johnny depp

Bartender Explains Why Every Man Should Know About the Johnny Depp Shot

An undisclosed bar created a shot named after Johnny Depp to help men who feel unsafe or spot potential abuse. The pub posted a flyer in the men’s bathroom listing various ways to order the “drink.”

After a customer took a photo of the sign and posted it online, it quickly went viral. Of course, the Johnny Depp shot isn’t a drink. Instead, it’s a code word that male customers can use to alert bar staff that they need help. Male abuse victims often suffer in silence and get overlooked in the United States. However, men can experience physical, emotional, and psychological trauma in intimate relationships. It just doesn’t occur as frequently as domestic violence against women.

However, the National Crime Victimization Study from 2003-2012 revealed that men comprised 24% of domestic violence victims. In addition, the nonprofit organization National Coalition Against Domestic Violence (NCADV) reported that a partner had injured about 4% of men. 25% experienced violence such as pushing, slapping, or shoving, while about 11% became victims of severe abuse.

Sadly, many instances of domestic violence go unreported, especially against men. Men may hesitate to report intimate partner abuse out of shame or fear law enforcement won’t believe them. Or, they might brush it aside and hope things will improve. However, putting pride before safety can lead to dangerous outcomes.

Men should always report domestic abuse cases and get the help they deserve. Thankfully, awareness of male abuse continues to grow, as evidenced by the Johnny Depp shot. The code word became popular after the defamation trial between Depp and ex-wife Amber Heard. Both parties accused each other of spousal abuse.

In the end, the jury found both Heard and Depp guilty of defamation. However, Depp denied all allegations of physical and verbal abuse. We may never honestly know what happened behind closed doors. Still, the case highlights the importance of advocating for male abuse victims.

What Every Man Should Know About the Johnny Depp Shot

johnny depp

The Johnny Depp shot aims to spread awareness about women who abuse men. It happens more often than you’d think, so bartenders wanted to step in and help. An unknown tavern posted the sign about the shot in the men’s bathroom. That way, the code word would remain discreet so female abusers wouldn’t know about it.

The flyer stated that the Johnny Depp shot aims to keep people safe. Underneath that, it read: “Feeling unsafe or scared, just come to the bar and order a Johnny Depp shot.” The sign stated that you could order the “drink” in three ways:

  • If you tell this to a bartender, they will escort you out of the pub.
  • On the rocks. Bar staff will call a taxi for you in this case.
  • With lime. If you say this code word, bartenders will call the police on your behalf.

At the bottom, the flyer said: “We will handle things discreetly and without fuss.”

The Johnny Depp shot is the male equivalent of the angel shot, which aims to help women in abusive situations. The angel shot concept came about at a small bar in Lincolnshire, England, in 2016.

There, bartenders told patrons to “Ask for Angela” if they felt unsafe or uncomfortable. Upon hearing this, bar staff would know that the customer needed help escaping a dangerous situation.

In the U.S., the angel shot became popular after bartender Benji Spears made a viral TikTok video about it. In the video, he performed a reenactment of someone ordering the “shot” in three ways. The descriptions for each variety are the same as the Johnny Depp shot.

Benji explained that angel shots have become more common in bars nationwide. Hopefully, the idea for the Johnny Depp shot will also start catching on.

How Readers Reacted to the Johnny Depp Shot Concept

Many commenters agreed with the idea, stating that men experiencing abuse should also have a code. However, others thought the shot praised Depp despite his ex-wife accusing him of abuse.

One Reddit user said, “Feel safe with a shot named after the man involved in the most famous abuse trial in history.”

“I like the sign but wouldn’t be glorifying Depp,” another stated. “It’s also kinda dumb because your abuser could hear you order it and figure out exactly what it means. Pick a less obvious name.”

“I do agree that everyone should have access to a discreet system by which they can alert the bartender for help,” another user commented. “This is the exact opposite of that. ‘Gosh, you know what we should do? Complicate the Angel Shot code by using the name of someone literally everyone knows was involved in a trial talking about abuse recently!’”

Fans of Johnny Depp had this to say about the shot:

  • “This is awesome! Finally, we are seeing equal help for male victims. Wish I had this so many times in my life,” one reader said.
  • “This is so incredible and why it’s important that he stood up and we continue to spread awareness for the issues he brought to light,” another user commented.
  • “How very commendable and I hope copied by many. The time has long passed for this to stay hidden. Abuse is abuse regardless of gender. All in need, please seek help,” someone else said.


Final Thoughts on Bartender Explaining the Johnny Depp Shot

Like the angel shot for women, the Johnny Depp code aims to help men experiencing intimate partner abuse. Or, perhaps, they feel uncomfortable or unsafe while on a date. When a man orders the shot, it alerts the bar staff that they need help immediately. Depending on what they say, bartenders will escort them out of the bar, contact the police, or call a taxi.

The Johnny Depp shot became famous when an unknown tavern posted a flyer about it in the men’s bathroom. A patron took a photo of it and posted it online to help men in abusive situations. Now other bars are following the cue, and this concept will save lives and raise awareness about male victims of intimate partner violence.