heartbroken affirmation

20 Positivity Statements to Help Recover from Lost Love

When you try to recover from a lost love, you might struggle to shift your mindset sometimes. Your negative emotions might get the best of you, or you might be angry at yourself. If this is the case for you, these positive statements can help you recover.

It is normal to be sad after experiencing lost love, and there is no timeframe for your healing process. Keep living your life, however, and moving on even amidst the sadness.

20 Positivity Statements to Help Recover from Lost Love

These positivity statements will help you remember all that you have to live for. They can help you see what you should focus on, which will help you recover sooner.

lost love1. I am strong and confident, and I know that I will recover from this.

You can overcome anything as long as you remember how strong you are. Stay confident, and remember that you are a great person no matter what. Hold your head high, and use this affirmation anytime you need a reminder.

2. I am filling my life with positivity as I work to recover.

When a negative thought creeps in, replace it with a positive one. Changing your mindset is much easier after you have repeated this positivity statement, though. Repeat the affirmation each morning, and it will help you look for all the good in your life.

When you recognize the positive things in your day, it will help with your recovery process. You will find little bits of joy throughout the day, reminding you that the world will go on, and so will you.

3. I am open to all of the new opportunities available to me.

When you have lost love, it is hard to pay attention to all the new possibilities you have now. As part of a couple, there are likely things you couldn’t do before that you can now. Instead of wallowing in thoughts of what you lost, look for new experiences that weren’t an option before.

4. I am healing and rediscovering myself as I start over.

As you work on recovering from a lost love, focus on rediscovering yourself. You are continually changing, so now that you have time alone, rediscover who you are and who you want to be. Spend time self-reflecting and improving yourself so that you’ll be ready for anything when the time comes.  o

5. I appreciate the special people that are still with me.

Just because one person left your life doesn’t mean that you are alone. Use this affirmation to think of all the special people who didn’t leave your life. You are surrounded by love, and you don’t need a partner to reaffirm that fact.

6. I love myself no matter what has happened.

It can be easy to blame yourself when your love has ended, but you shouldn’t. Everything happens the way it is supposed to, so don’t beat yourself up over things you can’t control. No matter what the situation is, continue loving yourself and taking care of your wants and needs.

7. I am worthy, and I offer special things to the people in my life.

Despite what anyone says, you are worthy and valuable to those in your life. The people that care about you see what you bring to the relationship, and they love having you in their life. Don’t let one person make you feel like you aren’t good enough.

8. I am living in the present and enjoying the people and things in my life.

By focusing on the present, you are helping yourself recover from lost love. When you take your mind off your pain and heartache, you can experience joy again and embrace each moment.

Living in the present will help you see that your life is more than just what you lost. Plus, it will remind you that you have so much to keep living for. Don’t let yourself become all-consumed in your lost love, and instead, focus on making the present a happy experience.

9. I am giving myself the love that I deserve.

You can’t always count on anyone else to love you in the way you deserve, but you can count on yourself. Use this affirmation as a motivator for self-love and self-care because you deserve it.

10. I choose to live happily, even as I work to heal.

Your life doesn’t have to be perfect for you to live happily. Even as you are hurting and trying to heal, you can still find things to be happy about.

Choose happiness over all other emotions, and do whatever you can to bring moments of joy to your life. You are in control of your feelings, so you are the only one that can choose to rise above the sadness.

breakup11. I am turning this situation into a positive experience.

Even if it initially seems like a negative experience, you can change it to a positive one. By thinking of all the things that you can now do, you have begun the process already. Think of the experience as an opportunity to focus your time and energy on becoming a better version of yourself.

If you think of all that you can do to improve yourself, you will see how the situation can be favorable. Once you find your true love, you likely won’t have this undivided time for self-improvement again, so take advantage now.

Plus, another positive is that now you know that this love was not meant for you. With that knowledge, you can recognize that the right person is still out there for you. Now that you are available for when they come into your life, you can think more positively.

12. I will find true love, but I have to be patient.

When it feels like you will never recover, repeat this positivity statement. It will help you remember that you will find true love when the time is right. In the meantime, continue being patient and using this affirmation to help you recover.

13. I am putting all of my energy into the things going right in my life.

Instead of wasting your energy on the negative aspects of your life, change your thought process. Put that energy to good use by fostering the things that are going well. If you put your energy into those things, you will reprioritize and heal more quickly.

14. I know that there is someone out there that will want me precisely as I am.

If you ever have the thought that you should change who you are, use this affirmation. There would be nothing wrong with you, even if the person that you lost didn’t see your worth.

Someone out there will cherish you just the way that you are. Stay true to yourself, and the perfect partner for you will come when the time is right.

15. I love myself more each day.

Use this positive affirmation each morning as you get ready for the day. Making it a daily habit will manifest it, and you will find that your self-love truly does grow more every day. With self-love, you will recover from your lost love and move forward happily.

16. I have inner peace, and this loss will not break me.

The more often you repeat this, the more accurately it will apply to your life. If you convince yourself that you are experiencing inner peace, it will come true. With inner peace, you are strong enough to overcome, and your loss can’t break you.

17. I am healing, and I embrace the changes happening within me.

As you repeat this, visualize emotional healing. With affirmations and visualization, your recovery process will be much easier.

When you embrace the changes in your life, you can turn them into positive experiencing that improve your life long term. Don’t miss out on the opportunity for a beneficial fresh start.

18. I recognize the beauty and excitement that a fresh start brings.

While endings aren’t always happy experiencing, you can use this affirmation to shift your mindset. Rather than thinking of it as an ending, think of it as a fresh start. You can now do whatever you want to do and work towards your dreams and goals without interference.

Plus, you can go to new places and meet new people. There is an entire world out there, so look for the small glimmers of beauty and embrace the excitement.

19. I am releasing the things that I can’t control.

You can’t control the way someone else feels. When you are experiencing lost love, you must release them so that you can begin to recover. You can only control yourself, so do whatever you can to move on and make a better life for yourself.

20. I am strong, and I will not give up.

Some days will be more difficult than others, but you can’t give up. Even on the most challenging days, you must find the motivation to keep moving forward and living your life. Use this affirmation to encourage yourself to keep fighting.

lost loveFinal Thoughts on Remembering These Positivity Statements to Help Recover from Lost Love

While lost love is difficult to overcome, you can recover. Using these positivity statements will help you get there quicker, and you will heal more effectively. Plus, you will remember to use this time as a beneficial experience instead of letting it go to waste.

When you find yourself struggling, recall the affirmations that resonated with you the most. Repeat them each morning or whenever you need a boost of positivity in your life.