
12 Ways Introverts Can Increase Their Extrovert Power

The battery life of introverts tends to be shorter than that of their extrovert counterpart. So how can introverted people find their inner extrovert power and recharge that battery? The key is finding what works best to boost yourself back to a healthy place, and you will find that quiet time often does the trick. 

Some individuals find that social events drain their resources quicker than anything. There may be phases in your life where you have recharging issues, which can run you down to the point of getting physically ill. Once you master how to recharge your batteries, you will find that you live for these moments when you can gain strength and shut off the chaos and noise around you. 

Twelve Ways an Introvert Can Increase Their Extrovert Power

Almost every household has a toolbox. In this box are things like a screwdriver, hammer, drill, and wrench. Each box is different based on the needs of the home. Introverts need a similar “box” of tools that helps them recharge their batteries.

Your needs are different than the person next to you, so your box of tools to boost yourself is diverse. Here are some everyday things that introverts need to utilize to recharge themselves. 

introverted person

1 – The Introvert Must Occasionally Spend a Day on Self-Care

Quiet time for you might mean spending the day at the spa. Many introverts need time for self-care, as it helps them to regroup. Self-care means different things to different people, so you must decide what works best for you. 

Some folks like to spend their “me day” doing yoga, sitting by a lake with a book in hand, or taking a walk in the park. Whatever activities help you feel pampered–you should engage in them. Sure, it’s a little indulgent, but you deserve it. Plus, it’s going to pay you back tenfold as it’s going to help you recharge.

2 – Binge Watch TV

While watching a television show isn’t always the best activity, it can help you to calm down and recharge. If your introvert batteries are near depletion, you may not want to do any activities that require thinking.

Watching TV is great for those who don’t have the brainpower to work through a Sudoku or another puzzle. Enjoying a great show doesn’t require much thought, and laughter is always good healing medicine. 

3 – The Introvert Must Take a Social Media Break

Many introverts find that social media drains the energy right out of them. Sure, you’re connecting with family and friends, but you’re also ingesting a lot of negativities. Rather than scrolling through these pages, why not get outside? Looking at memes is amusing if you don’t have to scroll through all the other garbage to see them. 

4 – Spend Time in Nature

The benefits of nature are vast. Introverts need quiet time, and nature provides ample opportunities for such relaxation. When you’re among the birds, bees, flowers, and trees, you can detach from the stressors of the world around you and recharge your batteries. 

For extra benefits, take your shoes off and walk barefoot, allowing you to feel Mother Earth’s cold against your feet. You can find a nice spot to escape the extrovert-centric society you live in and recharge your batteries while resting your mind. 

5 – An Introvert Needs Rest

If it’s nighttime, you can rest, but there’s nothing wrong with a good power nap during the day, either. Sleep can do wonders for someone who needs to recharge, as you awaken feeling refreshed. 

You can adjust your sleep schedule to accommodate your introvert hangover, which may include going to bed earlier, taking a nap, or sleeping in longer than usual. Ensure you don’t sleep in too late, as it can make you feel worse when you get your circadian rhythm off kilter. It’s a commonplace for you to feel tired after you’ve lost your energy, so what better way to power up than some rest?

6 – Hang Out with Friends or Family Members

Chilling with some of your best friends or family members may be a good recharge their extrovert powers. Although, this is inadvisable for someone extremely depleted. Everybody needs someone to whom they can vent, share philosophies about life, and exchange good conversations. 

While it doesn’t take much energy, it will require a bit from you. However, being around someone positive can be more healing than quiet time for some folks. 


7 – Journaling and the Introvert

Whitney Barkman is a blogger and introvert. She struggled for many years to make it through the day until she discovered how she wasn’t doing what she needed to thrive. Now, she educates other introverts on the importance of quiet time and other solitary activities. 

One thing Barkman highly recommended that helped her was journaling. First, she loved journaling because she could complete the entries alone. Second, it provided an escape. It became the place to release her thoughts and anything weighing her down and draining her resources. 

The best part about journal writing is that you can write whatever you want, and no one will judge you. It’s very commonplace for introverts to hold back their true feelings, so this provides a much-needed outlet. 

8 – Shut Yourself Behind Closed Doors

Introverts can often find their extrovert power at home. Getting out and about is too much for some introverted folks when their batteries run low. A simple activity like closing your bedroom door and enjoying the silence may be all you need. 

Some introverted folks describe it as a full-blown introvert hangover when feeling depleted. Your home base is healing for you, and it’s the spot where you feel safe and secure from what’s happening around you. So go ahead and shut the world out for just a tiny bit, as it will give you the necessary downtime. 

9 – Avoid Sensory Stimulation

Sensory stimulation is a significant energy drain for introverts. There’s no such thing as some quiet time after loud sounds, bright lights, and nauseating aromas. A study published on Research Gate found that introverts and extroverts both process sensory stimulation diversely. 

Going to a supermarket with the bright lights, crowds, and registers chiming might not bother some people, but you may find it exhausting. It would help if you had an introvert sanctuary to help you recharge, and it’s not going to be a shopping mall or grocery store, which the extrovert may prefer. 

10 – Read a Good Book

Curling up with a good book is a great way to divert your mind from the world around you and recharge. It’s common for people with this personality to enjoy spending time in their heads. 

Your inner world can be quite a fascinating place to explore, and it’s very healing and energy-boosting to visit. Books help you to dive deep into your brain, and since this is a solo activity, it’s one way to enhance your battery life. 

11 – Clean and Organize Your Space to Satisfy Your Introverted Tendencies

Cleaning your space doesn’t sound like much fun, but it’s often just what the introvert needs to recharge. An unorganized area is often a depiction of your inner mind. It’s best to declutter your mind and space if you need to recharge. 

12 – Mind Off, Hands On

Maybe your batteries aren’t too low, but you still need activities to help you turn off your brain for a few minutes and allow quiet time. Mindless activities like gardening, knitting, drawing, painting, pottery, or making candles can be beneficial. It will enable you to focus on something other than life and your troubles and give your brain a rest. You can spend this as quiet time or play soothing music to hum along. 


Final Thoughts on How Introverts Can Improve Their Extrovert Power

When collecting tools for your introverted toolbox, you will find that the tiniest things make the most significant impact. Introverts are notorious for having a shorter battery life than others, and there’s nothing wrong with your differences. It would be best if you learned how to channel your energies properly and when it’s time to take a break. 

Nature is the best place to start if you’re struggling to take a break and shut off the chaos around you. There’s something healing about being surrounded by wildlife, having the sun kiss your cheek, and the crisp breeze blowing across your skin. If you’re not a nature person, don’t worry, this list provides several other options to regroup and recharge. 

Did you find any tools you can use? You may have to try a few of these tips before you find the ones that work best for you. However, once you fill your toolbox, you’ll have many options when you feel depleted and regroup.