future as having many different options which lead on to even more and more options, you will become self confident in the mere hope that awaits you.confidence quote

4. Recognize That You Place More Limitations on You Than Anyone Else

It is not the mountain we conquer but ourselves. ~Edmund Hillary

Other people are not limiting you. You are limiting you. Other people are not hating you, holding you back, or seeking to trip you up. You are hating you, holding you back, and seeking to trip yourself up. How to be confident involves healing and loving yourself long before you seek to heal or be healed by other people.

5. Successful People Fail and Are Criticized More Often than Unsuccessful People Even Try

No one can make you feel inferior without your consent. ~Eleanor Roosevelt

It ain’t what they call you, it’s what you answer to. ~W.C. Fields

Self confident states of mind always involve expecting a series of failures on your way to success. Expecting them, seeing them, allowing them to happen, and then moving onto the next stage in your plan.

6. Always Accept the Worst Case Scenario and then Get Moving Making It Better

I quit being afraid when my first venture failed and the sky didn’t fall down. ~Allen H. Neuharth

How to be confident when the worst case scenario looks unbearable? Accept it. Accept it as fact, deal with it ahead of time so that your fear no longer freezes you, and then get busy making it better than what you have accepted. Chances are, you’ll automatically win at this attempt.

7. People Will Always Value You at the Valuation You Place on Yourself, and No Higher

Sex appeal is fifty percent what you’ve got and fifty percent what people think you’ve got. ~Sophia Loren

We may all have been born equal, but we definitely place a wide variety of values on our own heads as we progress through life. If you’re uncomfortable with valuing yourself very highly, then try valuing yourself a little bit more than you currently do. Stick with this for two or three months, then value yourself a little higher and level off there for a while. If you’re still searching for how to be more self confident after these two up-levels, then keep going until you’re assured of your self worth and self respect.

FINAL THOUGHTS: Sometimes, a little confidence is key just to get over that next small (or large!) hurdle in your life. Sometimes, all it takes is a few kind words tossed your way and a friendly smile. Treat yourself to these things first, in the beginning. We are all learning how to be confident in a better, deeper way.

One of the important steps to this is looking at yourself, seeing something beautiful, and then going with that for the time being. The rest will come as you progress.

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