sweet potato

Yes, You Can Lose Weight By Eating Sweet Potato – Here’s How

Are you looking for a new, nutritious way to amp up your weight loss? You may believe that sweet potatoes are nothing but a carbohydrate-loaded treat, but that couldn’t be further from the truth. If you’re trying to lose weight, the nutritious sweet potato can help you slim down. There are many ways to enjoy this delicious vegetable so you won’t get bored.

Sweet potatoes can be an important part of your nutritional toolbox. The vegetable has exciting potential to increase weight loss and control blood sugar. Read on to discover how you can use sweet potatoes in a healthy diet and watch the pounds melt away.

How to Lose Weight With the Help of the Sweet Potato

Studies Confirm Their Benefits

Chinese scientists recently published a study in the Journal of Food Science that details the weight loss effects of sweet potato. This study showed a decrease in the body weight of mice who were fed a high-fat diet after they began eating 30% sweet potatoes. While human studies have not yet been published, eating sweet potato for weight loss is promising.

Sweet Potatoes Help to Control Blood Sugar

Sweet potato may be high in starch, but it has a surprisingly low glycemic index. Compared to the standard white potato with a glycemic index of 78, sweet potatoes come in at 63.

Glycemic index measures the rate at which starchy foods break down into sugars. This affects the body’s blood sugar levels and can help with insulin regulation. While many diabetics are discouraged from eating white potatoes, sweet potatoes are recommended.

Since sweet potatoes have a lower glycemic index, they make a smart substitution for the white potato. Just be careful to avoid topping them with sugar.

Sweet Potatoes Are Vitamin and Mineral Rich

Eating sweet potato for weight loss is a smart move. These vegetables not only promote healthy blood sugar levels, they also contain an impressive array of vitamins and minerals.

At only 103 calories, a medium sweet potato contains 438% of the recommended daily value for Vitamin A. Vitamin A is important for proper growth and development in the body. It affects the hair, bones, and teeth as well as the reproductive system. The benefits of vitamin A for vision are well-known. Beta carotenoids, the form of Vitamin A found in sweet potatoes, are also powerful antioxidants which protect against cell damage.

Sweet potatoes also contain 37% of the daily recommended amount of Vitamin C. Vitamin C is another powerful antioxidant which helps the immune system fight off disease. It has a beneficial effect on the skin, discouraging wrinkling and sun damage. The vitamin can also help prevent prenatal problems.

Other vitamins and minerals found in sweet potatoes include manganese, (28% DV), Vitamin B6, (16% DV) and potassium. (15% DV)

Sweet Potatoes are Packed With Dietary Fiber

With 3.8 grams of dietary fiber, the sweet potato gives your digestive system a boost. Fiber makes you feel full, leading you to eat less overall. Fiber also promotes healthy digestion and overall health. High-fiber diets are associated with lower body weight and better blood sugar control.

Ways to Get More Sweet Potatoes in your Diet

Take advantage of the awesome effects of sweet potatoes by working them into your healthy diet plan. Use them to replace white potatoes. You can boil and mash them, slice them into tasty oven fries, and add them to soups and stews. You can even try putting a boiled or steamed sweet potato in a delicious smoothie. It’s easy to find ways to enjoy sweet potatoes as part of your weight loss plan.high blood sugar

Final Thoughts

Sweet potatoes may help people lose weight. Since they have a low glycemic index, they help to control blood sugar. They are loaded with carotenoids, which the body uses to make Vitamin A. They are high in other vitamins and minerals as well, including Vitamin C and manganese. They are packed with fiber, which makes people feel full and satisfied. Fiber also promotes healthy digestion.

Substitute the less healthy carbs in your diet with sweet potatoes, and you will notice that you are healthier and happier. Eating sweet potatoes will help you reach your weight loss goals.


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