life lessons

20 Hilarious Posts from the Internet’s Funniest Grandma

The hilarious internet grandmother Myrna Tellingheusen has been tweeting about life lessons since 2015. She’s been making over 150K followers laugh daily with her sarcastic, witty quotes and satirical wisdom. In fact, Myrna mostly enjoys making fun of the stereotypes that older people encounter in life.

For instance, she jokes about making jello molds for holidays and the audacity of single-ply toilet paper. If you need something to brighten your day, this wisecracking grandma won’t disappoint!

She’s earned a reputation as one of the virtual world’s most charming, entertaining personas. However, no one knows the true identity behind the account. Some of her followers believe the lovable woman dishing out life lessons actually exists somewhere. Of course, a few others think she’s simply an imaginary character.

Whatever the case, the mystery surrounding the user’s identity makes the posts even more likable. It’s fun to imagine if some famous comedian or retired English teacher runs the account. On the other hand, perhaps it’s really a grumpy, snarky old grandma wanting to share her opinions with the world.

No matter who runs the hilarious Twitter account, it will surely put a smile on your face. Below, we’ll share some of her best quotes, life lessons, and humorous puns.

20 Amusing Life Lessons from This Hilarious Internet Grandmother


1. We can all do our part to make this world a better place. Let’s start by ditching the brightly colored and plaid golf pants!

2. Most grandparents remember the good old days without smartphones. At least you can never lose a landline!

3. One of the most difficult life lessons to learn involves the art of listening. This grandma knows it doesn’t get any easier as you get older.

4. Who said progress means making everything noisier and faster? Maybe going back to the past wouldn’t be so bad after all.

5. There’s nothing like shopping from the comfort of your recliner. Young people could take some advice from this wise grandmother!

6. It’s always awkward trying to tell visitors to leave politely. Saying, “We should probably go to bed so our guests can get home,” can clear the room in no time.

7. We often make fun of older adults for going to bed so early. But maybe we could take a few life lessons from them.

8. We live in an era of technological advancements, which comes with a few downsides. Perhaps we need to remember the important life lesson of appreciating simple things.

9. This grandma knows the importance of releasing pent-up emotions. You should always keep a can of anger next to the coffee, just in case.

10. The world’s funniest grandmother is full of life lessons to share. Slathering more butter on something can solve even the toughest problem.

11. We’ve all heard that chocolate comes from plants, technically making it a salad. The sage grandma offers us a similar life lesson: eating more bacon obviously makes you healthier.

12. Maybe he’ll learn how to make “special” brownies next! We don’t doubt they’ll be delicious, just like the jello shots.

13. Does anyone remember when we started needing a code to eat somewhere, anyway? Old-fashioned paper menus need to make a comeback soon!

14. It seems the world’s funniest grandma caught us red-handed. But are you even living life if you don’t drink on weekdays?

15. We all remember seeing this story on the news. Since our elders know a thing or two about surviving deadly pandemics, we should probably listen to their advice.

16. Doctors undoubtedly have stressful jobs, and some patients only add to their burdens.

17. Grocery stores everywhere should learn a few life lessons from this grandma’s advice. Laundry detergent never goes in the same bag as tomatoes, for starters.

18. Young Grudge has a nice ring to it, don’t you think? What would your rap name be? Let us know in the Facebook comments!

19. Most people learn the valuable life lesson of keeping their homes clean at an early age. We have a feeling this grandma’s home is spotless.

20. Life moved so much slower when everyone cooked at home. Maybe it’s time we get back to a life without meal kits!

A Little More About Myrna’s Twitter Persona

Her Twitter account offers a few details if you’re wondering about the comical grandma’s background. Retired from a job as the executive secretary for Mr. Stanley Bogenshoots, Senior Vice President at Hughes Aircraft. She retired from the company and now lives a simple, quiet life in Southern California.

She bought a home in the sleepy town of Rainbow, just north of San Diego. Her mission on Twitter involves making social media more fun and less serious. Myrna hopes to remind people about the importance of humor because of all the hurt in the world.

Myrna credits her nephew Lyle with helping her gain a following on Twitter. He downloaded the app onto her computer one day so she could share her no-nonsense advice. One thing led to another, and she was tweeting almost every day. She seems to have endless opinions and life lessons to offer her audience. And it doesn’t appear that she will stop tweeting anytime soon!

Indeed, this grandma believes that she can provide answers for every problem plaguing society. She said, “if people would only heed [her] advice,” perhaps the world would make more sense.

life lessons

Final Thoughts on Tweets from Grandma to Make You Laugh

We could all stand to laugh more in our stressful world. Thankfully, the internet’s funniest grandma came to the rescue with her witty, carefully crafted tweets. She’s been posting sarcastic quotes and opinions since 2015 and seems to have plenty more to share. She likes to spend most of her time making fun of the stereotypes older people face.

Myrna also enjoys calling out young people for their poor choices and venting about those who use margarine instead of butter. You’re sure to find something relatable in her tweets. On the other hand, maybe her wit will remind you of your grandmother. Make sure to share your favorite post from Myrna with us on Facebook!