move on

How to Move On : Finding your Recipe to Let Go & Move on For Better

It can feel as if it happens out of nowhere, and it strikes you like a bolt of lightning. Maybe it has built slowly over time and has now caused a dark cloud to loom over virtually every facet of your life. Whether your discontent stems from a dead-end job, a failing marriage or relationship, toxic friendships, a bad habit, family drama or your current location, learning how to move on and let go is the most difficult, yet rewarding, choice you can make to instantly transform and improve the quality of your life.

While it may seem impossible, the hardest part of taking back control of your life is to make the decision to change and take the first major step towards regaining your happiness. With change comes confidence, excitement, energy, growth, power and sublime happiness. You just have to push through the initial discomfort of trying something new; bliss awaits you on the other side. Here are some tips for how to move on in life.

Tips to Move On

Accepting The Truth And Showing Gratitude 

According to 1,000 Little Things Happy, Successful People Do Differently, this may be the most important step to take to move on. When you reflect on your experiences, good or bad, from an open mind, you can see the merit and lessons they provided along the way. You can use these lessons to show you how to move on and help shape and mold your future. Smile, laugh, yell, cry and do whatever you need to do to process these emotions and experiences so that you can let the feelings go, learn how to move on and take from the lessons.

Be Flexible 

This is a hard one for many people. As you embark on your new journey, you will hit speed bumps. Things may not always go exactly as planned or work out as you envisioned. It can often feel like you are taking one step forward and two steps back at the beginning of your journey towards greatness. Setbacks teach you how to move on and are an important part of the process of change. You are growing, learning and navigating uncharted waters. You cannot expect perfection when embarking on a new path that has not been traveled. Be patient with yourself.

You need to be an ally and not your own worst enemy; beating yourself up over perceived failures or setbacks will only halt your success. Create a plan, and set up many other backup plans to ensure continued success. If you give yourself wiggle room and create multiple alternative scenarios and opportunities, you create flexibility that will help you move on and succeed.

Distance Yourself And Change The People You Keep Around You 

Going inward and taking some time to clear your mind and focus on your goals is a vital part of making a significant life change. If you have supportive friends and family who understand your struggles, they will be happy to give you the time and space you need to rectify your situation. If family and friends begin to question or judge your decisions or you are surrounded by negative people, a complete overhaul to your social circle may be necessary.

It is common knowledge that we are a direct reflection of the people we choose to spend our time with; if you want to get ahead in life, you need to surround yourself with positive and successful people. Join some local meet-ups, connect with social media networking groups and attend community events to find a new like-minded tribe.

Focus On What You Can Do Today 

You may think you need a fail-safe plan that sees your change through to completion. While planning is great in many facets, over-planning is a setup for failure. Instead of viewing or working towards a life change as a whole entity, break up the goal into small tasks that you can complete daily. You will feel a greater sense of accomplishment achieving these tiny goals, and they will give you the confidence to move on in life and make it to the finish line.

how to move on

The single most important step to beginning your transformation is to accept responsibility and take ownership over your situation. It can be so easy to blame your parents, spouse or society for your problems.

You, and only you, are responsible for your happiness and success. You are the only one who knows how to move on and change your life.

We all get stuck in ruts from time to time. It is when these ruts begin to plague our thoughts and impact our interactions with others that a change becomes necessary. The main reason that people are afraid of change is because complacency offers stability.

We put so much time towards our jobs, interpersonal relationships and community that it can feel like failing to want to walk away from something that has garnered our attention and time for so long. Stagnancy, however, has a crippling and lasting impact on a person when endured for too long.