You Might Be an INFJ If You Notice These 5 Things

INFJ is a personality type that stands for introverted, intuitive, feeling, and judging.

Those with this personality type are often called an advocate or idealist. They are gentle, creative, caring, and passionate about the things that mean the most to them.

While INFJ’s are introverted, they are also sensitive to the feelings of others. They have concrete values and morals that they don’t tend to stray from, and they are hopeful for the future. This personality type is rare, with only 1-3% of the population falling into this category.

People who fall into this category are good at turning ideas into reality. They might daydream about their plans, but they get moving without waiting too long. Their goal is to make a positive change in the world around them and the lives of others.

If you think that you might be an INFJ, some signs will confirm it for you. You will notice differences between yourself and the majority of other people. Recognizing the signs can help you tap into the benefits of this personality type.

Breaking Down the Four Letters

infjINFJ is a mix of four different personality traits.

I means introverted. If you are an INFJ, you are introverted, meaning you enjoy and require time alone and like to limit social interaction. You will need time to reflect and ponder your ideas before taking action.

The N stands for intuitive, meaning you focus on ideas instead of fact. You will depend on your senses to figure things out and find meaning. Instead of focusing on facts or data, you focus on how you feel internally.

F stands for feeling, and it means that you make decisions based on feelings over anything else. You will view the situation from different perspectives by being empathetic, considering the thoughts of others, and look for a way to create balance. Above anything else, though, you will focus on feelings when making your decisions.

Lastly, the J stands for judging, meaning that you prefer plans and organization over spontaneity and flexibility. You will prefer thinking or observing when it comes to relating to the outside world. This behavior makes you seem logical or empathetic.

Five Signs You Are An INFJ

Do these traits describe you?

1. You Are Encouraging and Creative

If you have this personality type, you likely encourage others. Plus, you are creative, so you tend to urge people to tap into their creative senses, too. You dedicate time to uplifting others, and you view everyone as equals.

Another sign is that you empower others to think independently and urge them to test out their ideas. You won’t like having to come down on people if you are their career superior, either. Instead, you might find yourself trying to develop a different solution, using compassion and imagination.

INFJ personality types use their creativity to solve problems and move forward. You might dress creatively, too, preferring flowy or colorful pieces.

Creativity often flows through various mediums, and you will enjoy spending time alone developing your skills. You likely enjoy writing, creating, music, or other forms of art.

2. You are Soft-Spoken, Empathetic, and Passionate

INFJ’s have strong emotional understanding, allowing them to be soft-spoken and empathetic. They have a firm set of beliefs that they are passionate about, and they will easily become passionate about other people’s problems, too.

If you are like this, you might notice that you have a heightened awareness of people’s feelings. The heightened awareness and empathy make you more forgiving of those you are close to. Sometimes, you are so in tune with other people’s feelings that you are less aware of yours.

You will become so passionate about things that you pursue them single-mindedly. Speaking up for what is right, even if you do so softly, comes naturally to you, and you will advocate for others. You also tend to know what people need, even before they realize it themselves.

Those with this personality type will use creative methods to help inspire and convince others of a cause. Once you have done this, you will be dedicated and determined, and the cause will begin to define you.

3. You Form Strong and Meaningful Relationships

If you easily form strong, meaningful relationships, then you likely have this personality type. While you might be a natural introvert, developing deep relationships will also be natural. You will be good at expressing yourself, but only with those that you are closest to.

Your closest friends will be long-lasting and loyal, and you will always want what is best for them. You are a good listener and likely give good advice, too. Additionally, you will value sincerity, honesty, and authenticity in your relationships.

One of the reasons they form strong relationships is because they value meaningful conversation. Through meaningful conversation, they can help others with their creative insights and thoughts. People feel comfortable in your presence and willing to discuss deeper topics like secrets, fears, and dreams.

You are likely known for being trustworthy, too, so people know that you won’t repeat their secrets. Your trustworthiness is another reason that people are at ease around you.

As a warm and sensitive person, people will be attracted to you and want to spend time with you. Since you take such good care of other people, though, you sometimes forget about yourself.

pop meme4. You Focus on Personal Concern When Making Decisions

Objective facts are great, but you will value personal concern over fact in most situations. You are insightful and in tune with your feelings, and you know what you want or need in life. Chances are, you make your decisions by thinking of ideas and theories of what could work based on your self-reflection.

Focusing on personal concern is partly to do with your deep beliefs and convictions. Since you become emotionally involved in your decisions this way, you will be good at communicating and convincing others.

When deciding on a person in your life, you will rely on your emotions around them. If they don’t make you feel good, you won’t want them around as often. However, if they bring about good or calming emotions, you will enjoy your time spent with them.

Despite what the person has achieved or what others think of them, you form your decisions based on your emotions. Intuition is often the deciding factor for you.

5. You Understand That There is Good and Bad in the World

Understanding the world in this way shows that you are an INFJ. You will be more in tune with what is going on around you because you are looking for ways to make things better. Making things better is your goal because you know that it can improve, and you stay hopeful always.

You will likely think or talk about things like human nature or the meaning of life. Thinking about these topics will further your recognition of good and bad in the world around you. You likely believe that everything has a meaning, and you often reflect on the significance of small events.

Another reason you can understand that there is good and bad in the world because you always see the big picture. You’re always ahead because you have a plan and know that everything will work out. Having this mindset allows you to recognize the good moments in your day, despite anything else that has happened.

How Others View INFJ People

You already know how you view yourself, but you might not know how others view your personality. People will often think you are quiet, caring, sensitive, and a good listener. Those that are closest to you will know that you are complex and have rich inner thoughts.

However, those who don’t know you won’t recognize this in you because you keep it to yourself. People that aren’t close to you will think that you are shy and private.

Additionally, those that don’t know you well might think you are hard to get to know. People will likely be surprised when you speak up for what you believe in, too, since you are usually quiet and reserved.

infjFinal Thoughts on the Traits of an INFJ Individual

If you recognized any of these behaviors in yourself, then you might be an INFJ. While there are many benefits of this personality type, you will experience challenges, as well. Recognizing the behaviors can help you steer them in a positive direction, though.

Using these characteristics to your benefit can help you become more focused, confident, and successful. Since everyone is different, learning about your differences is essential to making them work for you. Embrace who you are and the personality that you have because you can use it for positive changes.

Consider the complications that you might encounter as an INFJ, and make a plan for overcoming them. Doing so will help you navigate your unique personality type, making it beneficial to you. Remember these signs as you go through your daily life and embrace the things that make you different.