inspiring quotes

10 Awesome Inspiring Quotes About Life To Get You Through Anything

Pain and suffering are unfortunate, but necessary, aspects of living a wholesome life. Pain teaches lessons and suffering teaches gratitude. Although lessons and gratitude are invaluable gifts, many people become lost during their journey through such vexing emotions. Inspiring quotes can help to bring people out of their pain and ease their suffering.

Inspiring quotes about life help people to see through the fog of own misery. Additionally, inspiring quotes from beloved public figures and the treasured stories they share can evoke a sense of comfort. If you find yourself in a period of misery and pain, you will find 10 awesome inspiring quotes below that can get you through your darkest of times.

10 Inspiring Quotes

1. “There is no greater gift you can give or receive than to honor your calling. It’s why you were born. And how you become most truly alive.” – Oprah Winfrey

When your soul feels defeated and your emotions are bruised, the bright light to hold onto is your calling. There is a divine purpose for your birth and following that will breathe new life into your soul.

2. “One of the most important keys to success is having the discipline to do what you know you should do, even when you don’t feel like doing it.” – Unknown

Success is the sum of efforts made every day. Discipline is the drive to do what needs to be done even when you don’t want to. Practicing discipline on a daily basis can become the foundation of all of your future success.

3. “The self is made, not given.” – Barbara Myerhoff

An important thing to remember is that who you are is not determined by others. You create yourself every day of your life. If you want to be kinder, wake up and be kind. If you want to be more successful, wake up and work harder. You are the creator of yourself.

4. “Go where you are celebrated – not tolerated. If they can’t see the real value of you, it’s time for a new start.” – Unknown

It is far too common for people to remain in a situation where they don’t feel appreciated. This stubbornness can lead to feelings of stress and anxiety. Don’t remain in a situation and around people who don’t appreciate you. Instead, dedicate your time to those who appreciate your presence. Don’t be afraid to start over with a new group of friends.

5. “In order to succeed, your desire for success should be greater than your fear of failure.” – Bill Cosby

This quote taps into the fear of failure that we all possess. Our fear of failing at something constantly has the power to stop us from even trying. The way to overcome your fear of failure is to latch yourself onto an even stronger force – your desire to succeed.

6. “Lean forward into your life. Begin each day as if it were on purpose.” – Mary Anne Radmacher

Life isn’t meant to be simply survived. It is meant to be lived. You are meant to thrive. Instead of waking up every morning and doing the bare minimum of tasks to get through your day, lean into your day. Each day you wake up is a gift. Treat it as such and live it as if you were meant to have it.

7. “The best revenge is massive success.” – Frank Sinatra

There are people who will try to ruin your day. They will try to hold you back. Or try to tell you that you can’t do it. They will hurt you and try to make you feel worthless. Rise above their cruelty and focus on your own success. Proving all of them wrong and succeeding despite their best efforts will be the best revenge you can have.

8. “People who use time wisely spend it on activities that advance their overall purpose in life.” – John C. Maxwell

If you wish to be successful, you must learn to wisely manage a proper amount of time to dedicate to that success. Your success and your purpose in life should be one and the same. When you begin to dedicate yourself to your purpose, you will find that you have more success.

inspiring quotes

9. “I am thankful for all of those who said NO to me. It’s because of them I’m doing it myself.” – Albert Einstein

When you rely on others to achieve your goals, you are giving them power over you and your goals. This also means you have to share in the accolades and sense of accomplishment. It is better to do things for yourself so that the success of your goals lies only in your hands.

10. “There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you.” – Maya Angelou

Maya Angelou is famous for her inspiring quotes and her inspiring quotes about life. Here, Maya is reminding everyone that the painful and dark parts of your life can be turned into beautiful stories. These stories can help guide others when they’re experiencing a dark time of their own. The more you share your story, the less it will hurt you.

Inspiration and motivation can come from the most unlikely of places and the most astounding of people. If you found comfort and solace from these inspiring quotes about life, don’t hesitate to share them with your loved ones who are also experiencing a dark period in their life.

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