january 2021

Cosmic Views for January 2021

Happy New Year! This is one year we’re all happy to see the end. The cosmic views for January 2021 promise that the year ahead has promise. But before things get back to normal, we’ll need to go through a transition. The Full Moon occurs on the 28th, eight days past the presidential inauguration. It happens in Leo, and it will square Uranus and oppose Jupiter. Put on your seat belts. A lot will be going on the first week. Saturn and Jupiter are conjunct in Aquarius, and they bring structure to the government and our lives.

The Saturn Jupiter conjunction happens every twenty years, but they have not been this close for 400 years. Aquarius rules freedom, rebellion, friendship, and humanitarian causes, and as we all know, too many Americans need financial help.  On January 14th, Uranus stations direct and squares the JupiterSaturn conjunction bringing about a change in authority.  Wherever you have Aquarius in your chart, you will experience change.

I glanced at the U.S. chart, and Saturn and Jupiter made a grand trine, so this conjunction brings good things to the U.S. and certainly better communication. Mars enters Taurus on the 7th and conjuncts Uranus for the rest of January 2021. Be careful. This combination creates accidents or sudden happenings. Take things slowly and don’t be in a hurry. MarsUranus is dangerous because it speeds everything up. The trine between Mars and Venus until the 23rd helps to keep things flowing without much effort.  Neptune square Venus diminishes reality and gives power to your ideas for the first week. Hope will be high.

Mercury goes retrograde on the 31st, and communication will be off, so check your appointments. For now, hard work and the practical side of life is needed to advance. Whatever you have, be grateful, and that gratitude will help you advance and attract abundance and opportunity.

Aries (March 21st – April 20th)

January 2021 cosmic viewsFor an Aries, the last few months have not been easy. Your ruler, Mars, has been in your sign since July. That’s almost six months, and it was retrograde for a major part of it. The good news it enters Taurus on January 7th, 2021, and you get some relief. However, it does conjuncts Uranus, the planet of the unexpected, immediately. It will be there for the rest of the month, so life will not go as planned.

The zig-zag is the pattern, and it’s happening to keep you off-center. And in so doing, it forces you to connect to your instincts and your deeper truth. Listen to your heart, not your fear, and all will be fine. You are headed in a new direction, and you can’t fight it. If you do, you’ll just hold yourself back. Don’t be afraid of the unknown. It’s the place of greatest possibilities. There is a relief.

Venus and Mars are in trine until the 23rd. This brings peace and ease in accomplishing what you desire. Mercury goes direct on the 31st, so if you have contracts to sign, try, and do them before it begins. Mars squares Pluto and brings up your anger.

However, that’s only because you won’t let go. Don’t hold on to the past. Look ahead and start to create a new vision of your life. Fantasies are strong until after the 7th, when Venus moves past Neptune. You can’t build on delusions, so look for the truth and hold on to it. On the 9th, Venus enters Capricorn, and your social life improves. You won’t be alone if you don’t want to be.

If you’re in a relationship, things are difficult. But if it’s a good relationship, it will survive. If you’re single, you may fall in love from a distance. There’s a part of you that’s afraid of opening up your heart in January 2021.

 Taurus (April 21st – May 20th)

Taurus is a sign of love and luxury, and it is the generator of our desires. You begin January 2021 with Venus square Neptune, so a word of caution. Don’t let your dreams and fantasies take you too far away from the truth and reality. Keep your hope high, but don’t take your feet off the ground.

Reality returns on the 7th, when Venus separates from Neptune. The Mars-Venus trine lasts until the 23rd, and it allows you to get things done with ease. Mars energizes and activates your motivation, and Venus makes it an enjoyable experience. The Saturn Jupiter conjunction in Aquarius and your 10th house brings attention to your career.

There’s a major change when it comes to your profession or goals initiated by you. Get out of your routine, and the world takes on a new glow. Venus enters Capricorn on the 9th and makes a trine to Uranus. You’re open to a new path. Chances are, you’ve been playing with those thoughts for a while.

The Full Moon in Leo activates the home and those living with you. If you have issues with anyone, it will arise now. Don’t get angry — listen. Once someone is heard, they will listen.  Uranus stations direct on the 14th. The change you’ve been working on is in motion. Embrace it with confidence.

When you’re committed, nothing stops you. Mars squares Pluto, ruler of your house of relationships. If you’re in one, for the moment, it’s challenging. Pluto doesn’t budge even when it’s wrong, so have patience if you want things to work. If you’re single, it’s not a good time to connect to someone new unless you don’t expect much. The block won’t last for long, and when the door opens, you won’t have trouble getting attention.

Gemini (May 21st – June 20th)

Geminis are communicators, and they make great middle-people. You are that person who pulls everything and everyone together and gets the job done. January 2021 starts with challenges. With your ruler, Mercury, caught between the Sun and Pluto, you feel boxed in and unable to do your magic. Everyone wants things their way. Of course, you prefer to follow your instincts and should, just don’t talk about it.

With Uranus stationing direct on January 14th 2021, so it makes a square to Saturn and Jupiter in Aquarius. Your ideals, or what you are aiming for, is changing. Who you want to be or become is taking on a new shape. Perhaps you’re more in touch with yourself because you are aware of what’s in your heart. Embrace it.  When you come from your truth, the magic happens. Venus begins this month with a square to Neptune and a trine to Mars from the 9th to the 23rd.

Don’t be misled by the ease with which some things happen. The square from Neptune can be misleading. Fantasy is strong, and so is delusion, so proceed with caution. However, the tine to Mars makes things work without effort. The Full Moon on the 28th in Leo affects siblings and communication. If there were problems that were not discussed, they could arise at this time. With Saturn and Jupiter in your 9th house of ideals and truth, you may find yourself questioning old beliefs — update them.  As you change, so does everything else.

If you’re in a relationship, it’s been transforming. Uranus shakes things up without your permission. When things settle down, you’ll have a new vision of where things stand. If you’re single, it’s a great time to experiment and date many different people. Pay attention to what you like and don’t; it makes life easier in the future.

Cancer (June 21st – July 22nd)

Cancers are sensitive, creative, and internal. It’s not easy to get this water sign to trust, at least not quickly. You’ve got to earn your way into their inner circle. With the Full Moon in your 2nd house of finance and values, on the 28th, your attention is on your finances.

Your earning power is improving. Uranus trine the Sun, ruler of your 2nd house, makes whatever you need to know very clear and unavoidable. Act quickly. Things are not static. With Jupiter and Saturn in the 8th house, you are the catalyst of change, no one else. There’s a part of you that yearns for it, and now you won’t have a choice.

Venus this month is square Neptune and trine Mars. The square to Neptune exaggerates your fantasies and ideals. However, the trine to Venus helps you get things done with ease.  Keep your feet on the ground, and you’ll be fine. Uranus stations on the 14th in Taurus and squares the Jupiter Saturn conjunction. The struggle is to bring uniqueness out into the world and integrate it into your personality. It’s time to expose your true nature and stop protecting it. You have so much to offer. All you need is confidence.

Uranus trine the Sun early in the month brings change. Venus enters Capricorn on the 9th, and relationships improve. Venus finds a way to connect, no matter what’s happening. If you’re in a relationship, it has not been easy, either because of the challenges you both have faced or because one or both of you are not the same. Take your time to figure things out. If you’re single, you want a relationship. You want to connect and have someone who cares about you. If you love yourself, you’ll attract love. Stay positive.

Leo (July 23rd – August 22nd)

Leos love to work, and in January 2021, they won’t be disappointed. With three planets in their 6th house square Mars, there may be more than you can handle. Try not to overload your schedule with what’s not essential. Keep your time free for what needs to get done. Pluto square Mars makes something important to you feel stuck. Someone or something won’t budge. Don’t push too hard. They’ll just dig in deeper. You’ll have a better chance of getting your way if you wait until the energy shifts.

Uranus stations direct on the 14th and squares the Saturn Jupiter conjunction in your 7th house of partnerships. Your work conflicts with your personal partner if you have one, and partners, in general, may be an issue now. They may be too demanding, or you disagree with the vision of where things are going. Neither of you wants to compromise, and that’s a problem. Neptune square Venus makes you idealistic, come back to reality, and compromise.

With Mars trine Venus, you get a lot done, but it won’t be everything the way you want it. However, certain things will flow, and it makes your life easier. Mars enters Taurus on the 7th and sets off your house of career. Your focus is on getting work done or finding the right job to make you happy. As it conjuncts, Uranus around the 18th, whatever you thought was going to happen, doesn’t, at least not the way you thought. Things change. And that’s not a bad thing. Get past your disappointment and see what the universe brought you.

With Saturn and Jupiter in your 7th house of relationship, you’re getting a mixed message from partners, both business and personal. Don’t trust what’s not clear.

Relationships are challenging, and you need patience.  If you’re single, get ready to meet new people that will both excite and confuse you. Have a good time. Clarity will come with time.

leoVirgo (August 23rd – September 22nd)

Virgos love to be in control, but with the Full Moon in your 12th house on the 28, that’s not an option. Expect the unexpected in January of 2021. How you respond to whatever happens will determine the outcome. Remind yourself that you actually love chaos – it helps you become focused.  Just trust your instincts, and you’ll do fine.

The SaturnJupiter conjunction in Aquarius in your 6th house of work brings a change in that area. The pressure is to expand and consolidate. Slow down and realize that you can do both if you know how to discriminate or subdivide.

Uranus stations direct on the 14th and makes a square to the SaturnJupiter conjunction. Don’t make an important decision until after this date. How the month begins is not how it ends. Expect your schedule to be crazy, but you’ll be fine. Life is being reorganized, and the only way to cope is to accept the change. Mars enters Taurus on the 7th and trines Venus on the 9th when it enters Capricorn. It’s a fabulous aspect for getting things done with ease. Yin and yang are in harmony. Neptune is square Venus for the first week of the month and fantasy rules, not logic.

Try and postpone important decisions until after the 7th. Mars squares Pluto until the 7th and creates opposition — don’t accept the challenge. They’re stubborn and won’t budge if you wait until things get better after the 7th.

If you’re in a relationship, it is idealistic for the first week. However, things could shift drastically after that. It doesn’t have to be difficult, just more practical. If you’re single, you could fall in love the first week of the month, but if it’s not the right person. You won’t listen to that inner voice because you’re infatuated. Learn from it all.

Libra (September 23rd – October 22nd)

Libras struggle with their ego. You either rule the world or feel you have nothing to offer, and both feelings are experienced in the same hour. Your confidence is based on the faith you have in yourself. When you believe, others do too.

The Saturn Jupiter conjunction in Aquarius is in your 5th house of children and your sense of authority. Are you in charge of your life? Have you given your power away to others? If you have, it’s a good time to take it back. Owning your power doesn’t mean you always choose to do things your way. It means that you know what you want, and the choice to give or receive is yours, not someone else’s. Uranus stations direct on January 14th, 2021, and squares the Jupiter Saturn conjunction.

What changes is how you feel about yourself and how you handle power. See your flaws so you can fix them, but don’t judge yourself. Support yourself. Single or married, new people are coming into your life, and they instigate change. Home life gets a lot of your attention.  You will be focused on your comfort and where you live. Someone in your life causes you anxiety because they’re stubborn and won’t budge.

You’re stubborn, too, so make sure your position is worth the lack of harmony. With Neptune square, Venus, idealism reigns for the first week. Don’t get too lost in fantasy, or you’ll crash when reality reenters and changes the picture. The Full Moon in Leo is on the 28th, and it shakes up your house of friendships. Someone you care about is in a crisis and needs your help.

If you’re in a relationship, your partner is very stubborn and refuses to hear what you have to say. If you’re single, you’re going to have a good time, but some things make you wish you had the right partner.

Scorpio (October 23rd – November 21st)

Scorpio sees below the surface. It’s why they make great psychologists and detectives. With the Saturn/Jupiter conjunction in your 4th house, what needs examining is your home-life. How private are you, and how much are you willing to change things if others desire that change? It may be time to unlock one of those closed doors.

Communication during is essential throughout January 2021. You are totally capable of getting your ideas across when you need to. The square from Venus to Neptune, the first week of the month, puts you in a state of fantasy. Don’t let it influence your decisions. After the 7th, your feet will be back on the ground.

Uranus stations direct on the 14th and squares the Saturn Jupiter conjunction. Change is happening within you and without. Don’t fight it, adjust. Since Jupiter rules your 2nd house of finance, you may change how you’re investing your money. It’s important to examine this area of your life and see its strengths and weaknesses. Scorpios are masters at finance when they want to be. Your ruler, Pluto, has had a lot of company, but it is now alone to finish up its journey through Capricorn.

This month Venus will keep you company, but then it moves on. Pluto moves slowly and digs up what’s hidden s you know what’s going on and who you want to stay in touch with. When you want to get involved, you do. With the Full Moon on the 28th in Leo, your 10th house, your goals and career will be highlighted, and an opportunity may present itself. However, it’s not possible to accept without change.

If you’re in a relationship, partnerships continue to be challenging. But that’s because nothing stays the same for too long. If you’re single, you’ll feel vitalized and eager to meet new people and enjoy yourself. And the good news is, I think you will.

Sagittarius (November 22nd – December 21st)

Sagittarius is the sign of the seeker. What it’s seeking is the truth about itself. When you place yourself in a strange environment, it separates you from others, and you’re forced to see yourself with new eyes. Wisdom comes from encountering differences, and that’s why travel is so satisfying.

The Saturn Jupiter conjunction happens in your 3rd house of communication. This is a time in your life when what you say gets the attention of others. Uranus stations direct on the 14th  and makes a square to the Saturn Uranus conjunction. It sets off your values and your finances, forcing you to pay attention to the changes that need to be made.

It’s easy to get lost in routine, even if the pattern annoys you. Change is a lot more difficult. It takes thought and risk. However, it is happening with or without your consent. Mars is moving to conjunct Uranus, and from the 18th to the 24th, you could be outwardly angry. Not a bad thing if you don’t take it out on an innocent party. Your vision is clear, and you are operating closer to the center of yourself. When you come from that place, everything becomes clear.

The Full Moon on Januar 9th,  2021, in Leo brings issues of ideals and goals to a head. You’re not willing to move forward without clarity, or it could be a waste of time.

If you’re in a relationship, you will meet an obstacle early in the month and then move beyond it if you have patience. Yes, you’ll be tested. If you’re single, you’ll be occupied with personal issues and not have the mind for new experiences. Too much on your plate – at least until after January 2021.

Capricorn (December 22nd – January 19th)

Capricorns are moving toward a major change in how they earn their living. With Saturn and Jupiter in their 2nd house of finances, change is inevitable in square to Uranus. The battle is more about expansion vs. safety. Find the balance between taking a risk and playing it safe.

What it indicates is the battle to expand and do it safely. Jupiter is expansive and takes risks. Finding the balance between these two energies is always a challenge. There’s a comfort zone, and you’ll feel it. Mars square Pluto and Mercury make moving forward challenging. The world you encounter is not fluid. There are old patterns, fears, and set ways to overcome – and that’s in others, not just yourself. However, overcome them, you will.

Be careful from the 18th to the 24th when Mars is conjunct Uranus, a very accident-prone or angry time. Get the tension out through exercise, don’t drive fast or text when in the car. Pay attention. It’s only for one week so that you can do this.

Venus is square Neptune until January 9th, 2021, and idealism is high. You could be in the clouds and not grounded. Nothing wrong with fantasizing, as long as you don’t make any important life decisions. The trine of Venus to Mars from the 9th to the 23rd gives you ease with projects and things that need to get done.  When these two planets are in harmony, life flows. The Full Moon in Leo on January 28th, 2021 brings investments from others to a head.

If no one is investing, then it can take a supportive expression. Don’t let the negativity of others get in the way of your goals.

If you’re in a relationship, it’s you that has trouble being present, not them. You’re busy, and if you want a good relationship, take some time to be present. If you’re single, it’s the same advice. You’ve got too much going on to worry about meeting someone. But then that’s exactly when you do.

Aquarius (January 20th – February 18th)

Aquarius gets attention for the next six months. With Saturn and Jupiter conjunct in their sign, they are at the center of change. The square these two planets make to Uranus, your ruler, indicates that change is not easy, and you know what has to be done. Do it. This is your time. The challenge of the moment requires one to let go of the past and be in the present.

There are times in our lives when a reset is not possible. You have to begin from where you are and work forward. With Venus trine Mars from the 7th to the 23rd certain areas of your life advance without effort.  When these two planets are in harmony, yin and yang work, and magic happens.

However, Mars squares the ruler of your career for the first six days of the month. Nothing moves. Once Mars enters Taurus on the 7th, the energy changes, but it also has an explosive quality. It makes a conjunction to Uranus, the planet of the unexpected. For the rest of the month, things may happen suddenly and beyond your control.

Don’t rush ahead. Slow things down. It’s important to move forward with caution and play it safe. Mars and Uranus are explosive when they get together and can cause accidents, so drive slowly. The Full Moon in your 7th house brings relationships to a head. Any hidden tension will find its way to the surface. Don’t avoid the problem. Deal with it, or it will just come up again.

If you’re single, life is crazy, exciting, but not steady and sure. Enjoy meeting people and have fun. What happens, happens. This is not a time for long-term plans.

january 2021 cosmic viewPisces (February 19th – March 20th)

Pisces is challenging because of what you believe you create. Thus, the challenge is to think positive and have faith in yourself and the universe. If you lose your faith, you close the door of possibilities. The Saturn Jupiter conjunction happens in your 12th house, the house of the unconscious.

Whatever happens, January 2021 is beyond your control and difficult to understand. Give it time. You seek certainty, but as a Pisces, the only certainty exists through faith. Thus, you must believe in yourself and your destiny. To become a creator, you have to play with life, participate, take risks, and see what happens. When you conquer fear, it’s fun.

Mars enters Taurus on the 7th and conjuncts Uranus. This adds to more unpredictability to the moment. It lasts for the whole month. Don’t make too many plans and don’t be in a hurry, because accidents are more prevalent with this aspect. Be careful, and don’t speed. With Neptune square Venus for the first week of the month, fantasies are high, and it’s easy to escape into dreams.

On the 9th, Venus enters Capricorn and makes a trine to Mars. This helps turn uncertainty into good outcomes. Mars square Pluto for the first week of January 2021 creates opposition when it comes to friends and your ability to express what makes you special. Someone is in the way, but it shouldn’t stop you. Don’t let anyone determine who you are.

If you’re in a relationship, things are intense and challenging for the moment. It’s not an easy time for both of you. If you’re single, you may find yourself hanging out with friends. You want to feel the connection, not have to make one.