life change

7 Considerations Before Making a Life Change

Making a significant life change is something that requires planning and consideration. It can be scary, but it’s also an exciting time. Regardless of your age, life-changing adjustments must be well thought out.

Making a change can be the best thing you ever do, but it isn’t something you should do on a whim. As you grow into the best version of yourself, you’ll want to explore all life offers. Whether it’s a new career, a cross-country move, or any other significant change, it’s a big deal, and you shouldn’t take it lightly.

Think about the benefits and consequences before making any decisions either way. You might decide to keep things as they are now, or you’ll go ahead with the change. Either way, there will be pros and cons involved, so make sure you consider both situations.

Seven Essential Considerations Before Making a Significant Life Change

These essential considerations will help you decide if you should make a life change or stick to what you’ve got right now. You won’t know which option is best until you think everything through, and it all depends on your situation. Work your way through the considerations, keep an open mind, and be honest with yourself.

life change

1. Can You Achieve the Goal?

Ask yourself if you can achieve the goal associated with your life change. If you doubt yourself even a little bit, you likely won’t make it. Your thoughts guide your life, so you must be confident that you can achieve the goal before changing.

Pay attention to how you talk about the situation, too. Using words like “it would be nice…” implies that it isn’t possible. With that thought, you won’t be able to make that wish come true.

However, saying things like “it is nice” shows that you believe it is achievable. There’s no limit to what you can do with the right mindset, but you must believe in yourself first.

Believing in yourself isn’t the only thing to consider when deciding if you can achieve a goal. You also have to think about your talents and dedication. While passion is essential, you must also have the necessary skills and be ready to do the hard work.

You might love doing something but lack the talent to make it a career. While you can develop your skill set, you also must have something that sets you apart in the field. Everyone has different strengths, so consider yours when it comes to a change.

2. Can You Test the Process?

Before making a significant life change, you must determine if it’ll work long-term. Start with baby steps before you make drastic changes to see if you can sustain them. Each goal you achieve is a method of testing the process, no matter how small the step was.

When you build on the small steps you’ve achieved, it shows that the change can work. You’ll need dedication to keep going, but taking small steps shows you have what it takes. If you haven’t taken baby steps, you aren’t ready to test the process, so making a significant change would be detrimental.

You don’t want to make a change prematurely and then find it doesn’t work. It’s sometimes hard to go back once you’ve shifted your path, so test it out and ensure you can succeed.

3. Is the Change Familiar Yet Original?

A well-balanced mix of familiarity and originality is necessary to find success in your plan. Sticking with something familiar will help you feel safer in the process. You don’t want too much uncertainty, or you’ll experience overwhelming fears and anxiety.

However, you won’t grow much from the change if it isn’t original. You’ll need originality and unfamiliarity to help lead you in a new direction. You’ll know you’ve found a good balance when you experience surprises and delights.

Studies show that learning new knowledge is easier based on what you already know. A firm foundation to build your unique ideas is essential for successfully making a significant life change. The originality will stimulate your brain to grow, and the comfort of the familiar will give you confidence as you go forward.

4. Does the Life Change Align with Your Identity?

A significant change requires adapting a little, but you must stay true to who you are. It’s exciting to explore new possibilities that have nothing to do with your identity, but they can hinder your progress. This situation is another one where balance is essential.

Your changes should align with your identity but still allow you to grow. You’ll want to step out of your comfort zone while staying true to who you are. Staying true to yourself isn’t to say that you should pass over every drastically different opportunity, but you must consider how it’ll affect your life.

As you consider your identity, think about the people who love you now. While they want to see you do well and find happiness, they also want you to stay true to yourself. Consider how the change will affect those closest to you because your lives are intertwined.

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5. Is It Worth the Cost and Effort?

A significant life change will result in both rewards and costs. Whether the price is tangible or emotional, you’ll want to consider whether the reward is worth it. If the prize doesn’t seem worth it at first, see if there’s a way you can make it all work out.

When you consider the reward compared to the cost ahead of time, you might be able to adjust. If finances are involved, you’ll want to ensure you can afford the change and sustain the long-term expenses. However, if you can’t afford it and continue living as you are now, you’ll either need to avoid the change or decrease your costs.

If you want to switch careers, you’ll have other aspects to consider, including health insurance. If your current employer offers an insurance plan, you’ll want to factor in the cost of paying out of pocket before switching jobs.

Additionally, you’ll want to consider the effects that a significant change can have on your family. If your change jeopardizes their healthcare, home, or overall well-being, it might not be a good idea.

6. Does the Life Change Align with Your Values?

You will never feel fulfilled if you don’t stick to your value system. It might look like you’re living a good life, but you will always feel like you’re falling short. To avoid feeling this way, consider whether the change aligns with your values.

However, it might be complicated to determine if the change aligns. The things you believe in aren’t always straightforward, so you’ll have to contemplate this question. Even if your values aren’t as socially accepted, you must follow them, or you’ll feel like an imposter.

Come up with a list of things you can’t accept. Then, make a list of the things you can’t live without. From there, brainstorm some of your deeper values that don’t immediately come to mind.

Before changing, take the time to delve within and consider every belief you have. You don’t want to be taken aback later on when you realize you aren’t comfortable with something.

7. What is Your Motivation?

You must figure out the reason for what you are doing before making a significant change. Think about what motivates you and why you’re doing what you’re doing—figuring out your “why” can help you make a change that will be meaningful and beneficial for your life.

If your “why” is to escape a situation that weighs heavily on you emotionally, then you can weigh the pros and cons. Plus, it’ll help you find a better position elsewhere because you won’t settle for another emotionally draining situation. In this instance, it might even be worth it to take a pay cut so you’ll be happier.

Once you’ve determined your motivation for wanting a change, you can see if it’s worthwhile. If you end up having the same experience either way, a significant difference might not be necessary. Remember that every situation has negatives.

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Final Thoughts on Essential Considerations Before Making a Significant Life Change

Making a significant life change is exciting, but you must make sure it’s the right choice. You can use the above questions to consider whether to change or keep things as they are now.

Once you’ve answered these questions, you will have the necessary information to make the best choice for you and your family. Don’t resist change, but do your due diligence and think it through before taking drastic measures. Whatever you decide to do, make sure you’ll be happy and find success.