broken heart

If You Have A Broken Heart, These 5 Things Will Help You Heal

One of the worst things we can experience is that of a broken heart. A gut wrenching feeling with pain in our chest, long sleepless nights and worrisome thoughts racing through our head. It’s difficult to escape from the reality that you and your significant other are no longer a pair. What we all need in this time of grievance varies from person to person, but today, I am sharing the five most important ways to open your eyes and heal your heart. There truly is no easy way to get you through a heartbreak. This guide will serve as a way for you to work through your pain, express your feelings and become a stronger person in the end.

1. Allow Yourself Time to Heal

This one will ultimately be the hardest to overcome, but time heals all pain, especially that of a broken heart. Go through the pain you are feeling. You cannot just flip a switch and be over something that hurts as much as it does. It is okay to cry, it is okay to be upset. Allow yourself time to cope, but know that this is only temporary. The process of moving on isn’t easy and it can be gut wrenching. Something you want so desperately to go away and to stop consuming your life does take time. Don’t ever mask your pain or hide your tears. Whenever you hide behind obstacles in your life, you are prohibiting yourself from moving forward. Sure, it’s easy to mask the pain with partying, drinking or hanging out with new people, but what does this truly do in the end? It usually makes you feel worse or even guilty. Spend your time wisely and use this time as a way to embrace the reality and rise stronger.

Think of the healing process like this…

If you break a bone, you can’t take off the cast the same day you get it put on. Just because it doesn’t hurt as much, doesn’t mean that it still doesn’t need time to heal. If you are a recovering alcoholic, you can’t just go back to the bar after a month of being sober. You will have a higher chance of relapsing. You need time.

You will need to work every single day even after you think you’re okay to progress and move forward. Your hard work, consistency, and progress should be maintained and never forgotten. Work on yourself every day. Get up, show up, wear your best clothes and leave the house. Devise a plan for your day and do what makes you happy. Focus on improving yourself during this healing process and tell yourself how awesome you are. “You don’t have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step.”

2. Express Self Love

When we are in a relationship, we spend a lot of our time focusing on our significant other and forget what it’s like to be yourself. This is the perfect time to plan a vacation with a friend or simply go out of town and treat yourself to a little mini-vacay. We need to take responsibility for our own happiness and know that it is our job to make us whole again. You can heal a broken heart if you are willing to love yourself first and foremost.

Learn to love yourself by:

  • Nourishing Yourself – Be mindful of what you are putting into your body. The way we feed ourselves reflects on how much we love ourselves. Doing this will lay the foundation of self-love and nourishment.
  • Start a Journal – There are proven statistics that writing down the things you are grateful for can train your brain to be more positive and lead to happiness. The next time you’re at the store, grab yourself a cute notebook and start writing down a few things each day that you are grateful for or that bring you happiness. Don’t forget to thank yourself in the process.
  • Express Yourself – Find ways to really express yourself whether it’s dancing, cooking, singing, painting, music or another hobby you enjoy. Think about what makes you feel alive and really connect with yourself. It is so essential to make time to do the things you enjoy. You’ll soon find this very therapeutic and a way to escape when overcoming a broken heart.
  • Shower Yourself with Good Vibes – Start thinking about how you want your life to look and start planning accordingly. Maintain positive energy, even during a broken heart experience. Take baby steps to achieving your goals and dreams and don’t look back.
  • Make Your Body Happy – How we feel in our bodies directly reflects how we feel in ourselves. When we feel sad or loneliness, we are disconnected with our bodies. It is important to develop a self-love routine that keeps us feeling beautiful and energized. Whether you pick up yoga, running or a new home workout, be consistent and own it… your body and self will reap the rewards. Making your body happy is the best way to heal a broken heart while also flooding your body with joy.
  • Take Yourself On a Date – If you have never taken yourself out on a date, now is the time. Plan a day to spend quality time with yourself. By doing something special for yourself, you are giving yourself the full attention it desperately needs, especially after a broken heart. Whether you treat yourself to coffee and cake or go to the spa for a day, you will learn to truly fall in love with taking care of yourself and you will develop a new love for yourself that has always been hidden away.

There is such a liberating feeling when we don’t feel the need to depend upon someone else to make us happy. It is our job to find ways to make ourselves whole again. If you want to change up your hairstyle, go for it. If you want a new wardrobe, go shop for it. It’s always a good idea to put ourselves first, especially during this time.

3. Get Outside of Your Comfort Zone

One of the best things you can do for yourself when overcoming a broken heart is getting outside of your comfort zone. That thing you’ve always wanted to try, go try it. The trip you’ve been dying to take, go. That person you’ve been wanting to talk to, go speak to them. The job you’ve always been wanting, go apply for it. That project you’ve been putting off, go finish it. Get outside of yourself and your comfort zone and you’ll find a new appreciation for life. Sometimes our hearts need to be broken so we can understand how to cope, how to love ourselves and how to heal.

4. Cleanse Your Mind, Body & Home

It is so important to take care of yourself during this time. Clear your mind, body and home of things that remind you of your ex. If you are sentimental about your belongings, this may be tough to do, but trust the process and know that clearing these items will speed up the process to heal a broken heart. Stay positive and know that this is just a minor bump in the road.

broken heart

To heal a broken heart, force yourself to make better choices when it comes to your health. Instead of indulging in the temptation to eat junk food and ice cream, try fueling your body with fruits and vegetables instead. Pick up exercising if you aren’t already. When you exercise, you increase your levels of Endorphins, which naturally improves your mood giving you an instant self-esteem boost. No one can take care of your body better than you, so use this time to pave the way for new and positive changes that will leave the old you in the past.

5. Turn Pain Into Power

A broken heart is a priceless life experience no matter how painful or unpleasant it may seem, it is ultimately going to make you stronger. Think about all of the hardships you have encountered so far in life and the lessons you’ve taken out of them. What did you learn? All of these life lessons have played a huge role in who we are today and have played a significant role in our evolutionary development.

Please know this: you are capable of finding love again. You are physically able to open up your heart and love again. But first, you must learn to love and appreciate yourself for all that you have overcome. Your strength, courage and experiences have guided you to where you are today and who you will become in the future.

I hope that these tips were able to help guide you through and see the light at the end of the tunnel so to speak. Please know that you are not alone. You are a truly amazing person, your strength speaks volumes and you will get through this! Take it one step at a time, day by day and you’ll come out stronger than ever before.