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14 Secrets to Cultivate Love In A Long Distance Relationship

Sometimes life gives you challenges that seem impossible to beat. Being in a long distance relationship is one of those challenges. You may be located in a faraway country or might be in a different state. Regardless, a long distance relationship is what you make it. Furthermore, you must work extra hard to cultivate those sparks of love.

Many people get into relationships for various reasons. Still, in order to keep the love healthy in a long distance relationship, all you need to make it work is genuine affection and attention. This being the foundation of any relationship, you also need to consider other aspects that will always keep the fire blazing.

Life has so many things that need to be put into consideration each day. This is why you need to stop what you’re doing for a minute and consider the importance of your spouse. The distance may be a limiting factor, but you can close that enormous gap if you give it the right energy.

In any case, thousands of close distance relationships always seem to head south. Indeed, whether your spouse is merely an inch away from you or miles apart, the outcome can lead to a break up if you aren’t doing the right things.

How to Keep the Love Strong in a Long Distance Relationship

Here are some of the most useful tips you can employ to keep the love strong in your long distance relationship.

1. Make Frequent Phone Calls

There’s no need to sugarcoat how hard it is to be away from the person you love. This physical barrier is why you should always show your special person how much they mean. Indeed, this gratitude is something that you must express often.

You don’t have to make ten phone calls a day all the same since you don’t want to look desperate and creepy. All you need to do is schedule some time during your regular 24 hours to make that one special call.

2. Send Morning Texts

Long-distance couples go through several challenges, just like any other couple. You may have a busy schedule, clocking in early for work and leaving late. Your occupation and life responsibilities shouldn’t hinder you from communicating with your love.

This is why you need to text your spouse in the morning before you begin your day. The thought of him/her waking up to your morning text can be both touching and romantic.

3. Send Photos of Your Day

Pictures can speak a thousand words. Your faraway spouse or partner may be going through a tough day. However, once they get a photo message from you and of you, everything can change. A photo of your loved one can brighten up their day. You can also text images of what you’re doing instead of always sending a picture of yourself.

4. Schedule Date Nights

Well, you and your spouse may not have a chance to plan for an actual physical date, but who said that all dates require physical presence? The best thing about being in any relationship is making fun memories together.

Ideally, you and your special someone can make plans to watch a similar series at the same time or even video call each other. This planning will make both of you feel closer to each other.

5. Send Gifts

Those distances can separate you and your loved one, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t take time to do things for each other. You can always do some gift shopping, put it on a courier, and have it mailed to the love of your life.

Sending each other gifts can ultimately show that you think about each other in the long term. Be thoughtful about what you present to them. Here is an example. Does your spouse like to wear watches? If they do, why don’t you surprise them with one as a gift?

6. Send A Care Package

Sending a care a package to your spouse miles away is a fun way of letting them know that you have them in mind. Whenever I used to have international conferences, I could get to receive a care package from my partner, and that made all the difference.

The main idea of the package was to get me in high spirits as I was trying to guess what it could be. This an excellent way to show your partner that you care about them.

7. Pay Attention On Phone Calls

Couples that are together in a long distance relationship tend to spend long hours on the phone together. This is understandable because it’s not like they get the chance to see each other every day.

The big issue about being on long phone calls is that you can easily get distracted by the television or something else. In that case, it’s vital to maintain the flow of the conversation by giving each other undivided attention.

8. Crack Jokes

Laughter is the best medicine. Knowing how and when to crack relevant jokes to your spouse can leave both of you on the ground laughing. On my faraway travels, I could occasionally send memes to my spouse, which could leave her cracking up.

There’s always a special bond shared from laughter, and this is what you want to maintain. All in all, knowing that your partner is happy is the best feeling ever.

9. Surprise Visits

Sending a packaged gift to your love will certainly leave them feeling warm and loved. Even so, replacing the gift item with yourself is the master of all surprises. You have to admit, choosing a gift to send is probably harder than going as the gift yourself.

You can even choose to pull this off on a special occasion such as an anniversary or a birthday. After all, you need to be together and get closer to each other. Try at least not to go more than three months without seeing each other face-to-face.

10. Keep Your Texts/Emails Romantic

Keeping the romance and love alive in a long distance relationship is probably one of the most challenging tasks. This is because you can easily find yourself deeply engrossed in your own life by carrying out various duties and responsibilities on your daily calendar.

Either way, you need always to make sure that you are sensual and romantic in such conversations. The best way to accomplish that goal is simply by calling them by the sweet names that they like or even use personalized love phrases in a text conversation.

11. Voice Chat and Video Calls

Being miles away from your partner doesn’t mean that you can only text and email to maintain the connection. In addition, you can choose to communicate with your partner through video calls and voice chats.

This communication can give them a better visual as compared to photos. Hearing your partner’s voice is also an excellent way to enjoy the beauty of their vocals. The technological world of today has made it easier to do so through various applications that facilitate the same.

12. Love Through Scent

Couples that have been away from each other for a long time can always miss the smallest of things about each other. These things may be their cry, laughter, reactions, and even personal items.

Whichever your case may be, you can use the scent of your perfume or cologne as a way of showing your love. This can be done by directly spraying the scent on a gift or item that you want to send, which will create intimacy on a higher level.

13. Remind Each Other of Past Memories

Several long-distance couples get one or two opportunities to meet and spend some quality time together. Even with the limited chance offered, you can take note of the good times and share them whenever you go separate ways again.

long distance relationship

Be it going for dinners out, meeting over coffee, or even sleepovers, reminding your loved one about those moments will keep them hooked on your love. In any case, it’s important to commemorate memories with your partner that probably meant the world to both of you.

14. Share Your Innermost, Deepest Thoughts

Every day from the moment you awaken to the time you go back to bed, there are thousands of thoughts that flitter through your mind. Not all may be relevant to your spouse, but sharing the important ones can stretch your intimacy further.

You may choose to do so through snail love mail, email, or even in texts. Your most profound thoughts are personal, and so letting your partner know about them can make them feel a whole lot more special.

quote about long distance relationships

Final Thoughts on Continuing to Spark Love in a Long Distance Relationship

Dating the love of your life from a long distance can have ups and downs, just like any other relationship. It’s best to always keep in mind that relationships can never get easier regardless of the distance.

This is not to say that they’re always difficult to handle, but to show that you can always take your intimacy to the next level by making the right choices for each other.