get rid of acne

The 7 Best Homemade Remedies To Get Rid Of Acne

Our skin is a very accurate indicator of our state of health. If we are fresh-faced, glowing, and radiant, it is assumed that we care for, hydrate, and nourish ourselves well. On the other hand, skin that is riddled with trying to get rid of acne, whiteheads, and scars. Often times, these may actually indicate that we lack proper nutrition, good hygiene habits, and hormonal balance.

The American Academy of Dermatology states that acne is the most common skin problem in the United States, with over 17 million people suffering from this inconvenient and embarrassing skin malady.

While it may be considered a common skin condition, many of us simply do not know how to get rid of acne. If left untreated, it can cause hyperpigmentation and scarring on the face, neck, chest, back, and arms, causing emotional distress right along with physical discomfort. Breakouts, stress, and poor self-esteem set up a vicious cycle that is difficult to break. We rush into our dermatologist for the latest innovation in skincare, a nutritional consultation, even prescription medication, and little do we realize that the answer to our clear skin needs may be right at home in our own cupboards.

The following home remedies have been proven to be remarkably effective at diminishing existing outbreaks of acne and preventing new ones from occurring.

Say goodbye to the outbreaks of the past as we learn how to get rid of acne naturally.


Not only will vampires steer clear, pimples will disappear in the presence of this magic substance. Whether you choose to take it internally or rub it on the skin, the properties of allicin present in garlic will go to work almost immediately, soothing inflamed tissue and naturally detoxifying the pores. Garlic will help you to get rid of acne naturally.
Garlic can be:

  • taken internally or consumed as part of your diet
  • rubbed directly on the skin
  • mixed with water to form a paste, then applied to the skin as a mask twice weekly

Whatever your preferred method of administration, you are bound to see healthier skin as a result of using this protocol.

Aloe Vera

Another miracle plant found in nature, aloe vera has strong antimicrobial and antifungal properties. It can be applied directly to the skin, reducing inflammation and promoting the rejuvenation of fresh healthy cells, or it can be taken internally as a dietary supplement. Aloe vera contains a natural form of salicylic acid, a known treatment for effectively eradicating acne. When applied to the skin, it has a cooling, soothing effect that leaves behind a fresher, softer, more supple complexion.


Honey is nature’s most potent antibiotic. Acne forms as a result of bacteria in the skin becoming inflamed and irritated, causing redness, rash, and pimples to appear. You can apply honey directly to the skin for a quick and easy face mask that strips the skin of all impurities without stripping it of its natural moisture balance. Simply rinse affected areas off after an application of honey has been allowed to sit for 15-20 minutes, and you have a beautiful canvas to work with once more.

Tea Tree Oil

This is the Cadillac of home skin treatments. Tea tree oil has long been praised for its ability to cleanse and tone even the most problem-prone skin. While tea tree oil is not recommended for internal consumption, it can be applied topically for best results without any health complications or consequences that arise from treatment. A fresh, clear complexion awaits you after only a few applications.

how to get rid of acne

Baking Soda

One of the main causes of acne is the buildup of excess oil on and underneath the top layer of skin. The application of a baking soda and water paste to the skin as a natural mask will draw out impurities, restore the delicate Ph balance of the skin, and allow it to retain its natural moisture. Apply a few times a week for best results.

Apple Cider Vinegar

You may not “relish” the thought of smelling like a pickle, but your skin will thank you. Our skin is naturally acidic, and the cleansers we use to clean our skin tend to strip its natural Ph balance, leaving us susceptible to infection and inflammation. A simple application of diluted apple cider vinegar twice daily after cleansing the skin will restore that balance and leave you with the most radiant complexion you’ve ever had. Scarlett Johansen knows how to get rid of acne; she has suffered from it for years. A simple application of apple cider vinegar toner is partially responsible for the beautiful woman we now see in film and in print.

Salt And Olive Oil

Getting that top layer of dead skin off our face so dead skin cells don’t have the opportunity to clog pores is essential for healthy, clear skin. A mixture of olive oil and salt will produce an effective, moisturizing scrub that will remove that pesky outer layer and leave fresh, healthy skin behind. Mix 1/2 teaspoon of olive oil with salt, apply to skin using a gentle circular motion and allow to dry. Rinse with warm water and pat dry, and you’ll see a new you looking back in the mirror.

There Is Hope, Acne Sufferers!

Do you know how to get rid of acne? There are hundreds of products on the market with lofty claims that they can give you that Cindy Crawford complexion that you’ve always dreamed about, but many of us do not have the time or money to invest in these expensive, complicated regimes. Sometimes the best remedies for natural skin and body care are found right at home. If you wish to get rid of acne naturally, there is hope right in your own home. Try these effective home remedies on how to get rid of acne and find fresher, clearer skin is just a recipe away!

Home remedies for treating acne that really work

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