impatient person

12 Behaviors That Reveal Someone Is an Impatient Person

Has anyone ever told you that you’re an impatient person? Perhaps it’s not you but your spouse or another relative that seems to be on the inpatient side.

This person is usually described as having a type-A personality, and they can often come across as very rude or insensitive towards others. However, there is a method to their madness as they often accomplish a lot in life and don’t waste any time doing it.

Being in a relationship with a person like this can be challenging, but if you understand their shortcomings and cope with their nuances, it can make things easier. How many times have you heard the old saying that “patience is a virtue?” It just seems that many people lack this virtue in today’s society.

Twelve Behaviors That Unmask an Impatient Person

How do you spot an impatient individual or know if you fit the criteria? Here are some signs that perhaps you live life in a rush and expect others to do the same.

impatient1. You Don’t Have Time for Long Lines

Nothing infuriates you more than a long line. If you must sit at the bank, wait at the BMV or any other queue that holds up your day, you may become irate. You probably equate this experience to going to the dentist and having your teeth drilled.

All this waiting is taking away from 100 other things that you need to do. Don’t be surprised if you use your voice and body language to let everyone else around you know how ticked you are that you must wait. You might make a bit of a spectacle and tell the clerk a thing or two when you get to the counter.

2. Sitting in Traffic Makes You Crazy

Sitting in traffic jams or at long red lines does require patience. You will probably honk your horn, possibly make rude gestures, and show the world how aggravated you are that you must wait.

Sure, being unable to move and sandwiched in by cars can grate on the nerves, but it bothers you more than others. How do you do when sitting in a traffic jam? Do you feel the urge to jump out and run to your destination rather than sit idle?

3. You Find Waiting to Be Offensive

Don’t ever keep the impatient person waiting as they find this behavior offensive. You don’t like to wait for anyone or anything, and if someone has told you to be there at 5 pm, they better be ready to go.

Being late throws your whole day or evening into a tailspin. You may get so aggravated that someone asks you to wait that you go on without them.

4. Interjecting Isn’t Impolite, It’s Time Efficiency

It’s tough to carry on a conversation with an impatient individual because they don’t have time for a person to get out everything they have to say. Do you interrupt and talk over folks because you cannot wait until they’re done speaking? You’re probably not a good conversationalist unless you’re the only one doing the talking.

Does this sound like you? Do you have a hard time talking to people because you always want to speak over them because you cannot wait for them to get through their story?

5. You Have Tons of Nervous Energy

How do you spot the impatient individual in a room? Well, they’re the ones jingling change in their pockets, pacing the floor, folding their arms, and seemingly a ball of nerves. Take, for instance, being stuck in a waiting room at a hospital.

No doubt, you’re worried about a loved one or friend, but you can’t stand sitting idle, and you may feel as if they will have to admit you if they don’t hurry up. You feel so anxious that you may explode if you must sit still and do nothing for long periods.

6. You Have a Short Fuse

When things don’t go the way the impatient have planned, then you will see a side of them that you may not like. If you’re this person, do you tend to blow up and have fits of rage when things don’t go the way you want?

People tend to shy away from you when they see warning signs that your anxiety has reached a boiling point. Being in a relationship with you is hard when you’re not patient because everything isn’t in your time frame.

patient people7. They Hate When People Say to Them “Just Be Patient.”

How many times has someone told you to “Just be patient?” The problem is that behind this hurried mentality is a deep-rooted anxiety issue that you haven’t addressed. Did you have a rough childhood and suffer from abuse?

Many people who feel like they need to be in command have had situations happen to them in the past where things were out of their control. Your impatient nature may be a side effect of the storms you battled in life. The only way for you to overcome these problems is to get counseling and learn practical management skills, but you must realize that you have a problem.

8. You Must Always Plan Ahead

When you go on vacation, do you have an itinerary for every day of the week? Well, being impatient means that you believe you must always have a plan for the future. You must fit in everything you want to do, so you must plan it all out down to the last detail.

You probably drive those around you crazy with all the preparation. Since time-wasting is a big no-no, you want to ensure that there is no idle time. Look out if something doesn’t go according to the plan, as you may blow your top.

9. You Don’t Count on Others to Make Things Happen

Do you tend to come off as an “I’ll-just-do-it-myself” kind of person? You would love to have help, and you may often bellyache about the assistance you need. The problem is that you don’t think that anyone else can do as good of a job as you.

If someone is working alongside you, you want to show them the correct way to do something, but you do the entire task. It’s tough to work or live with the impatient because you have a mindset that few can understand.

10. You Don’t Tolerate Slowness, Delays, or Failure

Living life as an impatient person is like driving on a two-lane road and being stuck behind a piece of farm machinery that you can’t pass. You sit there trying to get by without getting run over. You may take risks and cross over the double yellow line to avoid any delays.

There is no time for any delays or failures in your life. It’s all just one significant inconvenience to a person who lives life in a rush. Life can seem like a roller coaster ride for your spouse and children when there are control issues and verbal outbursts when things don’t go the right way.

11. You Have Control Issues

To control your anxiety, the impatient person must dictate the situation. You like to call the shots to manage time. You’re very frustrating to others as they feel that they’re not as efficient as you.

So, by being in control of any situation, you can ensure that things are done right the first time. You often volunteer to step up and help just about anyone, but you drive them all crazy because of your demanding nature and impatient personality.

12. Even the Smallest Issues Are A Crisis

You ordered a pizza, and the delivery person told you that it would be about 45 minutes before they can get to you. While that doesn’t seem like a long time to most people, it looks like a death sentence to the impatient. Many things are running through your mind like:

  • What will I do for the next 45 minutes?
  • I may starve to death before they arrive.
  • I’m never ordering from this slow company again!
  • I could make this pizza in less time and save money.

impatientFinal Thoughts on Recognizing the Signs of an Impatient Person

Overcoming an impatient personality isn’t easy. However, it takes time to get to the root issue and work on coping skills. Everyone has days where they are annoyed and hurried, but an impatient person feels this way every day.

Being patient with others will remind you that there are times that others must be patient with you. You must slow down and take time to smell the roses. Life isn’t a race to see how fast you get things done. Instead, it’s about having the time to enjoy the little blessings that each day brings.

If you’re so focused on the plans and itinerary of the day, then you might miss some of the greatest miracles and blessings in your life. What’s more precious than time with your loved ones and friends? When you live life in a rush, people may turn the other way to avoid feeling unable to measure up to your high standards or sometimes annoying behaviors.

Starting today, learn to live in the moment and stop stressing about time management issues.