in shape

10 Signs of Not Being in Shape (Even If Someone Looks Fit)

Do you doubt whether or not you are in shape? Even if you consider yourself healthy, you might find room for improvement.

In most cases, determining whether or not you’re overweight comes down to your body mass index (BMI). According to data published by the Calorie Control Council, an international association representing the low- and reduced-calorie food and beverage sector, a BMI of 24 or less signifies a healthy weight. By comparison, experts consider a BMI that falls between 25 and 29.9  as overweight. Lastly, a BMI of 30 or higher would suggest an individual is obese.

Additionally, more Americans today are overweight or obese compared to prior generations. According to data made available by, the obesity rate in America has increased by more than 40 percent in the last 20 years.

The good news? This trend is reversible!

In addition to putting more strain on the joints, being overweight or obese can increase the risk of developing various chronic diseases, such as cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, and even certain cancers. Fortunately, many overweight and obese adults in America have recognized the toll that extra weight has on their health. And they now decided to get in shape.

Can You Be Out of Shape If You’re Not Overweight or Obese?

Contrary to popular belief, ill-fitting clothes, a high BMI, and being overweight are not the only signs of being out of shape. Many otherwise height-weight proportionate Americans struggle with many of the same health problems synonymous with being overweight or obese. And cardiovascular and respiratory problems are at least two of them.

To help substantiate this claim, we need only look at a study published by Science Daily. The study noted that nearly half of all Americans, including those who are height-weight proportionate, have cardiovascular disease. And in many cases, the condition stems from leading a sedentary lifestyle and making poor food choices.

As far as respiratory problems are concerned, more than 37 million people in America are struggling with asthma or other chronic lung diseases, according to And similar to those with cardiovascular disease, many are height-weight proportionate. Given these statistics, some individuals can be out of shape without being overweight.

Thousands of Americans Are Choosing to Get Fit and Lead a Healthier Lifestyle

Although a large percentage of the U.S. population is considered overweight or obese, many individuals are choosing to do something about it. And the excellent news, here–you can do something to help yourself!

According to a study published by Harvard Health Publishing, which included 44,000 men and women and ran from 1999 to 2016, researchers found that most study participants admitted to forgoing foods containing low-quality carbs and saturated fats. Instead, they chose to consume high-quality carbohydrates and plant proteins. Many study participants also reported consuming less refined sugar and eliminating saturated fats from their diet.

Making the recommended dietary changes can boost energy levels and speed up metabolism, helping individuals achieve or maintain a healthy weight. It is worth noting that those who are not overweight or obese can also benefit from consuming a healthier diet.

Along with making better food choices, many Americans are making exercise a part of their lifestyle. According to, which is a leading statistics, market research, and business intelligence website, between 2000 and 2017, the number of Americans starting a gym membership increased by more than 30 percent.

immune system

10 Things That Might Reveal You Are Not in Shape

Being overweight or obese are apparent signs of not being in shape. However, some tell-tale signs can fly under the radar and manifest into serious health problems later on. This scenario is often the case when it comes to cardiovascular and respiratory problems.

We will look at ten things that might indicate you are not quite in the shape you thought. Of course, we suggest proven methods to help overcome these situations.

1. Feeling Breathless

Feeling breathless is one of the many symptoms of asthma and other chronic lung diseases. However, it is also one of the many signs that you may not be in as good a shape as you think. And this is especially true if you’re feeling breathless after completing simple tasks, such as going for a walk or climbing a single flight of stairs.

According to Dr. Cordelia Carter, a sports orthopedic surgeon, feeling breathless, aside from asthma and other chronic lung diseases, is a sign that the cardiovascular system is working much harder to supply oxygen to muscles to help keep pace with a sudden increase in physical activity.


Start exercising slowly and build up from there. Even walking for 10-15 minutes per day provides benefits. It will get easier as you go! You can do it. Take those first steps!

2. Back Pain While Standing

Aside from diagnosed back problems, back pain while standing is yet another common sign that one might not be in as good a shape as they think.

Back pain while standing often indicates that the core and back muscles are weak.

In many cases, this form of back pain stems from poor posture or leading a sedentary lifestyle. According to Dr. Nadya Swedan, a physical medicine and rehabilitation specialist based in New York, the best way to resolve back pain while standing is to perform various abdominal exercises.


Try yoga. This gentle exercise can improve back and core strength. Yoga is ideal if you are shy about hitting the gym. Master the techniques online and get started from the privacy of home!

3. Sore Arms

One of the many signs that might suggest an individual is not as in good a shape as they think are sore arms regarding the upper body. In most cases, this will become evident if they suddenly start playing sports, such as baseball or football, after living a life void of physical activity. In short, the soreness most people experience is a byproduct of the shoulder muscles not being well-conditioned.


Start a dumbbell workout routine that builds your arm and shoulder strength. Start with a weight that’s comfortable for you. Even a one-pound weight helps you get back into the habit of exercising. You can work up to heavier dumbbells from there as you see improvement.

4. Rapid Heart Rate While Resting

If you have a rapid heart rate while resting, it could be another indication that you are not in shape. This heartbeat results when the cardiovascular and respiratory system has to work harder to circulate blood to vital organs and throughout the body.


This situation sometimes results from a sedentary lifestyle. However, it could signal an underlying medical condition, as well. See your doctor so that they can rule out any concerns. Once they give you a clean bill of health, ask them if doing cardiovascular exercise three times a week could help you lower your resting heart rate.

5. Frequent Injuries

Not surprisingly, individuals who are not in shape are more prone to injuries than those who are. Frequent injuries are often an indication that your muscles are not well-conditioned. Or, they may indicate that you may have one or more muscle imbalances.


Restorative yoga and other light stretching exercises can help lower the risk of suffering painful and frequent injuries. You may reduce your risk of injury by improving your overall flexibility. (You will feel much better, too!)

6. Getting Tired Easily

Feeling extremely fatigued after performing light exercises or normal daily activities is a good sign that you are not in shape. If this happens, it means that your cardiovascular, respiratory, and nervous systems are all working much harder than they typically do.


Try a combination of alternating between both aerobic and strength training exercises to help boost your energy levels.

sleeping next to someone you love

7. A Weak Upper Body

Individuals who do not exercise regularly typically have weak upper body strength. As such, many will find lifting objects up their chest or over their head difficult.

Similar to activities that involve the use of your legs, those that require using upper body muscles can put a strain on both the cardiovascular and respiratory system if you’re not used to them. Additionally, this could be true if you haven’t worked with them for some time.

And this can lead to sore muscles as well as fatigue.


Include upper body strengthening exercises in your weekly routine. If you are fit enough, try incorporating kettlebell moves. A kettlebell routine targets every part of your body–and they are fun to do. Furthermore, the cardiovascular and respiratory system won’t have to work as hard, which means you will have improved energy.

8. A Weak Lower Body

People who are not in shape will notice that they lack strength in their lower body muscles. And they notice this shortfall if they try to perform lower body exercises all of a sudden. The weakening of the lower body can also lead to a back injury due to improper lifting techniques, according to doctors.


Are you just getting starting an exercise routine? Then try to do 10 squats every other day, then work up to 15, 20, etc. You can find some more challenging leg exercises here on the Power of Positivity when you are ready.

9. Difficulty Sleeping

Insomnia and other sleep disturbances aside, most individuals who are not in shape find getting a good night’s sleep difficult. Generally speaking, difficulty sleeping means that you haven’t exerted enough energy during the day to tire yourself out at night. And this is often the case for those who lead a sedentary lifestyle.


Recent research emerged that reveals the exercise that best promotes a good night’s sleep — a HIIT workout. After twelve weeks of high-intensity interval training (HIIT), study participants fell asleep faster and enjoyed improved sleep quality.

10. Feeling Sore For Days After Working out

If your entire body feels sore for days after working out, it might indicate you’re out of shape. Even after an intense workout, soreness typically subsides after a few days. If you still feel sore after several days, your body needs more time to adjust to being physically active.


This feeling is normal. You are not alone.

Many people feel tender or achy after exercising. They suggest you treat yourself to ice on the impacted area, don’t work those muscles again until the soreness subsides, and massage the tender spots.

in shape

Final Thoughts on Getting Back in Shape

Regular exercise is essential for good overall health. Have you skipped exercising recently? Or are you altogether new to working out?

Then you should carefully listen to your body and perform exercises on par with your fitness level. Of course, you should also seek the advice of a physician or personal trainer before you embark on your new program. Once your doctor gives you that green light, you will be on your way to getting back in shape.