juice recipes

18 Healthy Juice Recipes That Make Your Immune System Stronger

To avoid getting sick, you need a robust immune system. Incorporating specific vitamins, minerals, and nutrients in your diet can strengthen your immunity. And there’s no better way to load up on the good stuff than by trying these juice recipes.

There are countless options for fruit and veggie combinations that taste good and provide lots of benefits to your health. Here are 18 healthy juice recipes that make your immune system stronger.

18 Juice Recipes to Keep Your Immune System Stronger

1 – Apple, Celery, and Parsley Juice

The pure juice makes use of high antioxidant levels in apples and celery to give your immune system a positive boost. Antioxidants fight free-radical-based damage, which helps aid the immune system and keeps it working vigorously.

Parsley, on the other hand, contains a type of essential oil that is inherently antifungal and antibacterial, so its addition to this juice (and any juice) helps immunity a ton!

All you need to make this juice are a few ingredients:

  • One apple
  • Four celery stalks
  • One parsley bunch, including stems
juice recipes
Learn the science behind why you actually should eat an apple a day.

2 – Apple, Carrot, and Orange Juice

The combination of apples, carrots, and oranges mixes several nutrients to create a winning immune-boosting mix that tastes great – a good mix of sweet and tart. These nutrients include:

  • Vitamin A
  • Vitamin C
  • Folic acid
  • Potassium
  • Vitamin B6

There isn’t much needed to make this juice. Just use:

  • One apple (Granny Smith preferred)
  • Two carrots (large, with the tops trimmed off)
  • One orange 

3 – Ginger, Lemon, and Turmeric Juice

This juice recipe can pack quite a unique flavor punch, and it’s the kind you’d sip slowly in tiny amounts, but it tastes surprisingly good for something so unabashedly healthy!

Ginger is a powerful superfood with positive benefits thanks to its antioxidant, antibacterial, and antimicrobial content. Turmeric, also from ginger, is also potent and contains a considerable number of antioxidants, allowing it to reach an Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity of 127,068. And, of course, lemons have lots of vitamin C.

The ingredients you need for this recipe are:

  • One inch of ginger, fresh
  • The juice of one lemon
  • One inch of turmeric, fresh

4 – Honey, Mango, Orange, and Strawberry “Mocktail” Juice

You don’t need alcohol to have a delicious drink – and the fact that this boosts the immune system makes it even better! Both fruits come with plenty of nutrients, like:

  • Vitamin A
  • Vitamin C
  • Folate
  • Vitamin E
  • Iron

The recipe requires more ingredients than usual:

  • Two tablespoons of honey
  • One mango, frozen
  • Half a cup of the juice of an orange
  • Ten strawberries, frozen
  • Two tablespoons of lime juice
  • Ice cubes

To make the mocktail juice, blend the ice cubes, fruits, and lime juice first, pour into glasses or a container, then mix the rest separately. Add a dash of sparkling water between the first and second layers of drink if you want them to combine smoothly.

5 – Apple, Carrot, Cucumber, Pineapple, Orange, and More Juice

This juice may need a lot of ingredients, but it features all our favorite immune boosters in one. You need:

  • Five apples, medium (Gala preferred for taste)
  • Four carrots, medium
  • One cucumber
  • Two inches of fresh ginger
  • One lemon
  • One lime
  • Two or three oranges 
  • Two cups of fresh pineapple
  • Half a red beet

6 – Clementine, Grapefruit and Orange Juice

This juice recipe is the ultimate vitamin C provider. Vitamin C is rich in antioxidants and is a known immunity booster. It also has positive effects on the production of lymphocytes (white blood cells) and phagocytes, both of which aid in infection prevention. 

Nutrients in this juice include:

The recipe requires:

  • Four clementines
  • Two oranges
  • One grapefruit
  • Half a lemon

7 – Apple, Beetroot, Carrot, Dandelion, and Greens Juice

Yet another excellent method, this juice makes use of a unique ingredient: dandelion greens. (Don’t worry, they’re safe to eat!) Dandelions flush the system of excess toxins and fluids and are mild diuretics (so keep that in mind if you have bowel issues). The recipe requires:

  • One apple, medium
  • One beetroot, small
  • A carrot, medium
  • Half a cucumber
  • Eight stalks of celery
  • A bunch of dandelion greens, a small amount
  • One garlic clove, small (optional)
  • A half-inch cube of ginger
  • Four leaves of kale, large
  • A handful of parsley, a small amount (optional)


8 – Kiwi, Mint, and Strawberry “Smoothie” Juice

Not a fan of oranges, grapefruits, or other familiar sources of vitamin C? Kiwi and strawberry fruits are packed with vitamin C, too, giving you great benefits with a yummy smoothie. Yes, there’s some orange juice here, but trust us, you won’t notice! Great nutrients from this juice include:

  • Vitamin A
  • Vitamin C
  • Folate
  • Vitamin B6
  • Magnesium
  • Zinc

Ingredients include:

  • Two kiwis
  • Two sprigs of mint
  • Six ounces of strawberries, frozen
  • Five ounces of Greek Yogurt (strawberry-flavored preferred)
  • Eight ounces of juice from an orange 

9 – Cardamom, Carrot, and Orange Juice

This juice recipe is perfect for a spicy drink. Carrots have a lot of beta carotene in them, which protects against free radicals while providing loads of other vitamins and essential nutrients. 

Cardamom, on the other hand, is an excellent spice for warming you up. It contains eucalyptol, which fights inflammation, and on the whole, cardamom fights oxidants and microbes.

To make this recipe, you need:

  • One teaspoon of cardamom
  • Three or four carrots
  • Two oranges

10 – Celery, Kale, and Tomato Juice

Buckle up, because this juice and its added ingredients down below sound a bit weird at first. It’s designed to mimic a bloody Mary while emphasizing the taste of kale. The horseradish sounds odd, but the anti-inflammatory benefits of it are worth the try! Other nutrients from this juice include:

  • Vitamin A
  • Vitamin C
  • Iron
  • Fatty acid
  • Magnesium
  • Potassium

The recipe involves:

  • Two tablespoons of juice from a celery
  • Two ounces of juice from kale
  • Five ounces of liquid from a tomato
  • One teaspoon of horseradish, prepared
  • A dash of hot sauce
  • Two tablespoons of juice from lemons
  • One tablespoon of soy sauce

To make it, mix the soy sauce and horseradish, then add tomato juice until well mixed. Add the rest after and stir.

11 – Spinach and Tomato Juice

This juice is packed with protein and made for maximum iron absorption – the spinach provides the iron while the tomatoes help its absorption. To make it, you need:

  • One handful of spinach, a large amount
  • Two tomatoes
  • One lime or lemon
  • Four sprigs of basil (optional)

12 – Apple, Kale, Lettuce, and Spinach Juice

This is a typical green juice recipe with the addition of fruits that add a level of tastiness overall. With all its rich components, the juice provides:

  • Vitamin A
  • Vitamin C
  • Calcium
    • Vitamin B6
  • Iron

To make it, you’ll need a good number of ingredients:

  • One green apple, medium
  • Two stalks of celery, medium
  • Two leaves of kale
  • Four heart leaves of romaine lettuce (or two outer leaves)
  • One cup of spinach
  • Half a cucumber, medium
  • One slice of ginger (quarter-sized)
  • Half a lemon rind
Research reveals surprising benefits you’ll reap by eating lemons.

13 – Cucumber, Kale, and Pear Juice

There’s a reason cucumber and kale are so common in green juices. Kale is packed with antioxidants, and vitamin C and cucumbers provide a ton of low-calorie hydration. Meanwhile, pears are rich in vitamin C, too – and commonly known for their ability to reduce lung inflammation and provide cough relief.

To make this juice, you’ll need:

  • One cucumber
  • One kale bunch
  • A pear

14 – Beet, Carrot, Ginger, and Turmeric Juice

This juice uses its four root ingredients to fight inflammation, thus providing aid to the immune system. If you have a disorder that involves a lot of inflammation, you’ll get even more benefits – including the positive thinking that comes with reduced pain! The juice has excellent nutrients such as:

  • Vitamin A
  • Vitamin C
  • Calcium
  • Vitamin E
  • Iron

The ingredients are:

  • One beet, medium
  • Three carrots, medium
  • One inch of ginger
  • Half a lemon
  • One orange
  • Two inches of turmeric
  • A pinch of black pepper, freshly ground
  • A pinch of cayenne pepper

To make the juice recipe, blend everything except the peppers first and stir the peppers in once done!

15 – Mint and Watermelon Juice

Watermelon is an excellent source of hydration and provides amazing immunity benefits, and if you’re dealing with muscle pain due to the flu, then it can relieve those, too. Nutrients include:

  • Vitamin A
  • Vitamin C
  • Magnesium
  • Zinc

Here’s what you need to make this recipe:

  • One or two tablespoons of mint leaves
  • One watermelon, medium
  • A pinch of black salt 
  • A pinch of chaat masala (or similar spices)

Blend the mint and watermelon first, pour into a glass, then sprinkle the salt and spices on top! 

16 – Beet, Plum, and Red Cabbage Juice

This purple juice is the perfect amount of sweetness to counteract the bitterness of the cabbage. 

Beets are famous for their nutritional value, with lots of minerals, nitrates, and antioxidants, and plums have a lot of phenolics, which are components that are anti-inflammatory as well as natural antioxidants. Finally, there’s red cabbage, which is full of nutrients that have tremendous benefits!

The recipe requires:

  • Two beets, medium
  • A quarter of red cabbage, medium
  • Four plums

17 – Tomato Juice

A simple tomato juice that requires no blender can be all you need to help your immunity. Tomatoes contain:

  • Vitamin A
  • Folate
  • Vitamin C
  • Iron

All you need are tomatoes, but adding a bit of black pepper or salt can elevate the flavor. Other spices are great to add, as well, like:

  • Celery salt
  • Paprika
  • Flavored salt
  • Onion powder

Prepare the tomatoes by washing, removing the core and ends, and cut into quarters. Allow to simmer on a saucepan for half an hour or till tender, then press through a sieve. Add spices, and you’re done!

18 – Carrot, Grapefruit, Ginger, and Mango Juice

This juice focuses on delivering vital antioxidants and fighting inflammation. It’s got a good balance of spice and provides a tart but tasty kick! To make it, you need:

  • Four carrots, large
  • Two grapefruits
  • One inch of ginger
  • Two cups of cut mango
  • A pinch of cayenne, ground
  • A quarter teaspoon of turmeric, ground

To make the juice, mix everything but the turmeric and cayenne in a blender or juicer. Then, once done, mix in the last two ingredients!

juice recipes
Learn how to make ginger wraps to flush toxins.

Final Thoughts On Some Juice Recipes That Make Your Immune System Stronger

Juices don’t have to be boring to be healthy. This article alone shows you so many great juice options that cater to all sorts of tastes and preferences. Keep your immunity healthy and get a great drink out of it, too!